[PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

I think "fake news" sounded like "axis of evil". Hard to believe either of the truths were spoken.
Truths in what sense?
I can't help but wonder how the conversations would go at this wonderful time.

Just find a random post of his and copy/paste it....they are all the same circular argument.
Just find a random post of his and copy/paste it....they are all the same circular argument.

Briefly you clearly cannot impeach for no other reason than gross incompetence. We endured 8 years of Obama. A President who clearly did not have America's best interest at heart. Who by any definition of the term regardless of how you view their personalities is distinctly more incompetent than Trump.

Now, the Democrats have run a brilliant campaign against Trump since he became President. "He released sensitive info to Russia..." etc. Trump is President, a fact that socialist and communists don't like. He's getting in the way of them tearing down the country and rebuilding it in their desired image. However, of all the charges and complaints on their part let's remember there is nothing..absolutely NOTHING ...no evidence that links him with any of the accusations conjured by the obstruction party.
That's the simple fact.
Let the communists cry about 8 years of Trump. Even if Trump accomplishes nothing he's still keeping them from advancing their agenda.
Impeachment? Yes he could br impeached but only with evidence that's irrefutable concerning something he hasnt even done yet. But with what we know at this time? It will never happen.
the senate will not act because they have been purchased, and their handlers don't want the man they installed to be removed. the gop is now the cult of trump. I wonder how they would have reacted if Obama had said or done anything that donny has . our country is going down the drain, and as long as the rich in congress are rewarded for supporting him, he will remain. case in point donny was just ordered to pay 2 million for a phony charity. . again, ask yourself, how would the gop have acted if that was Obama. . he just told a war hero's widow her husband is in hell. . need I go on? he is a disgrace and he is dragging us down his rat hole with him on the world stage. .
who has cruel policies like the separation of families at the border to deter those seeking lawful asylum.
That policy is actually being used to slow the sex trafficking of children into the United States. The children are often too traumatized to communicate thier situation so they are separated from the adults to make certain that no further abuse or coercion occurs.
That policy is actually being used to slow the sex trafficking of children into the United States. The children are often too traumatized to communicate thier situation so they are separated from the adults to make certain that no further abuse or coercion occurs.
Alternate realities. As if some families aren't really separated or as if it doesn't matter. And as if some of those crossing the border aren't traffickers and criminals. Maybe it's really bad policy and organizing if that is the actual goal- to stop traffickers. Because good and innocent people should not be punished and their children traumatized because there may be criminals in the mix. Personally I'm not OK with lumping the good and the bad together like this. It's actually a result of his zero tolerance on illegal immigration which treated crossing the border illegally on par with traffickers. It's a horrible way to justify his policy. And Trump and his admin recognized this or were afraid of the backlash because he signed an order to stop separating families this past summer.

But this is what is going on in the US two different narratives. I listened to the impeachment proceedings since they started. All I could hear were two groups in two different realities.( I will say I think one group is living in the "alternative facts" reality though.)
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That policy is actually being used to slow the sex trafficking of children into the United States. The children are often too traumatized to communicate thier situation so they are separated from the adults to make certain that no further abuse or coercion occurs.
No way man...actually the inverse is true...when they are separated from their parents or guardians who love them and have their best interests in mind they are more likely to see abuse.

"These children are at an extremely heightened risk of human trafficking. Not only are they without a stable support system, but the abrupt separation from their parents has the potential to cause severe and lasting trauma. Even the best of foster homes can do only so much to mitigate the harm."

"A U.S. State Department report on human trafficking warned on Thursday that removing children from their families made them easy targets for traffickers, raising questions about the Trump administration’s policy of separating immigrant children and parents illegally crossing the U.S-Mexico border."
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When the Evangelicals begin to turn against him...

(Christianity Today, a publication founded by the late evangelical leader Rev. Billy Graham, made a rare political statement in an editorial calling President Donald Trump's character "grossly immoral," writing that he should be impeached and removed from office.)

Trump Should Be Removed from Office
It’s time to say what we said 20 years ago when a president’s character was revealed for what it was.

DECEMBER 19, 2019


Full story - https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/december-web-only/trump-should-be-removed-from-office.html
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As if some families aren't really separated or as if it doesn't matter. And as if some of those crossing the border aren't traffickers and criminals
What would you do with a child and adult that turns up on the American side of the border? Walk me through the process of dealing with this scenario that would be to your satisfaction as a voter please.
It's actually a result of his zero tolerance on illegal immigration
I would like to know which policy regarding the border you think would be most effective at stopping human trafficking
No way man...actually the inverse is true...when they are separated from their parents or guardians who love them and have their best interests in mind they are more likely to see abuse.

"These children are at an extremely heightened risk of human trafficking. Not only are they without a stable support system, but the abrupt separation from their parents has the potential to cause severe and lasting trauma. Even the best of foster homes can do only so much to mitigate the harm."

"A U.S. State Department report on human trafficking warned on Thursday that removing children from their families made them easy targets for traffickers, raising questions about the Trump administration’s policy of separating immigrant children and parents illegally crossing the U.S-Mexico border."
I don't understand this article, if immigrants are detained in camps then how are they vulnerable to trafficking in the camps? I could see how the children crossing the border alone would be more vulnerable but if they're already detained then how are traffickers getting to them?
My only thought was, how would it be beneficial to the Republicans if Trump was impeached?

