Oh, one thing I neglected to mention: emotionality is related to a lot of personality dimensions apart from T/F. In other words, strength of +awareness of emotions felt. That's often covered as a facet of Big 5 Openness to Experience. It's literally sometimes called "emotionality" but sometimes "openness to feelings."
Neuroticism can contribute to emotionality. I'm pretty high here, and I'm (very) high in neuroticism.
Just to resort to a funny example, if people have seen Big Bang Theory, I'd say the high-in-emotionality vs F is best illustrated by Leonard vs Penny. I'm not saying Leonard is a huge dichotomies-T or anything, just that he's probably less F than Penny who seems almost totally F. But she's plausibly less emotional/blubbery than Leonard. Sheldon's also a great example of an emotional T who is probably a very strong T.
Neuroticism can contribute to emotionality. I'm pretty high here, and I'm (very) high in neuroticism.
Just to resort to a funny example, if people have seen Big Bang Theory, I'd say the high-in-emotionality vs F is best illustrated by Leonard vs Penny. I'm not saying Leonard is a huge dichotomies-T or anything, just that he's probably less F than Penny who seems almost totally F. But she's plausibly less emotional/blubbery than Leonard. Sheldon's also a great example of an emotional T who is probably a very strong T.