[INFJ] This will make you rage

national security is an issue completely separate from systemic racism in the police departments across the country.. of course it is used to distract from the real issues. de-militarizing the police has nothing to do with the US military or national defense. the reason people are in the streets protesting is that racism is killing black men and women with no accountability. no lives matter until black lives matter. . . we have the ability to destroy the earth a thousand times over already with the weapons of war we already have. and again . .it has zero to do with the police murder of black people. if you want the protests to end, do something about the real issue. . this time we will not be distracted. . yes, we. . this is a white person problem, it is up to us to stand in solidarity together until this gets resolved. . we built this nation on the forced slave labor of blacks, this problem is 400 years old . . and until it stops we will not stop
Took a while to find that quote.

It will never go away. Kill a white man and forget him tomorrow. It's supposed to be about equality, not stooping down and kissing asses. Hatred from slavery is absurd. Those people never were slaves. Had they stayed in Africa we would be better off.
This is a two-sided story leaning too far to the left. As you stated, you will never stop. How long are we supposed to pay for things that happened 400 years ago? This is just plain, unadulterated hate. The next part of the people that come out of the silent majority will stand up to you.
This has everything to do with war. We simply cannot protect ourselves running like savages in the streets and burning tax-payers' businesses. Looters should be shot. They are breaking laws because they are criminally insane. We will always need police. I'd be a little hard with someone throwing rocks and bricks at me and burning my car. Who in hell do they think they are to act like this?
It is so much like the piranha. One or two bite, then they all join in. I am tired of biting my tongue. Tear America apart. When someone else steps in and takes this land from us, they may well kill us all. Our tax dollars are dwindling because of all you people. Tell you what: start naming buildings and streets after the Native Americans we killed. I am glad I have no children to grow up in this world. New stadium in Texas called Geronimo would sound nice. You should be glad I do not call the shots. No more checks to looters. Burn their houses down. Wait: it's government funded housing. We have to rebuild it every three years anyway.
You guys stay away from my home town. We have no problems here. We get along. You all have fallen prey to people who hate us. Get a life. Ever wonder where this will lead when bullets start flying?
I'm reminded of James Baldwin's thoughts about 'negroes' being a necessary creation of white America - 'I am not a negro, I am a man'. That America 'needs the negro' in order to know itself.

He was convinced that the basis of this need was something to do with a 'Puritan God', and this too puts me in mind of the point at which Christendom developed a 'structural necessity', in the words of Dominique Iogna-Prat, to persecute the other (during the 11th century). '"Minorities" emerging from a "majority" assailed by doubt'. A new society with a bipartite mission - dilatatio (a struggle against enemies without) and purgatio (a cleansing through struggle within).

This kind of spiritual structure is characteristic of practically all societies with an excess of authority that needs to be used - directed somewhere - before the authority extinguishes itself through inactivity. 'The people' are protected from external enemies and, when none can be found, from internal enemies, too.

All power needs a foil to reproduce itself.

American society seems to be a machine dedicated to the creation of enemies - at an order of magnitude greater than practically every other state in the developed world, the US breeds fear of the other and has not really ever rested in a condition without them. If they aren't foreign, then they're domestic and 'criminal'. Almost as soon as Vietnam was over, Nixon was preaching his 'War on Crime', and just as soon as the Soviet Union had fallen and Saddam had been pacified (following another failed adventure in Somalia), Clinton was preaching the same thing; the same war on crime.

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How long are we supposed to pay for things that happened 400 years ago?
Until the majority embrace unity.

The generational spread of superiority is incidious. Taking personal accountability of standing up in integrity is a good first step in a future focused direction.

Might has never made right.

Perhaps we should school our youth at a very young age about ego. For, until one can understand ego and ask it to sit down and relax, there will never be peace in the valley of Eden.

...who the fuck we kidding? every one can sit down and STFU. Taking the time it takes to hear the others side in an unbiased and openminded way can and often does bring equal resolutions. Naw, 'Muricans want excitement, drama, body count, blow the shit up they say, burn it all they say.
That's okay. Some of us will rebuild the new stronger and better after the assholes get done destroying the old.
When someone else steps in and takes this land from us, they may well kill us all
Only if they come with smiles and Marburg virus blankies...

