
How their population, those that lived in Crimea, has been tossed around by Russia. Many were sent away in a type diaspora. They don't have a say any longer in Crimea. Maybe the population has been cultivated for this.
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Locations of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine.

The Seven Wonders of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Сім чудес України [ˈsʲim tʃuˈdes ukraˈjinɪ]) are the seven historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine, which were chosen in the Seven Wonders of Ukraine contest held in July, 2007. This was the first public contest of that kind which was followed by the Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine, the Seven Wonderful Routes of Ukraine, and the Seven Wonderful Castles of Ukraine. All nominated sites are publicly owned protected areas of at least regional level, available for tourism.
I wonder...
How their population, those that lived in Crimea, has been tossed around by Russia. Many were sent away in a type diaspora. They don't have a say any longer in Crimea. Maybe the population has been cultivated for this.

Maybe the US could request that Russia pay compensation for any people who were displaced and then maybe the US government could pay compensation to all the native americans who were displaced by the US government?
Maybe the US could request that Russia pay compensation for any people who were displaced and then maybe the US government could pay compensation to all the native americans who were displaced by the US government?

It would sound so much better if:

Maybe Russia could allow voting by those they willfully displaced and are now displacing. Geronimo! Voices heard not in the streets.
It would sound so much better if:

Maybe Russia could allow voting by those they willfully displaced and are now displacing.

There is going to be a referendum in the crimea


Did they give Geronimo a vote? Or did Bush and his lodge brethren from the skull and bones society raid his grave and steal his skull for their elitist occult yale frat house?

I have to use this opportunity to get a quote of his in that i love...its not everyday that he comes up:

Well i'd say the US is now pretty enclosured...doesn't mean that can't change though

Voices heard not in the streets.

the ballot box will speak soon
Nobody ever told you voting under duress is not palpable?
Nobody ever told you voting under duress is not palpable?

Referenda don't mean much when the question is "Do we move towards Russia, or declare independence?" It will be a vote designed to strengthen the Russian position with Crimea no matter what.

If they were interested in not-obviously-rigged voting they would remove their troops (the ones they still deny are there) and allow OSCE observers access to parliament.

Observors can only work if they are totaly impartial otherwise they will go in with one task in mind: to undermine the result

The majority of people in the crimea are pro-russian

On one hand i can understand Abby Martins position that military intervention is NEVER ok but on the other hand i can see how when one side uses military intervention (the western powers used agents and mercenaries in the Kiev protests) then it forces the hand of the other side

I can see why the russians would step in when the ukraine has so blatantly been taken by force by the western cabal but at the same time i condemn the intervention of both sides

Both sides should stay put of it and let the ukrainians decide their own future...but for as long as one imperial power is interferring the other will then seek to counter balance it...violence begets violence
How does ICBMs sound in Crimea?
Do you think those in Crimea understand their safe haven is about to become another Cuba?
Do you think those in Crimea understand their safe haven is about to become another Cuba?

It won't be cuba in the sense of being embargoed by the US because it will still be able to trade with the russians and others outside of the NATO block

I would be more concerned of a military escalation as the cabal try to use war as a way to conceal the collapsing US economy
We owe enough money to feed the poor of the world. Reagan said we had 15 billion in gold in the federal reserve, and not a cent of it was owned by the US.

The fall of Russia was not a fall at all. You may see something similar.
Observors can only work if they are totaly impartial otherwise they will go in with one task in mind: to undermine the result

So what exactly are you implying that the OSCE (members of which include Russia and every former SSR as well as a few Asian nations) wants to do by sending observers?
We owe enough money to feed the poor of the world. Reagan said we had 15 billion in gold in the federal reserve, and not a cent of it was owned by the US.

The fall of Russia was not a fall at all. You may see something similar.

Your government is controlled by the central bankers. They have SOLD your gold from underneath your feet. there is no gold in fort knox; that's why they won't audit it

The german government has asked your government for its gold back which the US has held since world war 2. The Fed has said it will pay back the gold over 7 years but it couldn't even manage to scrape together enough gold to make the first installment!

China, russia, india and others are hoarding gold so that when the global economy collapses they will be able to create a new global currency backed by gold

The New World Order bankers have been buying up land which they call 'conservation parks' which are protected under the United Nations. They are planning to use this land as collateral to form a World Conservation Bank when the dollar collapses so that they can create THEIR new world order but the russians and the chinese are not playing ball

Personally i don't want to see either side score a decisive victory because i don't trust governments (or any concentration of power eg corporations)

I don't want to see their new world orders i want to see the people of the world create their own new world order with power exercised form the people upwards
So what exactly are you implying that the OSCE (members of which include Russia and every former SSR as well as a few Asian nations) wants to do by sending observers?

What is happening is that the US economy is collapsing as part of the silent 'currency wars' against russia and china

This is driving the US to increasingly desperate acts such as trying to take over the Ukraine and threaten russia directly. This is a very dangerous game because we live in the nuclear age

The referendum will declare the crimea to be a seperate country from the Ukraine. The crimean soldiers who have walked out of the Ukrainian military are returning to the crimea to join what will become the crimean national army

The crimean national army and the russians will defend the crimean soil from further encroachments from the western bankers

Meanwhile russia and china will continue to 'de-americanise' (ie dump their dollars) which will flow back to your country causing hyper-inflation which will destroy the purchasing power of your money; this will lead to the food riots that i have been predicting on this forum for years now

The governemnt will then declare emergency powers and the shadow government will control the clampdown from their FEMA bunkers. The police and military will be requested to go under martial law to disarm all the US citizens in house to house searches.

