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I'm guessing this is about the app that he developed
No it's about the fact that he's the rat king
I'm guessing this is about the app that he developed
No it's about the fact that he's the rat king
Exactly!if you do not vote, or vote for anyone but the democratic nominee you are voting for trump.. .
if you do not vote, or vote for anyone but the democratic nominee you are voting for trump.. .
How are Trump and Butigieg the same? I doubt they would make the same judicial appointments, for example. Next president will likely get another SCOTUS appointment.Voting for a corporate puppet rat is a vote for drumpf anyway. Two sides of the same coin.
You stated they were the same. I'm really wanting to know how. I just gave my reason why I think they aren't.
Can you please cite your sources? lolol.1. They are both rats
2. They both smell, probably from living in the sewer
3. They are both corporate shills
Can you please cite your sources? lolol.
Because Butigieg is a moderate?
You can come to your own conclusions, just my opinions and personal observations though
Get out.Not only will he win again, @Eventhorizon will be vice president.
and he can speak in coherent sentences. loves his partner, does not brag about assaulting women. . mock the disabled. . lie on a daily basis. . he has not become the property of Putin through russian money to keep the illusion of his wealth afloat. need I continue?.He's not my first pick but still better than Trump. I think I said forever ago I'd vote for a toaster if it won the nomination. I stand by that opinion today. I just don't think it's fair at all to say he would be the same as Trump, or that it would make no difference between the two of them. He's not a moron who doesn't have any understanding of the Constitution or respect for the office. He's not a coward who ran away from serving in the military like Trump. He's not promoting cutting social security and Medicaid and Medicare like Trump is. He's not wanting to dismantle ACA with no plan for replacement like Trump. He's not promising the religious zealots that he will appoint judges to end women's reproductive rights. He may be kinda status quo but I take that over Trump's burning it to the ground.
He may be kinda status quo but I take that over Drumpf's burning it to the ground.
Status quo is the same as drumpf imo, which was my original point/sentiment here.
I am over accepting bullshit candidates, that's what landed us in the Hilary-Drumpf no win situation in the first place.
But I definitely get what you are saying, and they are different people ideologically.
he cares nothing about America. .Nothing about Europe. . nothing about caring for anyone or anything. he wants wealth and prestige. .he is drawn to dictators because that is what he wants, all the money and all the focus on him with no questions asked. he is a cognitively declining sociopath who is void of conscious or empathy for anything or any one. .He doesn't care about healtchare, national parks, art, beauty of any kind. .the environment. world stability. .peace anywhere, only the money in his pocket and it doesn't matter how it got there. .I don't really see Trump as status quo. He's there to tear shit up. He's goona dismantle healthcare while offering no viable alternatives or replacement. He's alienating us from our allies and kissing dictator ass around the world... Trying to turn back the clock on women's reproductive rights. I see him as the more volatile choice. What could he fuck up in another 4 years? I'm not sure I want to find out.