Regarding war, no one wants it. But you cant lay down and allow yourself to be tortured in the name of peace. Allowing yourself to be maimed, raped, murdered in the name of peace is not survival.
How do you know this?Invoke enough violent spirits and war seems to take a life of its own. That's where the ancient concept of a god of war came from.
We may find out sooner than later in Obamas world.When I think about the movie Soylent Green the only thing really unbelievable is the idea that people could tolerate a world where the homeless have to congregate in every stairway at night to sleep. I think in that universe it would be more realistic if the police just started firing a .50 cal in the market place until most everyone had died.
Im glad you recognize our history books have nit been history books for a long while. They are being rewritten to promote liberal socialist ideals and make competing ideals look like the enemy. Ill also go further and state that our school systems are being over run by those with this same ideals. Its why untold number of college kids come out believing that conservative ideals are the enemy of this country. It takes a while but generally those who think for themselves and begin to live in the real world see how wrong they were and how many lies they were fed. I know, I was one of those people.
Concerning your post about the Republican letter to Iran, I am glad that Iran finally is seeing America has an actual leadership that wont put up with their crap. The President dosnt speak for the American people any longer. Not that he ever did.
Good article to read.
There is only one country in this world who has real weapons.. nuclear, chemical and biological..
There is only one country in this world who used the same..
One country in this world makes 99% of weapons.
Only one country in this world woud go bankrot if all wars stopped.
Can you guess which one?![]()
I recognized it as satire focusing on Republicans alone. You continue to say that bith Republicans and Democrats hqve sold us out and thats true however your posts always focus on Republican ideals such a conservatism, capitalism etc alone. I simply focus on the greater of the two evils.I’m not worried about the liberal agenda or the conservative one…they have both sold us out.
Screw them both.
Our history books are ignorant in most cases…they are written to showcase all the super-great things we have done in the world and to minimize the negative…which could be a whole separate history book.
If you look at my above post there are two letters…the first was sarcastic…it was satire…then I posted the actual letter here - http://www.infjs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29756&page=2&p=811626&viewfull=1#post811626
It basically tells the GOP they are violating international law and to fuck off.
History isn’t supposed to be selective….it’s supposed to be factual, not edited to make one feel good about their country.I recognized it as satire focusing on Republicans alone. You continue to say that bith Republicans and Democrats hqve sold us out and thats true however your posts always focus on Republican ideals such a conservatism, capitalism etc alone. I simply focus on the greater of the two evils.
Why shouldnt we focus on the great things America stands for?
Do not disagree with most of this until you get to Clintons false economy and placing blame on Reagan who repaired all the damage Carter did WITHOUT constantly blaming carter for the state of the nation as Obama did with Bush. Yes we were headed into a small recession after Bush but that was turned into what can basically be called a depression thanks to Obama. So some good ideas but your information on Clinton and Reagan is clearly coming from a liberally bias source. You will never find a solution by listening to only one side all the time. I dont sit around listening to people that agree with me all the time. What would that ever accomplish?History isn’t supposed to be selective….it’s supposed to be factual, not edited to make one feel good about their country.
If you followed what I focus on, you would see that I focus on anyone who puts profits over people…I focus on those who dismantled the system that once worked so well for so many. BOTH parties have sold out save but a few Congresspeople here and there…I think there is very little chance now with endless amounts of mystery money sponsoring our Congresspeople, our President, etc…how can anyone actually feel that their voice is heard over the voices of the corporate lobbyist that don’t have the best interests of this country and it’s people, they are the one’s passing laws that create the loopholes that have legally fleeced this nation.
We once had a strong country because we wanted it so…we had single-income families, who each had a home, a car, a well-paying job, with benefits, retirement, union protections, and a pension. The Baby Boomers were the generation who benefitted from these changes that were made to enhance everyone’s life after WWII…they were able to go to college free or practically free…the crime rate was low because economic conditions were good.
The reasons that they were able to do this has everything to do with the tax rates and the fact that EVERYONE was actually taxed in a progressive manner…not just the middle class.
Banks used to operate separate from investment houses…this rule was passed after the first collapse of Wall Street…Clinton helped dismantle that one after Reagan began it…and low an behold what happens? Wall Street screws the public…the very laws that were passed to avoid that situation.
It’s all about greed, and people not caring who gets screwed over in the process.
I could go on forever you know…haha.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] judging by the rep you gave me you dont know jack shit.
What do you expect when you ask me yet another one of your usual troll questions?
This is like all you're good for and always has been.
Also I'd be less annoyed if this wasn't literally every fucking post you've made to me ever.
Aw man
Do not disagree with most of this until you get to Clintons false economy and placing blame on Reagan who repaired all the damage Carter did WITHOUT constantly blaming carter for the state of the nation as Obama did with Bush. Yes we were headed into a small recession after Bush but that was turned into what can basically be called a depression thanks to Obama. So some good ideas but your information on Clinton and Reagan is clearly coming from a liberally bias source. You will never find a solution by listening to only one side all the time. I dont sit around listening to people that agree with me all the time. What would that ever accomplish?
Yes, you exactly kick them out and have trials for them and for the Wall street CEOs who crashed our economy…Obama didn’t crash it, he only made getting food stamp requirements easier because we had record numbers of people losing their jobs.So lets say we kick all corrupt congress folks out. Ok so that would be all of them. Whats your plan then? Put good people in their place? Works for a couple years but over time the slimy ones make their way back. So whats the solution?
im not sure why you think I was trolling. But since it got you so upset I at least got a laugh out of it.Hey you've earned this fake disappointment.