[PUG] The Left's Difficulty Accepting Election/Referendum Results

Whoever wrote that is trying to stir descent and create division. These people dont understand. You can push to far. Can you imagine whats going to happen if the riots dont stop?
You people think I am crazy for saying we are at the beginning of a civil war but...
I can tell you one thing if thats what it comes to...all these children rioting in the street are not going to win it.
You need to take a page from what happened when Obama was elected. Do you remember that? No you dont because no one rioted even though I guarantee you they were more upset about it than liberals are about Trump. We just understand theres a process and even though it was hijacked with voter fraud among other things...theres a process.
I assure you that will not happen. He is not opposed to gay marriage.

Yes, he absolutely is opposed to gay marriage. See here: http://www.hrc.org/2016RepublicanFacts/donald-trump-opposes-nationwide-marriage-equality

"Marriage: Trump has been a consistent opponent of marriage equality. He said that he opposed it because he was a “traditional” guy, choosing to support domestic partnership benefits instead. Trump later reversed himself and said he also opposed civil unions. Despite a brief flirtation with “evolving” in 2013, Trump has consistently maintained his opposition to marriage equality, sometimes by citing polling and making an analogy to his dislike of long golf putters. After the Supreme Court ruling, Trump said the court had made its decision and, although he disagreed with the ruling, he did not support a constitutional amendment that would allow states to re-ban marriage equality. He later said he would appoint Supreme Court judges who would be committed to overturning the ruling."

I could not agree more.

Claims of hate crimes possibly linked to Trump's election reported across the US

From the article:
"There was a spate of claims of hate crimes in the US on Thursday made on social media and to police, in which the alleged victims said abusers had in some way cited Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election.

Social media was rife with accounts of sometimes violent incidents of hate targeted at Muslims, Latinos and African Americans.

Muslim students in campuses across the country reported incidents of hate. At San Diego State University, a Muslim woman who was wearing a hijab told campus police that two men pulled up next to her and jumped out of a car, then made comments about Muslims and Trump before robbing her of her purse, backpack and car keys. The woman could then not locate her car.

Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center who monitors hate in extremism, said that he’s seen a spike in hate crimes including attacks on women wearing hijabs and racist graffiti – and that suicide prevention hotlines were receiving high numbers of calls.

“I think this is absolutely clearly a result of Trump’s election,” Potok told the Guardian. “Donald Trump has ripped the lid off Pandora’s box.”

held a special assembly after reports of students yelling homophobic slurs, calling black students cotton pickers and using Hitler salutes.

Trans Lifeline, a national hotline for transgender people in crisis, told the Guardian it saw its normal call volume triple on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. According to the Tennessean, a transgender woman reported on Friday that her truck was set on fire in her driveway, and the word “Trump” had been spray-painted on its scorched back.

Potok compared the spike in hate crimes to the one felt in the UK following Brexit. Britain’s most senior police officer told a court hearing in September that Britain had experienced a “horrible spike” in hate crimes after it voted to leave the EU.

Trump’s campaign has also emboldened white supremacist groups. A Ku Klux Klan newspaper endorsed Trump, and the former KKK grand wizard David Duke was one of the first people to congratulate Trump on Twitter following his victory. Potok said that Klan members have been distributing literature in Alabama since Trump’s victory, and one local Klan group is organizing a celebratory rally.

Hate crimes against Muslims in particular have risen significantly over the past year. Georgetown’s Bridge Initiative, a group that studies Islamophobia, found that 2015 saw the most incidents of hate crime in any year against Muslims since 9/11."
Yes, he absolutely is opposed to gay marriage. See here: http://www.hrc.org/2016RepublicanFacts/donald-trump-opposes-nationwide-marriage-equality

"Marriage: Trump has been a consistent opponent of marriage equality. He said that he opposed it because he was a “traditional” guy, choosing to support domestic partnership benefits instead. Trump later reversed himself and said he also opposed civil unions. Despite a brief flirtation with “evolving” in 2013, Trump has consistently maintained his opposition to marriage equality, sometimes by citing polling and making an analogy to his dislike of long golf putters. After the Supreme Court ruling, Trump said the court had made its decision and, although he disagreed with the ruling, he did not support a constitutional amendment that would allow states to re-ban marriage equality. He later said he would appoint Supreme Court judges who would be committed to overturning the ruling."
It boggles my mind that it can be legal in this country to grant people rights and then take them away. It should not be possible.
Wait, did the left actually forget or never know that Trump is not a Republican?


