say what
I like soft soft!
- Enneagram
- 5w4..maybe?
You have a 'belief' that humans can fly under certain circumstances. That doesn't make it a truth. It is a theory that if certain factors are in place the result would be a human flying. It may be the truth but unless there is proof it cannot be considered an objective truth. The lack of proof doesn't make it untrue but without proof you also cannot discount the possibility that it is untrue.
It's the same with any belief system. There is an objective truth but without concrete proof it cannot be called an objective truth because it would be objective only if there was a consensus that it was true, otherwise it is subjective. The truth may be that there is a God, and anybody can adopt this belief as a subjective truth, but without a consensus and concrete proof you cannot call it an objective truth or 'the truth'. That is why it is called 'faith'.
Sorry if this is word picking! But, is this not the idea that if we believe in a truth enough, it becomes true? If we all believe the pig can fly, and that's the common consensus, would it be true?