It's not going to happen,

But if it did happen,

It would be the same thing they did with w bush, distancing themselves from him so that they could win the next election. Even if he was impeached that means you have PENCE running shit, and, Republicans could put someone else up and would probably win again.

Not sure why Democrats are so obsessed with bringing down Trump instead of fixing their own fucked up party that smashes good candidates like tulci gabbard and Bernie Sanders. Until Dems fix their shit, we're gonna have red presidents for a while
What would you do with a child and adult that turns up on the American side of the border? Walk me through the process of dealing with this scenario that would be to your satisfaction as a voter please.

I would like to know which policy regarding the border you think would be most effective at stopping human trafficking

I don't understand this article, if immigrants are detained in camps then how are they vulnerable to trafficking in the camps? I could see how the children crossing the border alone would be more vulnerable but if they're already detained then how are traffickers getting to them?

You're really doubling down in defending a policy that Trump himself has stopped because it caused more problems than it was worth. Why?
You're really doubling down in defending a policy that Trump himself has stopped because it caused more problems than it was worth. Why?
I'm not doubling down on anything I'm asking you questions about what you think would be a reasonable alternative to what is being done. In order to double down I would have to be defending something, as opposed to explaining the situation as best as I understand and then asking questions based on your responses.
I don't understand this article, if immigrants are detained in camps then how are they vulnerable to trafficking in the camps? I could see how the children crossing the border alone would be more vulnerable but if they're already detained then how are traffickers getting to them?

"Two House Committees: the Oversite Committee and the Judiciary Committee held hearings last week on family separation at the border. As part of those hearings there were reports that a significant number of children have been subjected to child sexual abuse while being cared for as unaccompanied minors. Figures released indicated that HHS has received more than 4,500 complaints of sexual abuse against detained migrant children from 2014-2018.

The figures emerged during the Judiciary Committee hearing when Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL) said “These documents demonstrate over the past three years there have been 154 staff-on-unaccompanied-minor – let me repeat that, staff-on-unaccompanied-minor – allegations of sexual assault.”

Jonathan White, Commander, United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps in HHS responded that the abuse was by contracted staff and not HHS employees. Congressman Deutch also released HHS charts with information describing the incidents and a copy of the ORR policy regarding sexual abuse.

After the hearing, the Acting Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Jonathan Hayes, criticized the Congressman’s characterization of the incidents saying,

“His knowing mischaracterization of the data—and his impugning of the ORR federal staff—was an immoral and indecent insult to all of the career civil servants who are dedicated to ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of the children in the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) program,”


“The physical and psychological effects of staying in residential institutions, combined with societal isolation and often subpar regulatory oversight by governments, place these children in situations of heightened vulnerability to human trafficking,” the 2018 report read.

The 2019 report cut that passage and did not refer to the Trump administration’s controversial “zero tolerance” immigration policy that resulted in thousands of children being separated from their parents indefinitely at the southern border as the adults were prosecuted. The administration retired the hardline policy in June of last year."


"Faced with criticism at home and abroad, Trump signed an executive order on June 20 requiring families be detained together for the duration of legal proceedings, but many could remain apart as legal challenges drag on.

A senior State Department official said the United States has screening standards for trafficking indicators when children cross the border unaccompanied or are separated from their parents.

Trafficking indicators can include children who eat apart from family members, travel unaccompanied by adults and children who have no time for playing, according to the United Nations."
"Two House Committees: the Oversite Committee and the Judiciary Committee held hearings last week on family separation at the border. As part of those hearings there were reports that a significant number of children have been subjected to child sexual abuse while being cared for as unaccompanied minors. Figures released indicated that HHS has received more than 4,500 complaints of sexual abuse against detained migrant children from 2014-2018.

The figures emerged during the Judiciary Committee hearing when Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL) said “These documents demonstrate over the past three years there have been 154 staff-on-unaccompanied-minor – let me repeat that, staff-on-unaccompanied-minor – allegations of sexual assault.”

Jonathan White, Commander, United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps in HHS responded that the abuse was by contracted staff and not HHS employees. Congressman Deutch also released HHS charts with information describing the incidents and a copy of the ORR policy regarding sexual abuse.

After the hearing, the Acting Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Jonathan Hayes, criticized the Congressman’s characterization of the incidents saying,

“His knowing mischaracterization of the data—and his impugning of the ORR federal staff—was an immoral and indecent insult to all of the career civil servants who are dedicated to ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of the children in the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) program,”


“The physical and psychological effects of staying in residential institutions, combined with societal isolation and often subpar regulatory oversight by governments, place these children in situations of heightened vulnerability to human trafficking,” the 2018 report read.

The 2019 report cut that passage and did not refer to the Trump administration’s controversial “zero tolerance” immigration policy that resulted in thousands of children being separated from their parents indefinitely at the southern border as the adults were prosecuted. The administration retired the hardline policy in June of last year."


"Faced with criticism at home and abroad, Trump signed an executive order on June 20 requiring families be detained together for the duration of legal proceedings, but many could remain apart as legal challenges drag on.

A senior State Department official said the United States has screening standards for trafficking indicators when children cross the border unaccompanied or are separated from their parents.

Trafficking indicators can include children who eat apart from family members, travel unaccompanied by adults and children who have no time for playing, according to the United Nations."
Well that's perfectly ghastly. I guess you still can't put children in with thier parents when they cross the border alone though :unhappy: