Undecided voters

My wife had an abortion when she was 14. It wasn't legal then. She did not receive a proper abortion, and her parents found her almost bleeding to death in the tub. It was thirty-some years later when we started seeing each other.
The butt who got her pregnant wanted her to have an abortion. No sweat off his back, and he wanted nothing to do with responsibilities.

After we went out twice, she told me she knew I had no children, but I needed to move on if I wanted one. She simply could not have any.
Talk about something that will eat away at your mind! I wish we never heard that word again. She cannot get well, then here comes another commercial about women's rights to have an abortion if she wants to. I've heard so many times how she wished she would have had that child. Now she doesn't even want to be touched.

IN MY OPINION, having forbidden sex is like partaking in the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You are no longer at peace and innocent when you hear God calling you. You cover yourselves in shame. Lastly, your entire future will be affected. The plans God had for you can no longer be.

In this one instance, they were cast away from their home. God told all to be fruitful and multiply. There have been problems ever since.
A woman may want a child, but not now and not this one. Who do you think you are? Don't you know what causes babies? That child could have become President, but at least they will have a right to say what the sperm and egg will come to. cont'd
Is sperm alive? Is it dead? Ever watch through a microscope?

To the man: honor what is right. To the young man: she's too young. I could go on with this one. In your weakness possess ye your strength.
Be a man. Be a woman. Take home in a jar what they remove so you can look the rest of your life. No thanks.

Guys: want to be a woman? I say get a life. Women want to be a man? Get a life. Everyone is not born the same. Not everyone will think and feel the same. Deal with it. I was born a male infj. So what? So I'm a little different from the masses. Big deal, and in a more positive look at it: I'm thankful to have gotten that chance to be here.
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I would also say something about society. My view is easy to explain: sliding down a razor blade into a pool of alcohol. It is not his or her fault: it is doing what you want to do with no guidance. Playing outside the lines. Don't believe in lines? There are lines.
What Israel stuff? Israel wants him to win, no? That's how it seems to me. Also, wouldn't you say Abraham accords were a step in the right direction? What is Biden/Harris doing in the Middle East that's good for you?

Are you afraid of Russia, how are they a threat to the USA exactly?

I think he'd take each war in isolation. You cannot say he won't be game in China/Taiwan escalation, for example.
I'm not afraid of Russia, or any other country, as long as our military stays strong. Part of that is active engagement in conflict. Even if you have the best technology, you can't expect military personnel to be top notch without experience. They need to be engaged in more than just military exercises to gain this experience. You will see this historically in terms of wars and which sides do the best; a military that has actual boots on the ground does far better than theoretical. Of course one would hope we could transition to drones, digital warfare, etc. so admittedly I'm not sure how important putting actual boots in the ground is anymore. As long as we have at least a few specialized teams that do that I suppose we're good.

Russia primarily remains an issue because of their potential to ally with China, the way they have repeatedly entered other countries- Ukraine most recent but before that, the annexation of crimea, invention in Georgia. A lot of this is cold war history and needing to keep our edge over Russia. I suppose a lot of people forget the space race and how they have historically shown themselves to be pretty good at developing technology that rivals the USA and not necessarily interested in letting the USA be the top dog economically. Any country that could usurp the USA is a threat.

Obviously Biden-Harris secured the middle east the most with supporting Israel which I know Trump would also do so I'm not worried about that. In terms of military presence, they have actively engaged, like second two aircraft carrier strike groups as a deterrent in Lebanon and Iran. I would like to see even more engagement, they're no dick Cheney, but my sense is that Trump would be less involved. Maybe I'm wrong on that. But I do know he's said he would pull back from Ukraine which I don't want.
The race doesn't even seem that close to me. Kamala appeared on "Call me Daddy" podcast (?) 3 days ago, got 500k views and huge dislike ratio and negative comments.

Flagrant put out a Trump conversation less than 24 houra ago, already more than 1.1 million views.

I haven't seen either but I think clearly Trump is more popular amongst the younger people. Unless these podcasts are watched predominantly by men, then it doesn't tell us much. I mean it's clear that young men prefer Trump.
I would agree. I think there's a fairly good chance that Trump is going to win. Even left wing sources are admitting this:


I’m sure the COVID testing kits were nice for Putin to have. The fact that Putin got Trump to prioritize Putin’s health over Americans, the fact that by keeping this secret, Putin ratcheted up the hold he had on Trump were probably far bigger gifts.

And that’s why I think Putin’s instructions to keep this secret are as important as the fact that Trump made efforts to care for Putin’s health as he neglected hundreds of thousands of Americans. It’s the control over all this information that Trump keeps ceding to Putin “ https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/10/10/donald-trump-bednurse-to-vladimir-putin/

When they attempt to impeach a sitting President with lies FAILED
Financially destroy with rigged lawsuits presided over by corrupt judges FAILED
Multiple ongoing attempts to shoot him dead FAILED
All while seeing mindless sheep cheering for it to happen.
Well then Trump is the only choice.
They are clearly threatened and scared.
When a president has multiple federal indictments alleging that they attempted to nullify the election they lost, that is a threat to democracy.
Claiming that the allegations, which are backed up with solid evidence based on sworn testimony, are a hoax is not credible.