say what
I like soft soft!
- Enneagram
- 5w4..maybe?
This dialogue in the comments of the article makes me think so much! [MENTION=9401]LucyJr[/MENTION] I think you'd appreciate this:
If there is no God- how do we determine a universal truth?
Jimbo on September 30, 2012 at 10:06 pm said:
Whether or not the Church preaches its dogma in the commonality of objectivity or subjectivity is largely irrelevant, seeing as how there is no plausible way for the Church to truthfully do so objectively.
There is no evidence whatsoever for a God. Not just the God of the Bible, but of any God, of any religion. Nor is there evidence for Jesus having conducted miracles (although I won’t outright deny his existence, for several histories circa 100 BC have written of his existence), or rising from the dead, or being born of a virgin. Even any of those miracles alone would not be evidence of a God, just of a miracle happening, of whose origin no one knows.
Therefore, it would be outright blasphemy to preach the “Word of God” as if it were the undying, undeniable, and undoubted truth of the world; there is nothing showing that this is so. Clearly you can see the farcical logic behind claiming the ideology of Christianity to be objectively true.
misterrichardson on October 6, 2012 at 8:43 am said:
Jimbo, if there is no God, then there is no final authority for right and wrong, truth or falsehood. These all require some sort of universal standard. Therefore, your comments are equally farcical.
If there is no God- how do we determine a universal truth?