Soul Retrieval or Soul Revival after an experience with the Dark Night of the Soul ... or is it a visit from the Dark Knight?
Stuggling with apathy and dispassionate, albiet indifference.
...Soul can also leave the body during times of stress and trauma. This is what we call soul loss.
Healing the Soul
A soul retrieval is a powerful spiritual practice that heals soul loss. Soul loss can occur whenever we have trauma in our life. For example, we may experience soul loss if we are in an accident, undergo a serious operation or if we suddenly lose a close friend or family member.
From a shamanic perspective, soul loss is a common cause of illness. Traditionally, a shamanic practitioner would conduct a soul retrieval within three days of someone experiencing trauma. Today, modern shamanic practitioners seek lost soul parts that are willing to return from any point in life.
Soul Retrieval: The Ancient Shamanic Tool For Healing Trauma, Releasing Emotional Wounds and Letting Go of the Past
The purpose of the
shamanic healing practice of soul retrieval is to gather as much of our life force as possible in order to live this life to the greatest degree that we can as human beings. In many respects, there is nothing “sacred” or extraordinary about this per se; it is a natural expression of life.
Soul Loss: How it Happens
Often soul loss happens when we are very young and are without a frame of reference for the experience, and we are therefore unaware of the dissonance within our being and the
unconscious disruptive patterns that repeat in our lives because of that early soul loss. In some way we are endeavoring to reclaim our lost life force by repeating and re-experiencing the emotional wound over and over again. This can be very painful to live through, but we need to know that our consciousness, in a consummate self-revealing function, is showing us that we need to restore our life force and heal. This is where soul retrieval techniques and meditation can become valuable.
Shamanism does not dwell on past events; there is only a vast, awesome, ever-moving, great moment of now in which there is no separate past, present, or future. During a shamanic healing session, a practitioner can journey outside of linear time to go to the place where that traumatic event is still occurring for a person, locate that person’s life force, which is held in that energetic event, and restore it. When this has been carried out, the deep healing can truly begin.
The concept of soul loss and the ceremonial retrieval of souls are found in many cultures. For example, in the Tibetan Bon tradition, one of the most important practices performed by Tibetan shamans of the Sichen path is soul retrieval, of which there are two forms—
lalu, meaning redeeming, or buying back the soul (the vital energy or core essence), and
chilu, redeeming the life energy (the energy that maintains the functions of the mind and body). These soul retrieval techniques are separate rites in the Bon tradition and are widespread not only in the Bon tradition but in all
Tibetan Buddhist schools.
A number of symptoms are associated with soul loss; for example, people feeling that they are observing life as an outsider, rather than engaging and being fully involved; feeling that they are “spaced out” a lot of the time, not really present in life; experiencing pervasive fear, or an inability to trust people. I have also found that severe depression can be a symptom of soul loss. Chronic illness may also be a symptom, and this directly relates to personal power or life force. In the shamanic worldview, power and health go hand in hand. If the body is “power-full,” there is no room for illness or disease, which are often regarded as invasive forces.