K, what that entire explanation says to me is 'I am financially unsuccessful and it is the systems fault.'
No i am financially successful and I doubt there are many people my age who are debt free like i am
You don't want to play by the rules,
Not true...it depends on the rule
you don't understand how playing by the rules can open doors for you to get to where you actually want to be, and because you don't want to you are unsuccessful and somehow it is to no fault of your own.
Lol no i think i AM successful. I have my own business, i own my home outright, i have two degrees, have lived a varied life, travelled the world and done things that would blow your mind
That is what that entire explanation says to me and I have a huge problem with that.
The problem is that you are projecting this image of this kid you know onto me
Where I have even more of a problem with this is that I know kids who think this way, they think 'jobs hurt others, I refuse to do that' and what they do is they have their hands in the parents pockets and live the rest of their life piling up debt on their parents.
I'm not a kid, i do not burden my parents in any way and i have never refused to do any jobs. I have done many many different jobs. I have washed dishes, cleaned old peoples dentures, wiped disabled peoples asses, shovelled shit, dug ditches and done manual work that would break most people in two and worked with convicted villains (legally of course!)
That kid I loath, he has only his mother who pays for everything.
Yeah..i'm not that kid so stop talking to me like i am. Also you said you thought that kid wasn't an INFJ so why do you keep bringing him up?
That woman is in piles of debt because of all of her kids, but mostly him. He chose to go to a trade school because he wasn't cutting it in a normal college. Now that's all fine and well, he has a degree, however his mother carries that 100+ thousand dollars of debt. When he gets a job he doesn't pay her back, he buy toys and gadgets and crap for himself. So while he doesn't want to hurt others, he is crippling his mother.
He should repay his mum...however at the same time i am not going to blind myself to the fact that the world that young folk are growing up in now is very different to the world we and the previous generation grew up in. There are less job opportunites for a start and the housing bubble has put house prices out of reach for many first time buyers.
If you don't want to hurt others, go be Amish. Farm your own food, make your own cloths, build your own shelter and rely on yourself -that is a sure fire way to not hurt others.
You don't have to be amish to do that and i DO do certain things already and am working on going entriely off grid. There are certain systemic blocks to that though. For example the planning department here is very much against wooden homes which it calls in its literature 'shacks'
This is nonsesne though as many countries around the world have beautiful wooden vernacular architecture. The real reason they don't want people to build wooden homes here is because they are CHEAP and they want people hooked into 20-30 year mortgages because this is a debt based economy
In the US they are even stopping people using solar power and collecting their own rainwater. You need to understand that the corporations do not want people to be self sufficient...they want everyone dependent on the corporations and that is what they bribe the politicians to legislate to achieve
However, you wont ever do that because you have the internet, you have distractions and you enjoy them.
Nonsense, don't tell me what i will and won't do you know nothing about me
How you get your money and who you lean on in that process, I don't want to know. From the sounds of it, what I can gather on who you are as a person, I don't respect you.
My work is sustainable and vital to the society i live in. I don't 'lean' on anyone
"I do however think the people who engineer our society are threatened by INFJ's yes" -this is what I mean by you saying that people fear INFJs as this is the only set of people you seem to talk about. The end result is you think others think you are a threat to them. This is delusional thinking.
There is nothing delusional about my thinking.
If you watch the videos i post here you will find that there are some extremely intelligent, extremely qualified and extremely well informed and experienced people all saying the things i am saying....it's just that the corproate media doesn't give them a voice because what they are saying goes against the corporate agenda
In this apocalyptic scenario you have devised, INFJs would step up and be leaders because people would be struggling to understand. There is no 'well' or 'but' to that. You have painted a scenario, I have told you the reality of what would happen.
I think INFJ's ARE stepping up...i post their stuff here all the time
And do you really think people didn't admire Gandhi before his legacy? That they didn't know him as Gandhi the lawyer -or just Gandhi- before hand? People will follow those they admire. Gandhi didn't just arrive out of thin air. People didn't just suddenly come together 'we need a leader we need a leader' and grabbed the first guy they saw. If you are not someone people admire, people will not follow you. Gandhi was someone people admired well before his legacy and continue to well after.
No he wasn't even living in India for much of his legal career...he was living in africa.
He stepped up because he knew how the imperial game was played and was able to articulate that to people
Again, I was referencing your scenario. I know INFJs hang back.
An environment is only as toxic as you make it.
So it was the jews that made the concentration camps toxic?
You are living in another world to me
If you choose to believe this, if you choose to rule yourself with these kinds of devastating ideals, you choose to cripple yourself.
I am not crippled. I have achieved everything i have set out to acheive so far and i'm not done yet
Your potential in what you could do in life will not come to anywhere near what it could be, that is your own fault. It is not 'I'm here and I see injustice so I don't want to play anymore' this is life. You see injustice, fix it! You don't know how to fix it? Look it up! The internet is right in front of you, answers are all around you. If you CHOOSE to have this marginalized idea of what life is and how you can't do anything to help it, you wont ever help it. And this is what you have chosen. This is not the fault of society or your parents or some deity, this is on you. You can go around blaming others for the rest of your life for how unhappy you are and how stuck you think you are but it wont un-stick you, it wont make you a happier person, and people will go away from you.
I'm not unhappy...except about the wider problems out there
You are in a different world to me if you can't see the problems out there. What do you think people are protesting about everywhere?
This situation isn't going to get better, its going to get worse
I am already doing things differently in my life to try and be the change i want to see in the world (as ghandi would say) and i will implement even more changes in time
You seem to have this image of me in your head as being like this young kid you are talking about...you hav even condescendingly called me 'kid'