Seriously?! I just offered several that you ignored.
So whatever…agree to disagree.

Real solutions. Yeah put them all on trial because that will EVER happen.

I don’t deny that the Repeal of the Glass-Stegal Act, was Clinton who was working with an all Republican Congress led by Phil Gramm…they could have squashed it just as easily…it was one of the contributing factors (of many throughout the 80’s, 90, and up till now) that helped create the housing bubble and subsequent Wall Street crash/money grab.
However, Glass-Stegal also reestablished the FDIC to try to prevent such money grabs.
It did’t work because Bush Jr. once again deregulated Wall Street.
Even the economist Thomas Sowell who write conservative syndicated columns in the newspaper is/was against the Reagan tax cuts that left this country with no revenue.
1. Deregulated Wall Street: It was a great time to be a Wall Street executive during the Bush administration.Sweeping financial deregulation helped build the housing bubble and allowed financial institutions to pursue risky trades unchecked. In fact, Bush eliminated the rules that allowed Wall Street to cause the financial crash that plunged the nation into the Great Recession.
2. Cut Taxes For The Wealthy: The Bush tax cuts — over 50 percent of which benefited the richest 5 percent of American taxpayers — cost about $2.5 trillion over the decade after they were enacted. Ten years later, Bush’s tax cuts are still the main driving factor of the national debt:

3. Ran Up A Tab On Two Wars: The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the country trillions of dollars. Combined with Bush’s tax cuts, war spending was a main factor in blowing up the deficit and spending the surplusaccumulated under Clinton. Lawmakers now use the deficit as an excuse for inaction.
4. Left Homeowners In A Lurch: While Bush was happy to help out the banks in the wake of the housing crisis, he didlittle to assist struggling homeowners. Hope For Homeowners, Bush’s proposal to assist those struggling with their mortgages, was a colossal failure; in its first six months, it helped just one homeowner renegotiate his mortgage. Many mortgage holders — 15.7 million or, one in three — are still underwater today.
5. Weakened Workers: Bush weakened worker safety regulations and collective bargaining rights under theOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Department of Labor throughout his time in office. Today, corporations are back to making record profits, while workers’ incomes are falling.

You were probably young like I was but Reagan crashed the stock market too…in 1987, they call it “Black Monday”.
It was his drastic tax cuts and policies that allowed banks and investment houses who used to have to remain separate…meaning they couldn’t gamble with your money.
Well, my own Mom lost close to $100,000 from what should have been stable retirement money…she wasn’t alone for sure!
Just before this last escapade, the Republicans in Congress were pushing for a privatization of Social Security.
It would have been gone.
Millions of Seniors would have watched their SS they paid into, including my own and yours go up in smoke…it would have lined the pockets of the banks.

I can admit that all Presidents have done good things…including Reagan, Bush, Clinton., Bush Jr., and Obama.
It is you Sir. that has a bias.

Yes, that info was pulled of the Gov. website because it was nicely listed.
Find my where I posted incorrect information?

I can pull up similar lists for you on Reagan and the like.

I can show you as many stories as you like…interestingly Wall Street is after public pension money now.
Here’s one from Forbes talking about it - http://www.forbes.com/sites/edwards...m-looks-more-like-wall-street-feeding-frenzy/
Or here is what’s happening in general. - http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/looting-the-pension-funds-20130926

Who’s side are you on?
Clearly the side of the banks.
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Real solutions. Yeah put them all on trial because that will EVER happen.

Why not? Call them all out for being beholden to their donors instead of the people.
Once again your history knowledge is lacking.

FDR, stood up to the banks and to Congress and passed the “New Deal” that has slowly been dismantled in the name of greed over the decades.
A real solution is to not regulate the banks? They obviously cannot do it on their own…they are disconnected from the US, and have made many decisions (pushed on Congress and the Presidents by corporate lobbyists) that have shown little to no regard whatsoever for the well being of the US majority.