I forget so often how dumb people are.

The issue for me is and has always been that Trump is an unqualified* narcissist. It makes him dangerous. People saying he's "for" or "against" ANYTHING are just trying to placate themselves. If overturning gay marriage helps him with some personal gain, HE WILL TRY TO DO IT. But, that is an extremely unlikely (impossible) scenario.

I mean, have we not learned anything? Trump is still an asshole, that's not media spin. Stop spreading this shit with him flailing around a rainbow flag like some sort of "gotcha." He's still a terrible person.

Trump is probably the most moderate of moderates because he doesn't even know what he's gonna do. But shit is gonna go down much more quickly, you can bet on that.

*I mean this in the sense that his only method for bridging gaps,
mediating and bringing groups together is simply using the strong
arm bully method, which is not effective in politics
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Regarding the protests: Playing outside the lines is effective. I bet Trump won't last.
Yes, he absolutely is opposed to gay marriage. See here: http://www.hrc.org/2016RepublicanFacts/donald-trump-opposes-nationwide-marriage-equality

"Marriage: Trump has been a consistent opponent of marriage equality. He said that he opposed it because he was a “traditional” guy, choosing to support domestic partnership benefits instead. Trump later reversed himself and said he also opposed civil unions. Despite a brief flirtation with “evolving” in 2013, Trump has consistently maintained his opposition to marriage equality, sometimes by citing polling and making an analogy to his dislike of long golf putters. After the Supreme Court ruling, Trump said the court had made its decision and, although he disagreed with the ruling, he did not support a constitutional amendment that would allow states to re-ban marriage equality. He later said he would appoint Supreme Court judges who would be committed to overturning the ruling."

Where is he absolutely and consistently opposed? I checked the sources. The most you could get to anything close to that was one statement where he is backed in a corner (after saying it was a done deal) that he wished it was considered at the state level and that he'd strongly consider a judge who agreed that it ought to be determined by the states which was more a comment on how he thought government should function. He said multiple times it was a done deal. He even tried to change the subject about getting down to business.

He's not interested in social issues, he's uncomfortable talking about them and he didn't campaign on them.

He is the republican change candidate. He has supported the LGBT community a lot longer than any Clinton has. We all know he's secular. It's not fair for the media to scare everyone like this. He's never said anything even remotely close to anything that would have people afraid their marriages may be invalid one day.

What motivation would he have have to do this? He's not an idiot and they aren't his values. Why would he do that? It's not going to happen. It's going to be okay.

Protecting the 2nd amendment, immigration, border security, repealing ACA (he'll probably attempt to replace it with something else) and trade are 'getting down to business'. That's all he wants to do. He didn't campaign on a bunch of social issues, and he doesn't owe anyone anything.

If something happens then we hold his ass to the fire then. He is a politician now. I just do not think this is likely at all.
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Wait, did the left actually forget or never know that Trump is not a Republican?


I forget so often how dumb people are.

The issue for me is and has always been that Trump is an unqualified* narcissist. It makes him dangerous. People saying he's "for" or "against" ANYTHING are just trying to placate themselves. If overturning gay marriage helps him with some personal gain, HE WILL TRY TO DO IT. But, that is an extremely unlikely (impossible) scenario.

I mean, have we not learned anything? Trump is still an asshole, that's not media spin. Stop spreading this shit with him flailing around a rainbow flag like some sort of "gotcha." He's still a terrible person.

Trump is probably the most moderate of moderates because he doesn't even know what he's gonna do. But shit is gonna go down much more quickly, you can bet on that.

