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- Enneagram
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What does OP stand for? Sorry.
Original Poster
What does OP stand for? Sorry.
What does OP stand for? Sorry.
Personal Observation. Academic research wouldn't be much help because none of this information is documented in any MBTI or Jungian Sources, but I suppose personal observation is research in itself.I didn't read all the posts before and this question may have been answered already but how did you come up with this? Did you come up with it through research or just personal observation?
Personal Observation. Academic research wouldn't be much help because none of this information is documented in any MBTI or Jungian Sources, but I suppose personal observation is research in itself.
It also helps a lot more when you are reading people with a methodology that is based on observing first, and then understanding, as opposed to the other way around.
Also, I actually wrote this for INFJ forum first, but then ended up posting it on INTP forum later on in the same day.
The Academic:
This kind of INFJ is more often than not, confused for an INTJ, or even INTP. They still want to change the world and progress man kind in some way, but sometimes you got to play by science’s rules to cover any ground. While their focus in some way is usually still on people, they approach their research from a very academic and scientific stand point, without necessarily going out to personally teach the world in the INFJ mentor like way you would expect. Naturally these INFJs have a very well developed Ti, so well developed that they themselves would consider themselves thinkers before considering themselves feelers. But make no mistake; this is not Ni-Te they are using. Ni-Fe has a very distinct perception of worldview, and it can be made sense out of in a very logical manner using their Ti tertiary. But it is still just Ti’ed Ni-Fe. The Academics often do not use their Fe as warmly as the others might, this is for two reasons: Academia is srs bsns and when delivering facts and upholding an aura of authority, you don’t to look like a used car sales man. This is also because while they are talking, they are often running what they are going to say through Ti in real time, just to make sure everything is locally coherent. When you use Ti it withdrawals us from the world of personal connections, so it will actually deadpan and drop the emotion on your face (being an INTP myself, that is one I know all too well). If you grew up around a lot of Ti users, you are probably going to come out pretty similar to this, as an INFJ. Considering from day one, you really needed to have your theories tightened up in order for anyone to take you seriously. Sure it might have been brutal at first, but look at the bright side, now you have a really sweet Ti to help you take on the world with!
Fictional Examples: Professor Charles Xavier (X-Men)
Real-Life Examples: Dr. Drew, Paul Eckman, Carl Jung (Controversy time!)
The Method Actor
“Everybody knows you never go full retard”
This one right here, my friends, might just be the reason you INFJs have been documented as the rarest of types. Oh the power of the persona, when you project and image, people will create your identity based on that image, regardless of what is actually going on in your head. This marks an extremely uncanny ability that you INFJ folk have. The INFJ can invent an character within their Ni-Fe. They can write an entire story of their life, their family, their experience, their fears, their motivations, their quirks and mannerisms all within their Ni. Then when the time comes, then can channel that character into their Fe and Se to perfectly embody that role, in ways that can be so nuanced that you might not even know you are looking at the same person. Even if acting isn’t your thing, every INFJ still has this in them, and it often comes out in other ways. An INFJ could enter a completely foreign country, and within weeks, or even days, completely master their culture, and maybe even accent.
Fictional Examples: Song (M.Butterfly), Kirk Lazarus (Tropic Thunder)
Real-life Examples: Anyone who can properly play the Master of Masks prestige class in Dungeons and Dragons.
The Cobra:
“OoOoOoOo, That’s a bingo!”
INFJs are not necessarily only good for long-range planning and being a visionary. They can be pretty damn scary when using that Ni and Fe for manipulative purposes.
The Cobra uses their Fe to be playful and seductive to get people to disarm and loosen up, all the while keeping a close Ni look on what is going on, drinking in as much information as possible with Se, and reserving their actions until their Ni tells them the perfect time to strike. And when they do, they go straight for the jugular. The name “Cobra” comes from the posture they sometimes take with their head upright and eyes narrowed, still, and looking straight forward onto their prey. Cobras make perfect secret agents and interrogators, which is why many of them are. They can read their subjects with uncanny accuracy and know just what to say and exactly how to act to get what they want out of anyone. Sometimes they can even get people to admit to crimes they didn’t even commit; luckily they know when they are lying too. Ever heard a person who could talk their way out being charged for murder? They were probably a Cobra INFJ. Don’t get charmed by the smile, watch the eyes, if you get strung along by their hypnotic Fe display, they fucking got you where they want you. All INFJs have a little bit of Cobra in them, what you do with it is entirely up to you. For the most part it is actually a defense mechanism, and they will embody the cobra for a quick escape when trouble arises.
Fictional Examples: Col. Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds), Jarlaxle Baenre (Forgotten Realms, The Dark Elf Saga), Bill (Kill Bill)
Real-Life Examples: Bjork (Seriously.)
The Revolutionary:
“The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.”
