I have absolutely no problem with ESTJs. The one I know I really love for their directness. Candid and never false or beating around the bush...so refreshing!!! And they're one of the most efficient helpful people I know. I like many Te doms. One of my closest friends is an ENTJ. Granted we're different but we have mutual respect. ESFJs I know aren't immoral. They're very caring. Sometimes too self sacrificing from my experience. Si doms ISFJs I love.
Generally speaking I'd say I'm largely unaware of Si. I'm highly internally untraditional, unpatriotic in a way that I feel it no more than coincidental where I was born...I'm not one to feel like I'm very tied to my family either in some highly emotional way "These are my roots" kinda way, though I love many members of my family. I have crap memory...though at the same time I have great memory XD...just not for things like "Is this the street where I live???". To me it really is just plain an
UNUSED function.
I don't think I'd call Si in any way "demonic" though, or evil. Just ???.
As for Te:I have lots of respect for many Te doms. I really like INTJs too. From what I understand many INFJs feel a kinship with the Te aux Ni-doms, so I'm not alone in this. ;D Te, also, nice but odd, to me. I admire it from afar...I don't know how it works but hey, It's cool.
I'd give the prize for the difficult function as dominant to Se:
All the people I've had actual serious problems with in real life have been ESTPs (I don't know if I know any ESFPs. I would think so though) In any case it's the ESTPs whom I've been friends with,
am friends with, are also the only people I can say have genuinely given me grief and directly contributed heavily to me actually holing myself up in my house happy if I never saw people again for some time. One (no longer a friend) of them makes the Tori Amos song Waitress start playing in my mental stereo if I ever even
think about them with the line "but I believe in peace.... b&%%€h!!!"
Furthermore...just cause I like pain I guess...I'd like to add I just don't buy the "Se doms never manifest the negative sides to their Se because it's their most developed function". I see it liking to the undeniable shameful fact that I too, sometimes, act like a superstitious, gullible, quackish, Ni nutcase. Ni is my most developed function but I've definitely been into stuff that put me on a high level of Ni-sanity periodically :tinfoil3:, where I'm just a tad too far up in my own ethereal behind. I think it's a learning thing. Requires an extraordinary amount of mistakes, learning.
In real life the actual ESTPs I have known have acted like unscrupulous lemmings much more often than is kosher. That's just objective fact. It goes beyond any
"Oh I don't like Se dom ESTPs because I'm a spiritual, super moral, condescending INFJ :drama:, who on occasion is ashamed of acting like a lemming and projects their own lemmingness on ESTPs who are never lemmings, but refined Se conosseurs who'd never stoop". Look at the track record and my close ESTP friends' reads like steal your friends boyfriend once...shame on you...twice...three times...make out with multiple friends boyfriends when they're out of town....fool around with your spouse's friends once...twice...three times...four times... Manipulate people to turn them against someone once...mean...on me...well that sure wasn't fun...on my replacement...untill the bullied parties are nervous wrecks and have a suspect reputation...all this for disagreeing with you too many times...have two of your best friends call you a "sociopath" behind your back...It's just not mere coincidence. All points to something unscrupulous. It's like people calling me impractical and airy fairy. Unfair yet I can connect the dots to me.
I also confess 100% to acting like a lemming sometimes. I act like a lemming very
infrequently. In grand lemming spurts. In the got-plastered-fell-into-a-ditch way...:flame: :crutch::crutch:. My ESTP friend acted like a lemming :rockon: for a decade until they realized acting like a lemming is not nice. It hurts people around you. Now they've matured and lead a nice non-lemming like existence, are very giving and open, warm and protective of their loved ones, just blossomed into a warm glowing lovely person.
Most of the time however my inferior Se manifests in very normal ways: I just buy shoes or paint a landscape, or enjoy playing speed demon on jet ski.. In comparison My close ESTP friend that I love is into Paolo Coelho and reads spiritual books recreationally and at least two other I know do occasional Tarot readings. Would I say their attempt at Ni type of fair is doomed to be moorish? I really wouldn't and I'm not going to say I am always either, though as INFJs go I'm from the moorish end of the spectrum, I suspect.
I genuinely think Ni-doms should take a long hard Zen like look at the absolute gritty realities and learn to see the beauty in no frills reality of the sensory nature...the beauty of just eating an orange kind of a thing....and vice versa Se doms could really use some vision and the incredible in their meat and potatoes ways and be more open to the way sometimes things are not quite what they seem. Both could teach each other a thing or two to enrich their lives. ---->Aspirational function.
...I think I better prepare myself for the inevitable responses :behindsofa::brick: