EJarendee has been uninhibitedly bashing INFJ's. He is someone who believes in Socionics which considers the INFJ personality type to be utterly worthless. He also personally feels that the INFJ type is not even suitable for a man.
He said and I quote "If I were an INFJ I would give you my left nut and I would suck your balls"
When EJarendee speaks on the negative qualities or stereotypes of INFJ's he will sound aggressive and be extremely critical. For example in an early video he describes the differences between the INFJ and the INTJ. In that video he talks about how INFJ's are inclined to believe in absurd conspiracies. He speaks of it like he considers it to be a very serious flaw in a person. In a recent video in which he describes the differences between INFJ's and ENFJ's he bashes INFJ's for the so called lazy stereotype which is exaggerated to an extreme in Socionics where INFJ's are almost incapable of being productive as humans. In that video he could barely hold in his anger.
This may sound trivial and insignificant but this will rub off on the entire MBTI community. Most of the MBTI community watches his videos. Everyone that searches their personality on youtube will immediately find his videos. He is the spokesperson for the entire MBTI community and is a very negative influence to that community. He has over 2,000 subscribers and has over 450,000 views on his youtube channel.
This deucebag is also promoting Socionics which is a system designed by the Communist Soviet Union in order to categorize humans for the communist system according to usefulness. In Socionics they strip the Idealist quality of INFJ's. Socionics is basically a bastardized form of MBTI. The reason he likes Socionics is because it promotes ESTP's as being this incredible personality type.
He is an issue.. especially considering that MBTI is growing in popularity. Which means when MBTI goes mainstream you will have EJarendee with a ton of subscribers(millions) just bashing personality types and associating unrelated things to types like in a recent video he mentioned that all INFP's watch anime porn and on his website he says INFP's are likely to develop weird fetishes which will inevitably cause bullying and disgust for INFP's. The entire mbti youtube community i.e the people who post youtube videos about MBTI consider this guy to be disrespectful,immature and insensitive. They all hate him but they wont admit it. When EJarendee talk about the negative qualities of other personality types he is more careful/respectful whether it be the ENTJ or the ENFP this is because he respects those types. But when he speaks on the negative qualities on the INFJ its more critical and aggressive. He has said many times that the INFJ personality type is not a serious personality type (Meaning he does not take INFJ's seriously and he does not respect them)
The worst thing that could happen is Socionics becoming part of everyday culture.
In the near future MBTI will be pretty much known by everyone. It will have cultural implications and there will be stereotypes and typism. You will have to check in your type to get a job since Socionic/MBTI will be taken so seriously. You will literally have companies and businesses that will only hire certain types. That was the original goal of the people that created Socionics. It was to be implement into society. You will have parents desiring specific personality types for their children. Desiring types like ENTJ's and ENTP's who are seen as more useful and superior in Socionics. In the end the INFJ will be carrying the useless/lazy stereotype by society. The INFJ type will be viewed as undesirable. INFJ's will act like other types to mask themselves. The natural partners to the INFJ is the ENTP and ENFP and they will both decide that the INTJ is a more suitable partner because INFJ's will have such a devastating stigma associated with them. Then no more will the world of MBTI be a comforting place for INFJ's. You will very soon notice a change in the air within the actual current mbti community. For example people of other types dismissing/underestimating the capacity/capability of INFJ's to succeed and be of any large scale influence to society and this was all started by EJarendee who on his site called ArendeePsych has portrayed INFJ's as being incapable of actually accomplishing their goals. EJarendee will lead the MBTI community with millions of subscribers. He will have the most popular MBTI channel. He will use his channel to heavily promote Socionics upon millions of people and this will have long term negative effects.
INFJ's and INFP's will be even more isolated within society. Do not underestimate the natural cruelty of society. When South Park made the ginger episode it caused a firestorm of bullying towards redheads. It became an almost instant reaction to that episode within cultures/countries that contain redheads. There is even a holiday associated with that episode and its called Kick a Ginger Day. There are thousands of children and teenagers being targeted because of their red hair. Do not underestimate how quickly these things can progress. We all know full well that there exist bullying on every level of human society. In the workplace.. at school.. in the military.. within our families
Jesus, where do I start? That quote was hilarious by the way. I'm just gonna bold every point I address.
Conspiracy theories CAN BE a very serious flaw in a person, if the person chooses to let their conspiracy theories debilitate them. You know that kooky guy with the tin foil hat in his trailer out in the middle of no where? That's an extreme example. Now you've got the less extreme: people on the internet screaming 'CONSPIRACY!' to everyone that they think will listen. Does about as much good as a homeless man walking around a block with a sign around him that says 'The End is Nigh.' In every case the person spouting conspiracies is isolated -because they have isolated themselves.
As far as INFJs incapable of being productive human beings, I actually personally know this to be false however I also know how people could think this. My father is an INFJ, his office is plastered with plaques of the achievements he's made at his job and the plaques hanging up aren't the only ones he has -we just hung up the pretty ones. And more than that he threw a bunch away as he does not think he achieved anything, he just did his job. He is an INFJ.
Now a friend of mine, who is not a friend as I hate him, has typed himself an INFJ. He is a lazy, lying, selfish, self centered, self indulgent, self proclaimed god who does not believe he needs to follow. Because of this, because he believes everyone should follow him, he has mistype himself as an INFJ. His personality and his actions have led him exactly where he is now, in his mothers house in a filthy bed room with toys and gadgets all around him. He has knowledge and is smart in some areas however he has no care to help people. His expression is, 'I want to save the world, but only if I control it.' He will go no where in life unless someone carries him. As you can tell, I have nothing good to say about this kid.
People who are unsuccessful because they choose to not conform, will type themselves as INFJs and that will be their excuse. 'Says here I'm a leader, not a follower.' This person I loath has done it, and in turn has mucked up the label of INFJ.
I'm an INFP and I have watched anime porn. Real porn is too fake

(hahahahaXD) however! I was the LEAST bullied kid, ever. I got bullied, and at one point it was very harsh because it was about something that mattered a lot to me, however most things don't really matter. I personally have a fairly carefree attitude and really don't care if someone thinks I'm a cunt. I would say that maybe, possibly, probably, other INFPs feel the same way. This is because I know myself better than any bully ever would.
INFJs are very rare, everyone may think they are one however I doubt very much that this man you are screaming about has ever met one.
INFJs will succeed because they are INFJs. They are driven to succeed. Not 'oh, I had a nice thought this morning, maybe I should do it' -INFJs say, 'I'm doing this because its nice and good for others' while they are in the middle of doing this nice thing that is good for others.
If anything we isolate ourselves.
And I really don't even know why you spoke about red heads. People don't walk around with a t-shirt saying 'I am an INFJ!' Red hair... is on your head, its visible all the time.. I don't... I don't understand why you would even think about comparing the two. As far as people who are online screaming they're an INFJ, they usually are not. Beside that people will get bullied online no matter what. People who are idiots and screaming lies about themselves will be bullied more often. If you get bullied enough I suppose you could call yourself the red head of the internet *shrug*