I thought about your question all afternoon. I had physical therapy on my hand where I had surgery, so that left me time to reflect. The short answer is yes, I believe that Go is the leading cause of loneliness...as well as Anxiety.
Here is my albiet, lengthy reply...
Just to be a little more lengthy, here is how I picture the(unconscious) process:
INFJ: I think I succesfully made conctact with this person. So, for once, I will let myself be overjoyed by a feeling of unity and oneness with my fellow human bei.......
Fi: Uh, hello?
INFJ: Yes Fi?
Fi: So you and this guy have some similar thoughts.
INFJ: ...yes!(?)
Fi: Does it even mean anything?
INFJ: ...that...some people do understand me?
Fi: Pff, please. Someone just understood a couple of your thoughts, not you.
INFJ: I know and that's not what I meant, you know what I mean
Fi: Are you sure YOU know what you mean?
INFJ: oh, c'mon have mercy on me, it was a nice conversation can't you jus..
Fi: You're pathetic.
The spoiler had me chuckling. Your rendition puts all that feeling into perspective for sure. Sharing a moment and thoughts with another is definitely does not mean they consistently understand you

that takes time.
I don't experience this though. Perhaps when I was younger I questioned my interactions to this extent. I can see how internalizing feelings can cause an internal ruckus though. I question my feelings all the time. I had to learn the names of feelings and analyze what each meant to/for me; as well as understanding they are indeed different than emotions...and we shouldn't stuff them away until a better time to come back to them, because we never do, and they build up and cause neurosis. Expressing them posed some troubles for me in the past, and still can cause issues now if the person I'm conveying them to misunderstands my meaning. Or, if they witness me breaking down and crying at another person's sad story, even if this person is a stranger. I've done this since childhood though. However. I don't laugh with others each time. There are things I find hillarious, yet others...like when folks will find an obvious 'weakness' about another then use that person and that weakness to create a joke to get the others attention. That repulses me.
Back to Fi and loneliness. I've felt loneliness in a crowd of people before. I have always felt alone in my family because I am not materialistic and 'physical', instead I am feelings based...a big feelings antenna if you will

It has taken me years to decipher that it was not my loneliness, but rather I was picking up on someone in the room and their loneliness. I am alone most of the time. I prefer it; however, I haven't experienced lonely in a number of years once I learned the difference between alone, and lonely.
Loneliness stems from the need to have others around, to be understood and to connect and when everyone in our circle is busy and can't spend time with us, we feel lonely and alone. If this is cronic, like folks who have no friends it can be quite affectual. Once a person becomes comfortable alone though, occupying themselves, that feeling goes away.
The key I found To snuff out that feeling of loneliness is self-confidence and self-esteem. Thus we loop back to the skit and cartoon. We shouldn't second guess our time spent with others. Put it out there and let it land where it may. Things like "did I say too much, not enough, do they like me", all that is detremental to good self-esteem and confidence. Which in turn only causes one to internalize their feelings deeper. Tough for an introvert.
I've often thought that if others are caught up thinking things like this, they at best only paid attention to 50% of what I said or did anyway, so why am I making a fuss if I connected with them or no? either way I self-validated. Besides that, they may not have understood the depth of what I shared anyway, especially if they didn't have questions. So, if they come back and talk with me again then I'm one step closer to creating a friendship with this person. Otherwise, I'm happy with being alone to persue my other/personal endeavors. I don't worry about being lonely. Instead, I find something or someone to focus my energy on and do that.
Hope that helps? If not, let me know