K, just, bare with me here kid. A realistic view, my view, that if you understand your own abilities as an introvert you should stay within those abilities less drive YOURSELF crazy
When i was tyring to find various articles online about the 'extrovert ideal' one of the random sites i cam across was a design site. That site was obviously looking at our society through the lens of design...as in designing spaces for living. The article there was making the point that the way our public living spaces are designed are made that way to suit extroverts
That's a pretty random example of what i'm talking about but i think it shows in how many ways the pressure can be upped on certain types
I have spoken about capitalism here a lot and about how i think it degrades people. When i graduated and was thinking about what i want to do for a living i ran through many different possible career options. What i noticed when i looked into various areas was that even jobs that looked like they were good honest jobs on the surface where actually bent out of shape by the system to forward the systems agenda.
One of the key criteria for me in job hunting is that i didn't want to do anything that screwed over other people in any way. When you factor externalities into jobs as well to take into account their direct and indirect affect on the world it actually drastically reduces the number of jobs in a capitalist society that were then suitable.
What i'm saying is that a system that is totally based around PROFIT has a habit of degrading everything else and anyone who engages with it
It's not a system for conscientious people. Now you could look at the figures i posted above about the earnings of different types and you could say ''well the INFJ's aren't doing so great'' but is that because INFJ's aren't smart or is it because INFJ's have taken less well paid jobs in order to live in accordance with their ideals?
So you could judge 'success' in purely monetary terms and say ''INFJ's aren't particularly successful'' or you could apply a whole different criteria to success. You could for example value other things such as: spirituality (how spiritually fulfilled do different types feel?), happiness, health, family life, inner peace, usefulness to society, how much they help other people, how little do they damage the planet etc
If you worked by that different criteria you might suddenly see INFJ's as highly successful people.
But we don't as a society think that way....the dominant culture is a PROFIT based system and that is why we have all the problems we do and the constant war and strife and so on. Our society is riddled with problems...it's not 'successful'
I don't think viewing things this way is 'crazy'...i think putting profit before everything else is crazy
- to your view that because you're an INFJ people fear you and because people fear you -your ideals not mine-
No those are your words not mine. I didn't say people in general would fear INFJ's
I do however think the people who engineer our society are threatened by INFJ's yes....because we don't fit so well into their nice neat tidy boxes. In that film 'divergent' the 'divergent' people are exterminated because they don't fit into any of the 5 narrow factions
People's perceptions ARE shaped by their culture however and if they are told that divergent people are a threat to society then they will end up self policing their fellow citizens
because people fear you they will take a scifi novel type resemblance to you and your INFJ kind and out casting you to your own kind of devastation and from there I'm sure the apocalypse happens in this little scenario. K, lets go back to the reality of it, and I'll indulge you a bit too. If people start to fear INFJs so much so that they want to take away their rights, INFJs are leaders, they are leaders because people want to follow them.
Well.....talking from my own experience INFJ's only step up into a leadership role when people are struggling and directionless...an INFJ will then step up into the void and be accepted in that role. Otherwise they prefer to quietly but steadily work from the sidelines
They are not sharp elbowed
So i think people in general only listen to INFJ's in a leadership role when they are lost and kind of desperate. So look at Ghandi....he was just a lawyer but when the people got desperate enough that the fear of reprisals for their actions was outweighed by their current misery then they developed the political WILL to act and at that point they were willing to listen to an INFJ who knew the lay of the land and was able to eloquently set it out for people
I stepped up into a leadership role in my work place in a crisis even though i was one of the most junior people there. Before that it hadn't even crossed my mind to do that; before that I just quietly and respectfully went about my business. But when the crisis struck everyone was in a lot of fear and distress but no one knew what to do. I had some clear understanding of what was going on and what we could do about it and something inside me pushed me forward at that point when before that my natural instinct was to hang back and let others step forward. I filled the boots when it needed to be done and stepped back again when it was over
It's not 'oh I'm a leader because this test says I am' they are leaders because they are charismatic, they understand people and people like them; people want to know more about them and they choose to follow them. So! If some crazy fictional maniac wants to put all the INFJs in the world into an electric pen, INFJs will get followers before anything like that ever happened.
Most INFJ's aren't trying to take a leadership role...they do it if it needs to be done
The people trying to take leadership roles are the sharp elbowed types who are all confidence and little ability; to see examples of that type watch 'the apprentice' on TV...you'll see lots of people whos confidence outweighs their ability...or to quote a line from one of the cheesiest films ever made: ''their ego's writing checks their body can't cash''
As far as Wallstreet goes, they will just kill you. They are very powerful men who enjoy their power very much and will have absolutely no remorse for killing another human being who threatens their power.
Well we're agreed on that point
But the point i was making is that in our society there are places where decisions are made that have a massive impact on our society. If we want those decisions to be made in a way that is going to be good for society then we need to make sure ALL the personality types are represented in those places
However that's not the case because things like psychometric testing prevent people getting in the door and anyone who can slip through the psychometric testing net will then be destroyed by the culture within that place that has been created to be a toxic environment for some types
See recent film 'the wolf of wallstreet' to get an idea of how a culture can be created in a place