
US accused of ‘trying to destroy Russia’

By Catherine Belton in Moscow
©GettyVladimir Yakunin: '“We are witnessing a huge geopolitical game'

An ally of Vladimir Putin has accused the US and a “global financial oligarchy” of organising the violent overthrow of power in Ukraine to “destroy” Russia as a geopolitical opponent.
Vladimir Yakunin, a former senior diplomat who now heads Russian Railways, the state railways monopoly, claimed the US had for decades been intent on separating Ukraine from Russia and bringing it into the west’s fold.

“We are witnessing a huge geopolitical game in which the aim is the destruction of Russia as a geopolitical opponent of the US or of this global financial oligarchy,” Mr Yakunin said in an interview on Thursday.
“A CIA analysis . . . described three possible scenarios for the development of the geopolitical situation. The most acceptable scenario was considered to be one in which a certain world government is created – and the realisation of this project is in line with the concept of global domination that is being carried out by the US.
“We saw this in Iraq, we saw it in Afghanistan, we saw it in Yugoslavia and in North Africa. Today, the borders of carrying out this doctrine have moved to Ukraine.”
Mr Yakunin’s comments offer a view into the mindset among hardliners in Mr Putin’s closest circle as the Kremlin reacts to the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovich, the pro-Moscow Ukrainian president.
His comments reveal a section of Putin’s security establishment still smarting from the collapse of the Soviet Union – an event Mr Putin has called the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century – and fears the recent revolution in Ukraine was aimed at pulling the former Soviet republic into the EU and Nato.
Mr Yakunin said he hoped Mr Putin’s call at the weekend for approval from the Federation Council, the upper house of parliament, for the deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine had given western leaders “a cold shower”. This, he added, should see them step back from backing the “armed fighters” who, he claimed, had sparked the shooting on Kiev’s central Maidan Square that led to dozens of deaths and whom he accused of being behind the ousting of Mr Yanukovich.
The west must now help to ensure democratic elections in Ukraine to create “legitimate organs of power without the participation of armed men and fascist elements”. However, he added that May 25, the date set for presidential elections, was too early to ensure a true democratic process.
“The blood on the asphalt is not yet even dry,” he said. “It would be great if this cold shower that Mr Putin sent to western leaders – I mean US politicians – had its effect and they understood it is not decent to stamp around in your boots in someone else’s house.”
Mr Yakunin said the west had consistently reneged on its assurances to Moscow since 1991 that it had no intention of encircling it by expanding Nato to include countries on Russia’s borders. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the three Baltic states have joined the alliance as well as eastern European countries – including Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania – most of which were once in the Warsaw Pact.
“If you look at things objectively, [the former German chancellor Helmut] Kohl swore to [Soviet leader Mikhail] Gorbachev that the exit of Soviet troops from Germany would not lead to Nato’s approach towards Russia’s borders. But in reality everything that has happened is the exact opposite.
“Today I heard that Nato intends to more than double the contingent of fighter jets patrolling the territory of Baltic states. It seems to me this looks fairly comic [but] is in fact pathetic and disgusting.”
Washington was still fighting cold war battles aimed at crushing and emasculating Russia. “Zbigniew Brzezinski [the former US national security adviser] wrote in 1996 that with Ukraine, Russia is a great power and without it it is not – and this was not a new idea [in the US]. More than 40 years ago, when the US developed plans for the destruction of the Soviet Union, CIA documents said it should be accompanied by the separation of Ukraine from Russia.
“Somewhere on the shelves of the CIA’s leaders there are such files with these projects and they activate them maybe every three years.”
Calling any threat of sanctions of “secondary” importance, he said that Mr Putin’s decision to call for parliamentary approval of the deployment of Russian troops on to Ukraine’s soil “absolutely correct”.
“On the one hand it created balance and showed the world that Russia will not leave people in trouble in the face of mad rogues and [in a state of] anarchy when the authorities practically do not exist. On other hand, he was absolutely counting on this being a serious restraining factor for those idiots.”
“Here we are speaking about people who have been one civilisation ever since people have been writing history books,” he said, referring to the links between Kievan Rus, which emerged more than 1,000 years ago, and the modern Russian state. “Russia could not fail to react. The president could not fail to react. His own people would not forgive this, not to speak of Ukraine.”
Henry Kissinger has been in russia meeting with Putin recently; has that been covered at all by the US media?