Anyone who has registered their weapon has told the government exactly where to go to find the weapons to confiscate

There will be resistance from patriots who believe in preserving the republic which is going to see chaos in your country

Its important to remember through out all of this that it is not the fault of the russians and the chinese because your government will try desperately to make you hate them so that they can divert the anger of the american people onto an external threat (they will try and create world war three to stop you from overthrowing them)

They will then try to introduce their own new currency (controlled by the central bankers of course and designed to enslave you entirely)

The fault of all this lies with the central bankers who have used the advantage of the dollar being the global reserve currency NOT to enrich the people of the world and give fresh water and education to the people of the world, NOT to end poverty, but INSTEAD to build a giant military machine which has enriched them personally, which they have used to attack countries around the world killing and maiming millions of children, women and men and destroying the infrastructure of many countries

Just remember through all the turmoil that the enemy is within your own country not without
a whole bunch of shit

So, again, what are you implying neutral international organizations sought to accomplish in sending observers to see the vote?
So, again, what are you implying neutral international organizations sought to accomplish in sending observers to see the vote?


Following an unprecedented period of activity in the 1990s and early 2000s (decade), the OSCE has in the past few years faced accusations from the CIS states (primarily Russia) of being a tool for the Western states to advance their own interests. For instance, the events in Ukraine in 2004 (the "Orange Revolution") led to allegations by Russia of OSCE involvement on behalf of the pro-Western Viktor Yushchenko. At the 2007 Munich Conference on Security Policy, Vladimir Putin made this position very clear:

"They [unnamed Western States] are trying to transform the OSCE into a vulgar instrument designed to promote the foreign policy interests of one or a group of countries. And this task is also being accomplished by the OSCE's bureaucratic apparatus, which is absolutely not connected with the state founders in any way. Decision-making procedures and the involvement of so-called non-governmental organizations are tailored for this task. These organizations are formally independent but they are purposefully financed and therefore under control".[SUP][29][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP][SUP][31][/SUP][SUP][32][/SUP] Also, following the Belorussian Presidential election of 2001, the OSCE denounced the election, claiming it to be neither 'free nor fair'; however, the OSCE had actually refused to observe the vote, and still made the aforementioned claim, despite Gérard Stoudmann of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the OSCE acknowledging that there was "no evidence of manipulation or fraud of the results".

Russia and its allies are advancing the concept of a comprehensive OSCE reform, which would make the Secretariat, institutions and field presences more centralized and accountable to collective consensus-based bodies and focus the work of the Organization on topical security issues (human trafficking, terrorism, non-proliferation, arms control, etc.), at the expense of the "Human Dimension", or human rights issues. The move to reduce the autonomy of the theoretically independent OSCE institutions, such as ODIHR, would effectively grant a Russian veto over any OSCE activity. Western participating States are opposing this process, which they see as an attempt to prevent the OSCE from carrying out its democratization agenda in post-Soviet countries.
Following the 2008 U.S. presidential election, OSCE's ODIHR was accused of having double standards by Russia's lawmaker Slutsky. The point was made that while numerous violations of the voting process were registered, its criticism came only from within the United States (media, human rights organizations, McCain's election staff), while the OSCE known for its bashing criticism of elections on the post-Soviet space remained silent.

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ukraine's Crimea region has invited the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to send a mission to observe Sunday's referendum on joining Russia, Russia's RIA news agency said on Monday.
It said the invitation had been issued to the Vienna-based security and human rights organization by the region's pro-Russian parliament.
But later in the day, a OSCE spokeswoman said Crimea could not invite observers as the region was not a full-fledged state and therefore not a member of the 57-member organization.
"As far as we know, Crimea is not a participating state of the OSCE, so it would be sort of hard for them to invite us," she said.
She also said that Ukraine, which is an OSCE member, sent no invitation and that the organization "respects the full territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine".
For the past week, OSCE military observers have been unable to enter Crimea, which is controlled by Russian forces.
On Monday, Sergei Aksyonov, Crimea's newly appointed Prime Minister contested by central authorities in Kiev, said that the pro-Russian authorities in the region "have cordially asked" OSCE observers to leave.
Ukraine, meanwhile, has asked the Council of Europe human rights watchdog to help investigate the clashes that led to President Viktor Yanukovich's overthrow and to monitor minorities in Crimea.

My post you dismissed as ''a whole bunch of shit'' contains predictions. You will be able to follow events and see if my predictions match them
I expect the Ukraine to split

The Russians have secured the crimea whilst a referendum is arranged to see if the people there want to join the russian federation or the EU; the crimean politicians have already voted to join the russian federation

I also said the Ukrainians would take a loan from the IMF which in the future they will fail to pay back. They will default on the loan because their economy is in tatters and in return the IMF will do what it has done elsewhere and it will insist that the government privatise its assets and sell them off in firesales; the global oligarchs will then buy up everything in Ukraine. Meanwhile the ukrainian economy will nosedive so badly from the austerity that it will see an exodus of its young going to seek work elsewhere

Putin had offered them billions of euros of debt relief but they have refused that because their leaders who have created this coup and who have now put themselves in power are part of the global oligarchy (who are trying to centralise their power more and more and they use debt as a weapon to enslave people)

So in brief:
  • a split in the ukraine
  • an IMF loan
  • a default on the loan
  • a nosedive in ukrainian economy seeing an exodus of workers out of the country

95% of crimeans have today voted to join with Russia

Now the pro-russian people in the east of Ukraine are demanding their own referendum