It will never go away. Kill a white man and forget him tomorrow. It's supposed to be about equality, not stooping down and kissing asses. Hatred from slavery is absurd. Those people never were slaves. Had they stayed in Africa we would be better off.
This is a two-sided story leaning too far to the left. As you stated, you will never stop. How long are we supposed to pay for things that happened 400 years ago? This is just plain, unadulterated hate. The next part of the people that come out of the silent majority will stand up to you.
This has everything to do with war. We simply cannot protect ourselves running like savages in the streets and burning tax-payers' businesses. Looters should be shot. They are breaking laws because they are criminally insane. We will always need police. I'd be a little hard with someone throwing rocks and bricks at me and burning my car. Who in hell do they think they are to act like this?
It is so much like the piranha. One or two bite, then they all join in. I am tired of biting my tongue. Tear America apart. When someone else steps in and takes this land from us, they may well kill us all. Our tax dollars are dwindling because of all you people. Tell you what: start naming buildings and streets after the Native Americans we killed. I am glad I have no children to grow up in this world. New stadium in Texas called Geronimo would sound nice. You should be glad I do not call the shots. No more checks to looters. Burn their houses down. Wait: it's government funded housing. We have to rebuild it every three years anyway.
You guys stay away from my home town. We have no problems here. We get along. You all have fallen prey to people who hate us. Get a life. Ever wonder where this will lead when bullets start flying?
Let it out @justme. Just let it all out. It's ok. This is a safe space...
It will never go away. Kill a white man and forget him tomorrow. It's supposed to be about equality, not stooping down and kissing asses. Hatred from slavery is absurd. Those people never were slaves. Had they stayed in Africa we would be better off.
This is a two-sided story leaning too far to the left. As you stated, you will never stop. How long are we supposed to pay for things that happened 400 years ago? This is just plain, unadulterated hate. The next part of the people that come out of the silent majority will stand up to you.
This has everything to do with war. We simply cannot protect ourselves running like savages in the streets and burning tax-payers' businesses. Looters should be shot. They are breaking laws because they are criminally insane. We will always need police. I'd be a little hard with someone throwing rocks and bricks at me and burning my car. Who in hell do they think they are to act like this?
It is so much like the piranha. One or two bite, then they all join in. I am tired of biting my tongue. Tear America apart. When someone else steps in and takes this land from us, they may well kill us all. Our tax dollars are dwindling because of all you people. Tell you what: start naming buildings and streets after the Native Americans we killed. I am glad I have no children to grow up in this world. New stadium in Texas called Geronimo would sound nice. You should be glad I do not call the shots. No more checks to looters. Burn their houses down. Wait: it's government funded housing. We have to rebuild it every three years anyway.
You guys stay away from my home town. We have no problems here. We get along. You all have fallen prey to people who hate us. Get a life. Ever wonder where this will lead when bullets start flying?
I wish to stay the hell out of this thread bc. Sad.

But I saw this post and had to say SOMETHING.

What's going on in your head, man? Seriously? How can you see so much prejudice in your lifetime as an American, police brutality, schools segregated, people treated as though they are stealing in stores by clerks simply because they aren't caucasian.. people of color afraid to be stopped by police for a bad tail light... educated people of color treated less than by caucasian cops with a 5th grade education... then sit here and loosen your tongue so far to say...

How long must we pay for things that happened 400 years ago??

I didn't know George Floyd was 446..
Took a while to find that quote

These are not my words. I found em on ze webs researching your super duper cool quote

So for those not in the know, you can find this passage in the Neo Tribes supplementary book for Cyberpunk 2020. It’s a sort of satirical jab at what would have been contemporary civil rights movements back in the late 80s. A lot of modern reactionaries have thought the bit reads as portentous, because reactionaries get called racist or sexist over and over, and because they perceive social justice as a bunch of havenots who are jealously looking out for their special interest groups at the cost of societal order.

Whilst a lot of reactionaries probably stopped reading at that passage, if you play Cyberpunk, you’ll find the game takes place in a post racial, multicultural world where everyone is a blend of various races, all speak the same unified slang language, and operating on the same playing field. So it probably isn’t that accurate a depiction, considering the game doesn’t reflect current demographics, nor our modern issues of racial inequality. There’s no blacklivesmatter in Cyberpunk, because the cops murder everyone equally.

Like any game with sufficient lore, it can be interpreted in lots of different ways. Any part that seems to predict the future right will be accompanied by bits that get it dead wrong.

Also not my words:

the text in question for those who don't like images:

By the end of the 1980's, it was evident that the nation was in trouble. Most social norms had dissolved under an all engulfing wave of competing special interest groups, media fueled fads, and an overall "me first" worldview. By 1994, the number of homeless on the streets had skyrocketed to 21 million. The technical revolution had further torn the economy apart, creating two radically divergent classes - a wealthy, technically oriented, materially acquisitive group of corporate professionals, and a down class of homeless, unskilled, blue-collar workers. The middle class was nearly eradicated. It was this dismal beginning that led to the current American landscape of the 2000s.

you'll note that this makes no mention of diversity or "isms" causing the problem, although there is certainly an argument that all of that would fall under "special interest groups" and "an overall 'me first' worldview" as stated in that excerpt.

what you are thinking of (and what is being paraded as "prophetic" by people attempting to propagandize a fictional writing) was a more specific portion of a 1995 splatbook (Neo-Tribes, which was not written by Mike Pondsmith) that dealt with similar subject matter, but in more direct language (including the "isms" like racism, sexism, etc) under the subheading "Diversity and Unity" that was specifically related to nomad tribes and the nomadic way of life of certain portions of America that lived outside of the corporate cities. this specific portion, taken entirely out of the context of the material it is a part of (used as an example of contrast to show how the nomad tribes live and favor the tribe over the self), has been framed as part of the 1988 rulebook falsely in order to attempt to push a specific narrative by a certain subset of people. the book it came from was specific to nomad tribes and speaking to building up nomad tribes and their worldview, it was not the core belief of the timeline as laid out in the section from the core timeline above, and unless you played the TTRPG back in the day and played a lot with the nomad ideas involved in the game, it's entirely possible that you didn't even own this book or knew it existed.