Thoughts on child beauty pageants?

I've been watching these documentaries on WEtv and TLC.

It's pretty messed up stuff. The mothers are nuts--mostly just projecting themselves onto their daughters.

The judging itself is kinda messed up as well. I mean, you're teaching these little girls that the "winner" or "most valuable" characteristic she can have is her looks--that she should carry herself to please others and not herself. She must mold herself into an "image" in order to be a "winner" and the image they're projecting is the typical blond, blue-eyed, materialistic, barbie all these beauty paegents look for. Judging these little girls in this way has to be damaging to their self-esteems.

I blame the mothers.
I don't think these little girls look human. They always freak me out. I do think it is the mum or whoever is doing the training. I don't agree with the sexuality of it. I would never put either of my girls in one because natural true beauty is much more appealing. I think the only thing to be said about pageants in their favor is that they sometimes have rewards in the for of college funding. At least those girls can go to college and be something. On the whole I will never understand why.
I hate those pageants. People who use their children like that are terrible: if you cannot get by on your own merit, don't sell out your child for your selfish needs. It's pathetic and cruel.

I think our society has problems with turning women into sexual objects: the only people who benefit from that are the ones trying to sell you their latest and greatest product in the endless quest for "beauty" and "sexiness". Are we only the sum of how beautiful we are or how we stack up to anorexic models who haven't had a real meal in years?
My initial thought was eeeeeeiw.

Ironic aye, I think beauty peagents tend to make people look more ugly.

Well, I am morally opposed to it because it tends to make kids into objects of blush, concealer, and fake eyelashes.

We are teaching those kids that there self worth is in their looks. Das not cool.
One mother said that reason for entering their child is:
- "I want my child to be aware that there's going to be somebody better than her. It's a hard thing to learn, it was for me, and I want her to start early."
The problem is that the little girl is going to measure her own worth and the worth of others based on external appearance. It is difficult to conceive of any activity in which the lesson that others possess greater skills and benefits is not learned: spelling bees, gymnastics, ballet, piano recitals, grades, sports, mathletes, horseback riding, etc. The competitive process teaches individuals that there is such a thing as a number one slot of objective measurement of an individual. It also teaches that self is measured externally and does not address the issue of intrinsic value of the individual. It is also ironic to attempt to teach truth of reality by disguising it so profoundly.

One effective way to teach respect for varying degrees of skill and one's personal measure in a situation is to teach sincere respect for those with greater limitations. The child who can come to see and respect as a full and admirable human being someone who has limitations that result from disease or disadvantage can also view self with respect when limited. A child who can see self in those others condemn as worthless is a child who can come to terms his/her own limitations.
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These awful events should be eliminated. What the hell kind of values am I propagating if I approve of these monstrosities? Gross, absolutely gross.

I wouldn't want my daughter (future-tense) to participate in this trash. Anyone who approves of this filth better make a damn good case for this crap.

What sick garbage.
Lolololol! I wouldn't put my daughter in these pageants honestly. It just creates this false and shallow perspective that looks are everything over talent. What happened to learning the piano, playing soccer? Or maybe help do some charity work with parents? Something meaningful? So toxic.

My ex actually had family members that did these events and they took them very seriously. I am happy to say I won't ever get to put my own daughter through that shallow experience.

Case in point:

Some people just shouldn't be parents.
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They really upset me.
I'm still not over Jon Benet. I never will be.
I loathe people who like watching the TV shows that support child pageantry.
I'm so infuriated that it still exists.
I can't speak more on this subject.
I must go to happy places.
They brought us Sketti (serious opinion: it's retarded, the dress-up-look-at-my-barbie kind)
