[INTP] Too soft for T; too hard for F?

I think it's more about being highly developed than it is about being "in the middle"

Spatial reasoning is for suckers.

Animals have excellent spatial skills -- dunno about reasoning -- anyway, whatever.

At any rate I'm sure a certain Egyptian demigod summarily ruled the test results invalid. :tonguewink:

Oh certainly!

I knew what it meant before, but now I'm actually thinking about what kind of arrogant sob would choose that name. Egyptian demigod. Gimme a break.

Strongly agreed. I've been called "smart" or whatever basically my whole life, but wtf have I done with it? What have I created? What have I produced?
You could use your intelligence to master games. Anything you enjoy and value. It doesn't need to be practical!

Meanwhile (brilliant) high school/college dropouts paradigm-shift the entire human race.

I don't feel comfortable with any computer whiz, no matter how brilliant, amazing enough wealth to influence political elections. Why? Because -- and this will be an extremely unpopular opinion -- they don't have the liberal education any cognitively able person should have, so their knowledge is as limited in breadth as ana autistic child's. Being intelligent or even brilliant in a niche field only means "fuck school" because the kid can go earn money. Money trumps "useless" humanity classes. So the kid is like a Border Collie, very intelligent, very good at herding, their style; otherwise, forget it. They live to work.

I've known plenty of intelligent retards who work in STEM fields.

And that's not even getting into all the different kinds of intelligence. I will maintain until the day I die that a person capable of repairing a complex mechanical system is "smarter" than someone who can easily learn a lot of shit out of books.

One skill can be performed by a machine; but higher level, abstract, verbal and symbolic thinking makes us human. That is philosophy, literature, etc.

I like to apply my mental energy to meaningful -- on a grand scale -- issues.

I admire people who understand complex mechanical systems, but I think the work would bore me. /Debbie Downer
'Too soft for T too hard for F',
This reminds me of meringue, which is hard on the outside but soft in the middle, a bit like the INFJ...
or maybe that's soft on the outside, and hard in the middle?
Hum, *scratches head*
I could have started it. I relate to this about a million percent.

You are like my best friend. She barely swings F, and she is an excellent debate part we until she starts weeping over a dead flower or something.

I'm a very logical feeler, which can be tough to bear. I create "conflict" (i.e. heated arguments) by pointing out fallacies in reasoning but then I realise I can't handle the conflict. :tearsofjoy:

But you have to. Otherwise, they win by default. Remind yourself that people aren't as tough as they seem, and chances are, you are a good deal brighter than most of them anyway.
I’m fairly certain I’m an ENTJ.

Finally, you admit it.

I actually know I'm an INTP. I've been around them on various forums for over a decade. I disliked most of them. INTPs who camp out at INTP forums 24/7 probably aren't psychologically healthy.

I find most of them cold as tundra, obsessed with themselves, and extremely arrogant and condescending. Some of them are very cruel, just for the fun of it. Others are effete cowards who wouldn't protect their mother if she was attacked.

Oh, and they love gossip. Mean spirited gossip.

....and so I was disgusted and I thought "These are not my people!"

But to be fair, I've also met lovely, gentle, and considerate INTPs. The damn letter "T" became synonomous withs POS to me. I'm not an F, but I wanted that capital "T" gone because I was so disgusted I didn't want to even bear the INTP label anymore.
Why have a label at all? I've discovered that MBTI is too simple to group in everyone. From what I've seen, the average person needs two or three MBTI labels to accurately represent themselves. Maybe more
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Why have a label at all? I've discovered that MBTI is too simple to group in everyone. From what I've seen, the average person needs two or three MBTI labels to accurately represent themselves. Maybe more

I actually agree, but I did want to see if Fs perceived me differently, and they need a way to communicate info to me.

And btw....I've learned nothing! Are you guys reluctant or something? You don't need to be.
Too soft for Hitler, too hard for the Dalai Lama
I would have shot Hitler straight between his non Arian eyes. And I would happily have tea with the Dalai Lama.
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I would have shot Hitler straight between his non Arian eyes. And I would happily have tea with the Dalai Lama.

But could you send invalids to the gas chamber and dedicate your life to sunyata? :wink: