And that big scary “caravan” is not coming to invade anything.
They (women pushing strollers) are coming to claim asylum under UN law of which we are part.
And you can talk all the passive aggressive shit about me you want - I personally think you are insane and need heavy anti-psychotic meds.
(Specifically the kind that control your MIND! Muhahahahaha)
i think you are employing political correctness there
so basically you don't want people to have a rational discussion about the impacts of immigration because to do that would then open up the fact that there is an ideology behind this orchestrated mass immigration
so what you do is you try and shame people into silence by calling them 'racists' for pointing out legitimate concerns about mass immigration
you are trying to hide behind faux-morality but i don't agree that you have the moral high ground
I am all for helping people but they need to be helped in their country of origin and not all flooded into the same geographic locale where things will then become ugly
This needs to be done by tackling the big corporate interests that are decimating those peoples countries of origin