That would be the ultimate irony if the cabal used this crisis to get russia to collpase the US economy so that the cabal could then use the chaos that ensued to create their new world order

Step 1: get russia to dump US dollars
step 2: this would then cause hyperinflation in the US destroying the economy and causing widespread panic amongst the population
step 3: the cabal then present to the public their pre-prepared action plan: the creation of a global government and a new global currency
step 4: crack down on 'patriots' who fight back
step 5: depends on who wins that fight
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[h=2]2014 change of government[edit][/h]On 27 February 2014, during the 2014 Crimean crisis, Refat Chubarov, leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and member of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, said that unknown gunmen seized the Building of the Supreme Council of Crimea on Karl Marx Street and the building of the Council of Ministers on Kirov Avenue in Simferopol.[SUP][9][/SUP]
Fifty gunmen occupied the building of the Crimean legislature, barricaded the building and installed machine guns at the front entrance. They allowed entrance to the Speaker of the Parliament and some members of legislature, but denied entrance to officials of the executive office.[SUP][10][/SUP]
Under siege, and in violation of all due process,[SUP][10][/SUP] the Supreme Council of Crimea held an emergency session and passed a motion of no confidence in the Council of Ministers and adopted a resolution to terminate its powers.[SUP][9][/SUP] The parliament dismissed the Chairman and Prime Minister, Anatolii Mohyliov pursuant to Article 136 of the Constitution of Ukraine, and replaced him de facto with Sergey Aksyonov, a local businessman.[SUP][10][/SUP] They voted to hold a referendum on the independence of Crimea on 25 May 2014.[SUP][11][/SUP]
According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Supreme Council of Crimea appoints the Prime Minister of Crimea in consultation with the President of Ukraine.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP]
Olha Sulnikova, head of information and analysis department of parliament, reported on the phone from inside the parliamentary building that 61 of the registered 64 deputies had voted for the referendum resolution and 55 for the resolution to dismiss the government.[SUP][14][/SUP]
Interfax-Ukraine reported "it is impossible to find out whether all the 64 members of the 100-member legislature who were registered as present, when the two decisions were voted on or whether someone else used the plastic voting cards of some of them" because due to the armed occupation of parliament it was unclear how many members of parliament were present.[SUP][14][/SUP]
Enver Abduraimov, member of the parliament presidium, said that he did not go inside when he saw that raiders who secured the building were confiscating all communications devices from deputies. Andriy Krysko, head of the Crimean branch of the Voters Committee of Ukraine, announced that no one from the parliament secretariat was in the building when voting took place.[SUP][14][/SUP]
Vladimir Konstantinov, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea, and the new de facto Prime Minister, Sergey Aksyonov, announced that they refused to recognize the dismissal of Viktor Yanukovych as President of Ukraine, and viewed him as legitimate.[SUP][15][/SUP][SUP][16][/SUP] Aksyonov added "we will follow his directions".[SUP][17][/SUP]
On 1 March 2014, the Acting President of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, signed a decree declaring the appointment of Sergei Aksyonov unconstitutional.[SUP][18][/SUP]

part of which says....

KIEV, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Ukraine's new prime minister said on Thursday loans worth $37 billion had gone missing from state coffers during ousted President Viktor Yanukovich's rule, and warned that unpopular measures were needed to salvage the economy.
With the hryvnia currency in freefall and concerns about the low level of foreign currency reserves growing, Arseny Yatseniuk said the country urgently needed loans from the International Monetary Fund, which is visiting Kiev next week.
The scale of alleged theft implied by Yatseniuk in a speech to parliament was jaw-dropping, even for a population now used to tales of Yanukovich's extravagance and lavish lifestyle, including his luxury residence outside Kiev.
The average salary in Ukraine is around $500 a month.
In addition to the missing $37 billion, Yatseniuk said as much as $70 billion had been sent out of the country during Yanukovich's three-year rule, although he did not make clear how much of this capital flight was illegal.
"I want to report to you - the state treasury has been robbed and is empty," he said before the national assembly voted him in as head of a national unity government.
"Thirty-seven billion dollars of credit received have disappeared in an unknown direction ... (and) the sum of 70 billion dollars was paid out of Ukraine's financial system into off-shore accounts."
At today's rate, $70 billion is equal to about half Ukraine's gross domestic product in 2013.
Only 4.3 billion hryvnia - $430 million - was left in government accounts, Yatseniuk said, although the central bank's foreign currency reserves stand at $15 billion.
IMF loan...tick
Events that lead up to the situation...forget the conspiracy theory for a moment.
Events that lead up to the situation...forget the conspiracy theory for a moment.

