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If a robot and a human do the deed, does the baby come out as a cyborg?
It comes out as a communist Zionist
If a robot and a human do the deed, does the baby come out as a cyborg?
All part of the suppression of the human population etc etc, otherwise they'd be doing a really shitty job huh! Things just keep warming up. Those bastards.
I don't know where you got this from, but the controversy is an invented one...the ruling family in saudi arabia is zionist that's why saudi funded wahhabists in syria never attack israel:
How Zionism Helped Create Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
On the propaganda level, the British served the Wahhabi takeover of Hijaz on three fronts. Firstly, they portrayed and argued that Ibn Saud’s invasion of Hijaz was motivated by religious fanaticism rather than by British imperialism’s geo-political considerations.[20] This deception is propounded to this day, most recently in Adam Curtis’s acclaimed BBC “Bitter Lake” documentary, whereby he states that the “fierce intolerant vision of wahhabism” drove the “beduins” to create Saudi Arabia.[21] Secondly, the British portrayed Ibn Saud’s Wahhabi fanatics as a benign and misunderstood force who only wanted to bring Islam back to its purest form.[22] To this day, these Islamist jihadis are portrayed in the most benign manner when their armed insurrections is supported by Britain and the West such as 1980’s Afghanistan or in today’s Syria, where they are referred to in the western media as “moderate rebels.” Thirdly, British historians portray Ibn Saud as an independent force and not as a British instrument used to horn away anyone perceived to be surplus to imperial requirements. For example, Professor Eugene Rogan’s recent study on the history on Arabs claims that “Ibn Saud had no interest in fighting” the Ottoman Empire. This is far from accurate as Ibn Saud joined the war in 1915. He further disingenuously claims that Ibn Saud was only interested in advancing “his own objectives” which fortuitously always dovetailed with those of the British Empire.
Therefore, it is very clear that the British Empire’s drive to impose Zionism in Palestine is embedded in the geographical DNA of contemporary Saudi Arabia. There is further irony in the fact that the two holiest sites in Islam are today governed by the Saudi clan and Wahhabi teachings because the Empire was laying the foundations for Zionism in Palestine in the 1920s. Contemporaneously, it is no surprise that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are keen in militarily intervening on the side of “moderate rebels” i.e. jihadis, in the current war on Syria, a country which covertly and overtly rejects the Zionist colonisation of Palestine.
Those damn Zionists. Somebody should try and just wipe all of them out already.
I dunno. I'm gonna use my 5ththese are all off topic derailments
I don't know where you got this from, but the controversy is an invented one...
Bitter Lake puts forward a case for exactly that kind of imperialist strategising you describe there (though the it's an alliance between British and American interests).
The Western powers did indeed agree to spread Wahabism on behalf of the Saudis, but all of this I'd very widely known, so I don't know what you're getting at to be honest.
But in general, your geopolitics is off man, and seriously lacking in actual knowledge. I'll look at what you're saying in more detail when I've finished working.
hitler was helping zionism before the war through the haavara agreement where he was facilitating the movement of jews out of germany
they even made a coin to commemorate it:
While factually true, you have no common understanding of basic human-ing principles, and I am not gonna waste my time
ah i see so facts don't matter only your feels?
what a dangerous world you would make where there is no justice
Feels and wants contribute to what becomes a fact. And, also how you feel contributes to how you interpret those factsah i see so facts don't matter only your feels?
Feels and wants contribute to what becomes a fact. And, also how you feel contributes to how you interpret those facts
You don't like anything elite, authority, communism, zionism, anythingism. Which is fine but like.. others might interpret things a bit differently. Although, you're taking your time to provide us with plenty of facts. Those same facts can be interpreted differently.
So, did you just come up with your POV? If not, was it not given to you?the fact is that the people behind those things control the corporate media and education system and through them shape not only what facts you get to hear but how you interprete them
so what i'm saying is your thoughts are not your own, they are given to you
it's called 'perception management'
So, did you just come up with your POV? If not, was it not given to you?
Try me, honey.i've seen information you haven't that came from outside the perception management system
Try me, honey.
Because that's just a recolour of what you're accusing me of being a part of.