New How have you been doing lately?
I'm doing fair. Thank you for asking.
I went to the cardiologist on Monday for the annual check up and have to go in the morning to have a Holter put on and go back on Friday to get it removed. The doc wants me to do my normal 'work' day, i.e. mowing, running the weed whacker, chasing Dad, lol, you know the usual. He's scheduled an annual Echo too abd then a head-to-toe PET scan in August. The heart muscle is good, however the hospitalist saw a leaking valve back in September and suggested the cardiologist address that. With my having PVC's and PAV's keeping the actual heart muscle in good shape is key to staying healthy.
I was grateful to him to have read the entire report to me from the Hospitalist, now her comment at the time of "you have a lot going on, which do you want addressed first", makes perfect sense now.
Getting back into the normal grind of things with your Dad?
Oh my yes, a grind it can be, lol. With the Strawberry moon last Saturday we had a challenging time of it. I didn't get to bed until 3am and toasted the Moon with a slug of Fireball...slept uninterrupted for 4 hours, lol. Poor Dad though. He spends more abd more time in the wanting to go home symptoms.
He has been shouting out during the night for his parents. I bought some small milk bottles to offer him with a cookie or two when he has these episodes. Catering to his inner boy seems to work best with these nightmares. I give him the snack, bathroom break, let him talk his dream out a bit and then tuck him back in.
Purchasing the bed alarm was a genius idea. My own sleep has improved significantly...we have one for his recliner too now, primarily so I can grab an hour or two nap in the afternoon while his feet are up, lol.
I've beenvery creativesince September's incident. I can't say enough how importantself care is for a caregiver. I've created opportunities to sew, write, garden again. It has improved my mood and wellness considerably to create time for me is very easy to get lost, or perhaps consumed is a better label, while caregiving.
Remembering to take care of yourself?
It's ironic that in order to enjoy life as it is meant to be, to cancel out the man-made "noise" we can turn to other man-made things to mask. I feel like peace is an illusion.
I deeply relate to that statement. I've not had much meditative time these past 3 years. I squeeze it in where I can but much of the time I fall asleep rather than contemplate.
I think we're going on a solid 6 years of it here.
Ooph. I don't think I'd like that much construction around for that length of time. When we get the creek and drainage done in August I'll be at least a week with the excavator and dozer here tearing up the yard. My job will be keeping Dad out of the frucus