Fuck yeah! What would this guide be without the INFJ Revo-motherfucking-lutionary!? The Revolutionary aspect is to the INFJs, as Superman is to the Superfriends, INDESPENSIBLE! I mean, this isn’t even a face of the INFJ, this is the INFJ. The INTJs might have been nick named “The Mastermind”, but being a mastermind really comes from being an Ni dominant more than it does from being a Thinker. The INFJ Revolutionaries are masterminds in their own right, visionaries of the people. Literally beginning as children, INFJs go through life observing the world. The inner workings of society, human behavior, and natural law become clear to them through their observations and experience. Naturally, their Ni begins expanding as their worldview, and through it they acquire a future vision of what the world should be like. The world would be so much better if it worked the way it did in their Ni, but it doesn’t, and that just fucking pisses them off. This deep dissatisfaction for the world as it is now is what fuels the revolutionary fire that burns in the hearts of the INFJ. Because the solutions to all of the world’s problems are obvious, so obvious that it is maddening to think that they and a few others are the only people who can see it. This dissatisfaction for society creates a certain adversarial nature for the INFJ, it is them against the world. But no matter, if the world we live in sucks, just make a new one!
Fictional Examples: V (V for Vendetta), Drizzt Do’Urden (Forgotten Realms, The Dark Elf Saga)
Real-Life Examples: Che Guevara, Martin Luther King
The Destroyer of worlds:
“Why me, because it's my revenge on this robotic society, because someone has to do it.”
The adversarial nature and discontent with society, is natural for the INFJs. However, at times, their adversarial worldview can become so strong that it turns to hatred, and the point of view that humans are just too stupid to live up to what they think they should live up to. The worse cases are when INFJs are also not in touch with their Fe. Their Ni will continue growing, and their Ti will make sense of it, but because they never get that push back for Fe, their worldview just becomes more and more detached and distorted from reality. This only perpetuates their hatred, because at the times they do try to articulate their distorted worldview, they are met with resistance from other people. Which leads them to a perspective that is no humans are worth saving, they are all just mindless idiots. Obviously these are very extreme cases, but make no mistake; they do exist, and have always existed. The Destroyers might even gain enough power to lead their own revolution, but it will be a revolution of hatred, destruction, and death. These kinds of INFJ also make some of the best villains in fiction, which everyone mistakes for INTJs on the forums. Apparently evil = T.
Fictional Examples: The Joker (Batman), Rorschach (The Watchmen), Tyler Durden (Fight Club), Light Yagami (Deathnote)
Real-Life Examples: GG Allin, Hitler (More controversy time!)
please do not ever call me an stj againThe Revolutionary:
“The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.”
Fuck yeah! What would this guide be without the INFJ Revo-motherfucking-lutionary!? The Revolutionary aspect is to the INFJs, as Superman is to the Superfriends, INDESPENSIBLE! I mean, this isn’t even a face of the INFJ, this is the INFJ. The INTJs might have been nick named “The Mastermind”, but being a mastermind really comes from being an Ni dominant more than it does from being a Thinker. The INFJ Revolutionaries are masterminds in their own right, visionaries of the people. Literally beginning as children, INFJs go through life observing the world. The inner workings of society, human behavior, and natural law become clear to them through their observations and experience. Naturally, their Ni begins expanding as their worldview, and through it they acquire a future vision of what the world should be like. The world would be so much better if it worked the way it did in their Ni, but it doesn’t, and that just fucking pisses them off. This deep dissatisfaction for the world as it is now is what fuels the revolutionary fire that burns in the hearts of the INFJ. Because the solutions to all of the world’s problems are obvious, so obvious that it is maddening to think that they and a few others are the only people who can see it. This dissatisfaction for society creates a certain adversarial nature for the INFJ, it is them against the world. But no matter, if the world we live in sucks, just make a new one!
Fictional Examples: V (V for Vendetta), Drizzt Do’Urden (Forgotten Realms, The Dark Elf Saga)
Real-Life Examples: Che Guevara, Martin Luther King
The descriptions show opposing ways that INFJs can manifest themselves:
- They may seem like any number of other types, perhaps appearing more concerned with logic than values, or sensual experience than intuition
- They can be very focused on long term and expansive goals, or use their intuition to manipulate particular situations
- They're not necessarily "good" people, and may feel a deep hatred for mankind rather than love, or perhaps be egocentric and delusional
I think a major motivation behind the article was to do with the fact that INFJs tend to be stereotyped in accordance with all those "glowing" profiles you see, which - as with the descriptions of any type - paint a very constricting picture. Profiling can be very counter-productive when it's not recognised that this is just a way a type can be - just because you don't fit a description (or do) doesn't mean you're not that type (or are).
Everyone needs to be aware that, no matter how morally pure they may envisage themselves, they're not always the good guy.
Give the man REP.
How do INFJs feel about being put into these boxes in the OP? or do you not feel put into a box at all?
I don't think INFJs interpret boxes as being boxes - they are reference points to build a fluid model on.
The OP is not trying to box people in; quite the opposite in fact.
I think his forebear Carl Jung (INTP) has already written on typology.Wow, that's so amazing! You have some excellent observation skills then, my friend, and I think YOU should write a book. I would definitly buy it in a heartbeat! Have you observed other types too? I bet it took a long time to type out too! Do you have a career in sociology or something, 'cause WOW THIS IS CRAZY GOOD!
What would you rather have: Cobra or outright manipulation (with a strong success rate)? I think I'd rather have the former. Sure, you don't know when the Cobra strikes, but at least you don't suffer as much--if the manipulation is for malignant purposes.