Good question.
Perhaps in a world where there is a disturbing lack of foresight and delayed gratification in most people, the "living for the moment" function is seen as evil.
Well Se is inferior for INJs and this is a INJ forum.Why are so many people categorizing Se as 'evil'?
Se is nothing but a perceiving orientation, it doesn't judge or condemn. If at all, it should be the judging-decision functions who should be to blame on how it irritates others, since it's the one that categorizes, and divides.
That's interesting, though :/
the only active Se-dom here is chaz and yeah it's not like he's really important anywaysIt will be hard to do without offending any Se-doms on the forum. I just hope anyone reading this will keep in mind, I know these sentiments are not true, and it's bad that I feel this way, but it's how I feel regardless. -_-;
You didn't say it in an offensive way, you only described it as most would describe their inferior function until they've really developped it (which is usually around 40-50) =PBasically, I see Se as base and... well, stupid. (But I'm sure I look really stupid to SPs, so that makes us even). The nature of Se—to take appearances for granted, take the supposed meaning of signs as true, live in the moment, act now and reflect later, instinctively go with whatever feels good and reject whatever feels bad... It's all so contrary to everything I believe in. It seems so devoid of meaning to me, so animalistic.
Se makes me think of hedonism, excess, shallowness, lack of self control, and lemming behavior. Even though I know (mostly thanks to forums like this, not to people I meet IRL) that ESxPs are capable of being well-rounded and intelligent, sometimes I can't see how they manage to attain that when their dominant function is such a huge setback (in my eyes). I mean, if they view the world primarily through Se from the time they're little, how can they ever distinguish the truth from what they're told to believe? Not to mention they'd be so easily distracted from the truth even if they came close to it. I guess I see Se as a danger of becoming a pawn (but too busy reaping the immediate benefits of going with the flow, and being preoccupied with trivial things, to care).
It's also antithetical to any sort of morality or spirituality, the way I see it. I see Se in its pure form as a completely unsympathetic view of what is, disregarding how or why, not caring whether it's justified or not. For example, immediately writing someone off as ugly and refusing to get to know them because it disgusts you to look at them. Not sympathizing or caring that they have no control over what they look like. Completely trusting that initial response, not considering it might be unjustified. Anything other than your immediate response of pleasure or displeasure is irrelevant.
To me, Se is a threat to goodness and meaning in life. It's also a threat to my survival and my station in life. I'm keenly aware of how I fall short from an Se view, and how that would make me worthless from a purely Se perspective, and it wouldn't matter why or even if I couldn't help it. It would be a simple fact: I'm inferior, no way around it.
On top of all this, I haven't had good experiences with ESxPs in real life (an unstable mom, a back-stabbing friend, etc). The ones I've come across on typology forums are a completely different story, though.
Please please please, don't take offense at the things I've said, as I know they reflect a skewed and unhealthy perspective. I'm just being honest about an ugly aspect of myself because I was asked, and the only way I can ever grow is to put myself out there for criticism.
It will be hard to do without offending any Se-doms on the forum. I just hope anyone reading this will keep in mind, I know these sentiments are not true, and it's bad that I feel this way, but it's how I feel regardless. -_-;
Basically, I see Se as base and... well, stupid. (But I'm sure I look really stupid to SPs, so that makes us even). The nature of Se
What you described there seems more of an immature usage of Se, which could be said of any other function. The Se-Ni dichotomy allows for the individual to live in the moment, and at the same time be able to foresight into the future.
Unfortunately, if most people uphold that view (not saying you do), then by their standards, everyone would be 'evil'.
I'm an SP and I thought this was a great post.
I was thinking about this a lot actually, I came to the same conclusion a while ago. Actually, I thought I was ENFJ at one point due to my hatred of Te. But after thinking about it for a long long long long long longlonglonglonglonglonglonglong time, i hate Si more than Te.I just... I find no justification for Si at all. At the same time, I don't hate te Si users, just the Si. Like, ugh.
edit: btw, Chaz totally like, isn't esfp. Frankly :[
Se makes me think of hedonism, excess, shallowness, lack of self control, and lemming behavior.
Not Se. Possibly Si, but definitely not Se.I mean, if they view the world primarily through Se from the time they're little, how can they ever distinguish the truth from what they're told to believe?
I guess this is Se-based Animus speaking.Not to mention they'd be so easily distracted from the truth even if they came close to it. I guess I see Se as a danger of becoming a pawn (but too busy reaping the immediate benefits of going with the flow, and being preoccupied with trivial things, to care).
Te.It's also antithetical to any sort of morality or spirituality, the way I see it. I see Se in its pure form as a completely unsympathetic view of what is, disregarding how or why, not caring whether it's justified or not.
Se is not a judgment (rational) function, it's a perception (irrational) function. What you're describing is a rational process.For example, immediately writing someone off as ugly and refusing to get to know them because it disgusts you to look at them.
Te.Not sympathizing or caring that they have no control over what they look like.
Pi dominance, more Si.Completely trusting that initial response, not considering it might be unjustified. Anything other than your immediate response of pleasure or displeasure is irrelevant.
edit: btw, Chaz totally like, isn't esfp. Frankly :[
Just want to post a little about what Se means to me in response to @Seraphim. I'm really not offended though just Se is my favourite function and I'd feel bad if I didn't defend it a little.
To me Se is simply about "in the now" thinking and feeling. SPs are lovers of experiences and are willing to give anything a go once. While this may seem hedonistic, our Se is usually developed in a way that we're able to control it, and as such allow our judgement functions to guide our actions. An SP wouldn't willingly hurt someone just for a cheap thrill unless they were really underdeveloped. Se is a perception function, and like all the other perception functions it won't make decisions or *ahem* "judgements" on anything.
Se only allows us to see the world, but it does this well. It's probably the most realistic of the perception functions as it deals with concrete truths in the moment. Abstract meanings mean very little to us. In terms of art this can make us the best and most honest critics. A compliment from an SP should be held with great value.
I love Se as it allows me to see things how they are and live in the moment. It can be a really fun function since your world exists with you so to speak. If you're having a good time, you feel like you've always had a good time, if you're not it will push you to seek something to have fun with.
Also it can give you jedi like reflexes.
Oh like you can type.
The "Jedi like reflexes" is actually the result of Se and Ni.
Saru may or may not be able to type, but I agree that you're likely not an ESFP. ISTP most likely.
edit: btw, Chaz totally like, isn't esfp. Frankly :[
I absolutely do not see ESFP either. ISTP in my opinion, Chaz.
Edit: No wait, ISFP. Fuck. Not sure. Confuzzled. Shit.