[INTP] Too soft for T; too hard for F?

Oh, one thing I neglected to mention: emotionality is related to a lot of personality dimensions apart from T/F. In other words, strength of +awareness of emotions felt. That's often covered as a facet of Big 5 Openness to Experience. It's literally sometimes called "emotionality" but sometimes "openness to feelings."

Neuroticism can contribute to emotionality. I'm pretty high here, and I'm (very) high in neuroticism.

Just to resort to a funny example, if people have seen Big Bang Theory, I'd say the high-in-emotionality vs F is best illustrated by Leonard vs Penny. I'm not saying Leonard is a huge dichotomies-T or anything, just that he's probably less F than Penny who seems almost totally F. But she's plausibly less emotional/blubbery than Leonard. Sheldon's also a great example of an emotional T who is probably a very strong T.
ID You just misquoted Socrates, and he's not happy...



Hahaha I stand corrected! :tearsofjoy:
Very reluctant.

Truth is, I'm just as much an emotional as a rational person. I feel deeply and intensely. I'm sensitive to physical and emotional stimuli, as well as atmosphere. The right (wrong?) music will move me to tears, the right (wrong?) words can send me to high heaven or into deep despair.
Reading something like this gives me physical symptoms. It took me a week to recover from vacation in Brazil; seeing the poverty, especially the contrast with the hotel we were staying in just a few city blocks over, it made me feel so guilty and sick. Injustice and suffering can make me tremble with rage, disgust and sadness.
Is it any wonder I came here thinking I was a feeler?
At the same time I have your typical NT dark humor, sarcasm, obsession with competence, and need for coherence and consistency and truth. And yet I'm very careful about disclosing my thoughts, cause I don't want to cause disharmony. 75% of what I think, I don't actually post here, cause I don't want to hurt anyone.

So yes, very much too soft for T, too hard for F.
This resonates with me.

The bottom line, though, is do you use reason or emotion to make your decisions?

I bet there are tons of true Ts who feel much more deeply than lots of 'Fs', and get mistyped as Fs for that reason.
This resonates with me.

The bottom line, though, is do you use reason or emotion to make your decisions?

I bet there are tons of true Ts who feel much more deeply than lots of 'Fs', and get mistyped as Fs for that reason.
Yeah, we probably feel just as much but we're more capable of moving those feelings out of the way to make choices, so to speak.
T is about using logic to determine things. F is about values as represented as aesthetic.

Consider Agreeableness from Big 5 - totally possible to be more empathetic based in terms of correspondance with being logical.

I'm pretty high on Agreeableness and I'm about a standard deviation below average in aggression based on regulated psychometric tests, but on all the official MBTI tests I've taken I've come out as a T.
It's worth noting/reiterating that the MBTI's version of T involves both 'toughmindedness' and emphasis on logic>feelings, not just the one or the other. That is why T correlates negatively with Agreeableness in the Big 5 more than many other measurements of logic-orientation.

There are different personality qualities leading to an interest in logic -- one of them prominently is curiosity for knowledge, but this features more in Big 5's version of the N-S dichotomy.
This has basically no relation with Agreeableness.

One can generally feature as relatively balanced on any of these things.