Trump will win again

Is there anyone here who supports Trump? If so, what is your assessment of him and this interview with Chris Wallace from last night?

I'm not looking to debate, I just want to understand how anyone can watch something like this and conclude he's a forthright and honest president that's doing a good job of leading the country. I truly want to understand.


Don't have time right now to watch the whole thing, but isn't it (contrary to what he states in the beginning) incredibly rare for incumbents to win this far behind in public favor/polls?

My hypothesis is that we'll be on the precipice of the inevitable dumpster fire of the U.S. economy in Nov, so whoever capitalizes best on that will win.
Afghanistan and the Endless War Caucus

Barbara Boland reported on the House Armed Services Committee’s vote to impede withdrawal of US from Afghanistan:

The House Armed Services Committee voted Wednesday night to put roadblocks on President Donald Trump’s vow to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan, apparently in response to bombshell report published by The New York Times Friday that alleges Russia paid dollar bounties to the Taliban in Afghanistan to kill US troops.

It speaks volumes about Congress’ abdication of its responsibilities that one of the few times that most members want to challenge the president over a war is when they think he might bring it to an end.
Didn't watch the full video nor am I really a republican but here's my attempt to reply:

Is there anyone here who supports Trump? If so, what is your assessment of him and this interview with Chris Wallace from last night?

I'm not looking to debate, I just want to understand how anyone can watch something like this and conclude he's a forthright and honest president that's doing a good job of leading the country. I truly want to understand.

I don't think you can really resolve the "Is x person doing a good job leading y country durign the coronavirus?" thing. Because that's opinion not fact. Also you don't have to be doing a great job, just better than the opposition

Like I try to remind people about the economy, there's too many different factors effecting case totals that it's hard to decisively locate a single factor leading to success in avoiding this disaster. Does Trump have control over lockdowns? No, he handed that off to the states. Does Trump have control over how many elderly people or people with autoimmune diseases living in America? No. Does Trump have control over how much people have excercised/the nature of their diets/whether or not they smoked for the past half century+? Not really no. Could any leader have control over these things?

If he's deflecting responsibility for something he actually did have control over I don't really see how that sets him apart from any other leader when they fuck up.
Didn't watch the full video nor am I really a republican but here's my attempt to reply:

I don't think you can really resolve the "Is x person doing a good job leading y country durign the coronavirus?" thing. Because that's opinion not fact. Also you don't have to be doing a great job, just better than the opposition

Like I try to remind people about the economy, there's too many different factors effecting case totals that it's hard to decisively locate a single factor leading to success in avoiding this disaster. Does Trump have control over lockdowns? No, he handed that off to the states. Does Trump have control over how many elderly people or people with autoimmune diseases living in America? No. Does Trump have control over how much people have excercised/the nature of their diets/whether or not they smoked for the past half century+? Not really no. Could any leader have control over these things?

If he's deflecting responsibility for something he actually did have control over I don't really see how that sets him apart from any other leader when they fuck up.

Lol, the fact is that populist leaders like Trumpf, Johnson and that muppet in Brazil did a terrible job during corona.

Trumpf showed no leadership, he doesn't listen to his scientific advisors, he sent mixed messages regarding the masks all along etc.

Populism completely failed when it really mattered. These people are only skilled at speaking rubbish during the good times.

On the other hand, the most cold and rational response came from female leaders in Germany, New Zealand, Finland, Norway etc.
Lol, the fact is that populist leaders like Trumpf, Johnson and that muppet in Brazil did a terrible job during corona.

Trumpf showed no leadership, he doesn't listen to his scientific advisors, he sent mixed messages regarding the masks all along etc.

Populism completely failed when it really mattered. These people are only skilled at speaking rubbish during the good times.

On the other hand, the most cold and rational response came from female leaders in Germany, New Zealand, Finland, Norway etc.
Looking forward to billions and billions more

Here's to hoping. His "algorithm" correctly predicted a winner for every election since 1984.

Here's to hoping. His "algorithm" correctly predicted a winner for every election since 1984.

There's apparently another guy who was only wrong about two elections that has Trump winning. I have a hard time believing the reliability of these sorts of predictive systems; people can predict one-sided elections and get lucky with the rest.
There's apparently another guy who was only wrong about two elections that has Trump winning. I have a hard time believing the reliability of these sorts of predictive systems; people can predict one-sided elections and get lucky with the rest.

Yeah, it's just some fun. Still, to be right so many times in a row is statistically significant.

I didn't even see what this guy's model is, but apparently he has 13 criteria for an incumbent party and if they fail on 6 or more they are gonna lose the election. It's interesting that in late 2019 his model still predicted Trump as a winner.
When Biden speaks about his love for his wife and family, and the heartbreak of losing his first wife, I think it reveals a vast gulf of difference between the two men. Compare with Trump's series of trophy wives and affairs...

The more sincere man here is obvious. He simply must win.
When Biden speaks about his love for his wife and family, and the heartbreak of losing his first wife, I think it reveals a vast gulf of difference between the two men. Compare with Trump's series of trophy wives and affairs...

The more sincere man here is obvious. He simply must win.

Yeah, he's got a good speech writer :).
He does seem a lot more decent and of better character than Trump, but really - that doesn't say much.
Personally, I don't particularly like him... and I don't know how those sexual harassment accusations got completely shoved under the rug.
Yeah, he's got a good speech writer :).
He does seem a lot more decent and of better character than Trump, but really - that doesn't say much.
Personally, I don't particularly like him... and I don't know how those sexual harassment accusations got completely shoved under the rug.
Lol, I wondered that about the speech writer myself, but at least he or she seems to understand his character and what he cares about.

He's growing on me. I didn't really find him particularly impressive initially, but he seems to be growing in conviction. There's a decent momentum that's building, and the whole process is going to be transformative for him, too.

I don't know about the sexual harassment rumours, though.
When Biden speaks about his love for his wife and family, and the heartbreak of losing his first wife, I think it reveals a vast gulf of difference between the two men. Compare with Trump's series of trophy wives and affairs...

The more sincere man here is obvious. He simply must win.
I listened to his speech last night and I honestly was not expecting much. He exceeded my expectations. I think he did a good job of distinguishing himself as someone who wants to unite Americans. When he spoke of his family, I felt he was sincere and appropriate.

Biden seems focused on the positive. Trump resorts to fear. I hope we do not choose more fear.
I listened to his speech last night and I honestly was not expecting much. He exceeded my expectations. I think he did a good job of distinguishing himself as someone who wants to unite Americans. When he spoke of his family, I felt he was sincere and appropriate.

Biden seems focused on the positive. Trump resorts to fear. I hope we do not choose more fear.

Maybe I'm a little cynical, but ultimately, I think it'll be largely a fear-based decision on both sides of the aisle.
I listened to his speech last night and I honestly was not expecting much. He exceeded my expectations. I think he did a good job of distinguishing himself as someone who wants to unite Americans. When he spoke of his family, I felt he was sincere and appropriate.

Biden seems focused on the positive. Trump resorts to fear. I hope we do not choose more fear.
Yes exactly.

Maybe I'm a little cynical, but ultimately, I think it'll be largely a fear-based decision on both sides of the aisle.
That's a good point, but it doesn't have to be what his campaign relies on. He seems like he has enough genuine idealism to generate a sincere message of hope and positivity.