Which conspiracy theory?

There have been wranglings over the crimea for years now; the pro-russian people in the ukraine are now making themselves heard

Clearly the outside powers (NATO v's Russian federation) are not going to step back and leave the ukrainians to sort out their own country....but what happens when the population itself want to move in different directions?

I heard recently that the qataris wanted to run their gas through syria to Europe which is why they and the US and saudis were so keen to topple Assad. Now the suadis are muscling the qataris out

But russia obviously wanted to protect its gas sales to europe which is why it wanted to protect Assad

Now obviously NATO is trying to disrupt russias gas sales through the ukraine. Its really trying to put Russia under a lot of pressure

I think there are other aspects to the situation for example general westley clark said that the US had a plan to topple 7 countries in 5 years which of course makes a mockery of US claims about Assad gassing his own people; they are plannign to topple a bunch of countries...some they have done already and some they are working on:

I still think it was all staged and even if Putin was behind it all, Putin reacted like a true military leader.

Stopped the world from thinking about Iran, broke governments, Obama care that will not work, and all the other things that were embarrassing to certain people.

Obama is pulling our military back in and making us smaller and more weak. He backed down in Syria. He backed down on Iran. Putin is a hunter and he sees the weak. In a matter of seconds, all is forgotten regarding the Tatar's eye witness words. That took a lot of research.
I still think it was all staged and even if Putin was behind it all, Putin reacted like a true military leader.

Stopped the world from thinking about Iran, broke governments, Obama care that will not work, and all the other things that were embarrassing to certain people.

Obama is pulling our military back in and making us smaller and more weak. He backed down in Syria. He backed down on Iran. Putin is a hunter and he sees the weak. In a matter of seconds, all is forgotten regarding the Tatar's eye witness words. That took a lot of research.

It looks to me that russia is just trying to hold its own in the world

It isn't russia that is staging coups, invading countries and setting up military bases everywhere

The US has the resources to be self doesn't need to keep destabilising other countries. It should take a step hasn;t spread's spread death and destruction
Obama v's putin a false paradigm

We don't need to pick sides!

I think you grossly experience this one-sided, as always.
I think you grossly experience this one-sided, as always.

If you watch the clip i posted you will see that is not so; i have also said i think all foreign powers should leave ukraine to their own business

However i haven't heard any neutrality from you
I think post #64 about says it all.
I think post #64 about says it all.

No not really

The majority of people in the crimea are pro-russian

They are going to have a referendum soon so lets see how that goes

They have tried to pull away before and have an autonomous government....this time they may have to force it through because the interim government in Kiev are clearly bagmen of the global oligarchy and many people in the crimea do not want to be under the yoke of the oligarchs
What happened to the Tatars over the years?
Its not just the loss of the countrys assets including the land itself it is that to pay the interest on the IMF loan the government will enforce a programme of 'austerity' on the people which will see a movement of public wealth into a small number of private hands

This will destroy public services, stop spending and destroy the economy in a negative feedback loop

Government announce 'austerity' plan:

[h=2]The Ukrainian regime has unveiled a list of tough austerity measures aimed at "stabilizing the economic situation in the country and promoting more efficient state budget spending." A new decree to this effect has been published on the Cabinet's website.[/h]
Putin is basically telling Obama that he is insignificant. America is the worlds bitch again. Thank you loser President.

I don't see what the U.S. has to do with it. Why should we give a damn if Putin wont let Ukraine join the E.U.? Isn't that their problem?