*I mean this in the sense that his only method for bridging gaps,
mediating and bringing groups together is simply using the strong
arm bully method, which is not effective in politics

I think there was more a chance that Clinton for the right price would figure out a way to get it overturned without her fingerprints on it. Lol

In any case, I think it's pretty safe that this man on his third marriage isn't going to suddenly turn into a Christian fundamentalist with a deep desire to legislate moral Christian traditional marriage values on the entire nation. lol
Wait, did the left actually forget or never know that Trump is not a Republican?


I forget so often how dumb people are.

The issue for me is and has always been that Trump is an unqualified* narcissist. It makes him dangerous. People saying he's "for" or "against" ANYTHING are just trying to placate themselves. If overturning gay marriage helps him with some personal gain, HE WILL TRY TO DO IT. But, that is an extremely unlikely (impossible) scenario.

I mean, have we not learned anything? Trump is still an asshole, that's not media spin. Stop spreading this shit with him flailing around a rainbow flag like some sort of "gotcha." He's still a terrible person.

Trump is probably the most moderate of moderates because he doesn't even know what he's gonna do. But shit is gonna go down much more quickly, you can bet on that.

*I mean this in the sense that his only method for bridging gaps,
mediating and bringing groups together is simply using the strong
arm bully method, which is not effective in politics

50 trillion likes!!!! This has nothing to do with political parties! Look at his words, his actions, his lack of decency and intelligence, his inexperience, his bullying ways, his temperment, him flip flopping on every issue because he doesn't have a true opinion on any of them unless it will help him get what he wants and only then is he on board! Should I go on????

Why can't people understand this!!???!! He is a monster and now he is our president? No way should anyone have to accept this garbage! The popular vote tells us that the majority of americans are against accepting him as our president and they should be! They should protest for as much and as long as they want. He needs to understand that what he has promoted is NOT okay! And if he continues with it then the people will not stand by and let it happen. We have come too far to let this ridiculous excuse for a human being ruin everything we have worked for.
It's not a gotcha.

I know. I've just seen it being spread on social media in that context and it's irritating.

I think there was more a chance that Clinton for the right price would figure out a way to get it overturned without her fingerprints on it

They are both master spinsters for sure.
This is getting real. More and more elite media personalities promoting violence against Trump voters. Its easy for them to tell other people to do it but they themselves never will. Ruin your life for my ideals while I sit back and watch! And people are doing it.
What do they think is going to happen? Trump is going to resign when you burn a car or building or go so far as to actually kill someone? Next election you will not have pissed people off enough to get him reelected? Just crazy.
This has got to stop before it goes past the point of no return.
First the National Guard is called in, if they cant get things under control dont think the government is just going to sit by. The military will be given special power and will be allowed to legally operate on American soil...
50 trillion likes!!!! This has nothing to do with political parties! Look at his words, his actions, his lack of decency and intelligence, his inexperience, his bullying ways, his temperment, him flip flopping on every issue because he doesn't have a true opinion on any of them unless it will help him get what he wants and only then is he on board! Should I go on????

Why can't people understand this!!???!! He is a monster and now he is our president? No way should anyone have to accept this garbage! The popular vote tells us that the majority of americans are against accepting him as our president and they should be! They should protest for as much and as long as they want. He needs to understand that what he has promoted is NOT okay! And if he continues with it then the people will not stand by and let it happen. We have come too far to let this ridiculous excuse for a human being ruin everything we have worked for.
So....what are you going to do about it?
Regarding part of the discussion here about gay marriage. Regardless of what happens regarding this...and I understand people feel strongly about it, are there not more important things to be concerned about right now? Iran, North Korea, China, ISIS..the economy. Im not trying to belittle the issue but even ill be pissed if Trump focuses on that instead of what I consider to be vastly more important issues.
Why not wait and get upset for what he does and not speculation on what hes said?

His words have encouraged this hateful behavior. He has brought out the worst in people, even children. It is sickening to hear and read about these things.

My husband and I voted for Hillary because we understand what kind of damage having Trump as a president could do to our country and the world. People do not understand that this type of hatred has a domino effect. Our leader is suppose to "lead by example" and he is the worst example ever. I will never be okay with this.

At the end of the day, we (me and hubby) had nothing to gain finanicially by voting for her. But we knew it wasn't about just us. Our vote was for humanity.

We voted for love.
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