None of this shit was a problem with the banks until they were deregulated…FDR imposed new regulation laws that protected the money of the people. The banks fought him (as did a good part of Congress and later the Supreme Court) tooth and nail.
Created Social Security which was solvent until
Instead of being a proud day for America, April 20, 1983, has become a day of shame. The Social Security Amendments of 1983 laid the foundation for 30-years of federal embezzlement of Social Security money in order to use the money to pay for wars, tax cuts and other government programs. The payroll tax hike of 1983 generated a total of $2.7 trillion in surplus Social Security revenue. This surplus revenue was supposed to be saved and invested in marketable U.S. Treasury bonds that would be held in the trust fund until the baby boomers began to retire in about 2010. But not one dime of that money went to Social Security.
The 1983 legislation was sold to the public, and to the Congress, as a long-term fix for Social Security. The payroll tax hike was designed to generate large Social Security surpluses for 30 years, which would be set aside to cover the increased cost of paying benefits when the boomers retired.
- See more at: http://www.fedsmith.com/2013/10/11/...t-social-security-heist/#sthash.VfME3NJG.dpuf

This country will never make it unless drastic changes are made to our economic system.
The Presidents from Reagan on, have all done good, and have all done things that have destroyed the finical regulations that do not keep our economy moving forward and growing.


The average person and the bottom 90% have seen wages stagnate since the early 80’s…so even though inflation has increased exponentially, we have seen the cost of higher education alone has increased 1120% in the past 30 years…the price of food, shelter, cars, healthcare, etc. have all risen…but who benefitted?
Clearly not the bottom 90%.
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Why not? Call them all out for being beholden to their donors instead of the people.
Once again your history knowledge is lacking.

FDR, stood up to the banks and to Congress and passed the “New Deal” that has slowly been dismantled in the name of greed over the decades.
A real solution is to not regulate the banks? They obviously cannot do it on their own…they are disconnected from the US, and have made many decisions (pushed on Congress and the Presidents by corporate lobbyists) that have shown little to no regard whatsoever for the well being of the US majority.

None of this shit was a problem with the banks until they were deregulated…FDR imposed new regulation laws that protected the money of the people. The banks fought him (as did a good part of Congress and later the Supreme Court) tooth and nail.
Created Social Security which was solvent until

This country will never make it unless drastic changes are made to our economic system.
The Presidents from Reagan on, have all done good, and have all done things that have destroyed the finical regulations that do not keep our economy moving forward and growing.


The average person and the bottom 90% have seen wages stagnate since the early 80’s…so even though inflation has increased exponentially, we have seen the cost of higher education alone has increased 1120% in the past 30 years…the price of food, shelter, cars, healthcare, etc. have all risen…but who benefitted?
Clearly not the bottom 90%.

Why not? Who exactly is going to put them up for trial? Are the lawmakers going to decide "hey yeah, we did some messed up crap, time to put ourselves on trial." Or wait some magical force will materialize and hold them accountable. Or the news stations (you know the ones political motivated) will rally the people to storm the capital and find someone to oversee the trials (maybe the supreme court who is just as politically motivated). Your suggestion in this regard is simply not based in reality. The most anyone could hope to do is turn them against themselves. Even that would fall far short. And as I said even if you did remove them, corruption will seep back in and in 20 years will be knee deep in crap again.
Why not? Who exactly is going to put them up for trial? Are the lawmakers going to decide "hey yeah, we did some messed up crap, time to put ourselves on trial." Or wait some magical force will materialize and hold them accountable. Or the news stations (you know the ones political motivated) will rally the people to storm the capital and find someone to oversee the trials (maybe the supreme court who is just as politically motivated). Your suggestion in this regard is simply not based in reality. The most anyone could hope to do is turn them against themselves. Even that would fall far short. And as I said even if you did remove them, corruption will seep back in and in 20 years will be knee deep in crap again.

You conveniently ignored everything else I wrote.
I think that in the next few years you will see such a public outcry for our politicians to held accountable to the people and not their donors.
If you don’t feel like we should even bother and it’s beyond fixing then we are done talking Sir.
You conveniently ignored everything else I wrote.
I think that in the next few years you will see such a public outcry for our politicians to held accountable to the people and not their donors.
If you don’t feel like we should even bother and it’s beyond fixing then we are done talking Sir.

Nothing is beyond fixing. But courting ideas that cant work is a waste of time.
If we are both alive 20 years from now should I find you and say I told you so?
Nothing is beyond fixing. But courting ideas that cant work is a waste of time.
If we are both alive 20 years from now should I find you and say I told you so?

I have heard you do nothing but complain about Obama and how evil he is…where are your solutions?
At least I have somewhat of a plan in place of things that need to be changed back to how they were or repealed altogether.

If you like I will write you a full on essay about how we can fix our broken country, though I doubt you would read it.

Your “I told you so.” statement is childish.

Show me your solutions Sir?
I have heard you do nothing but complain about Obama and how evil he is…where are your solutions?
At least I have somewhat of a plan in place of things that need to be changed back to how they were or repealed altogether.

If you like I will write you a full on essay about how we can fix our broken country, though I doubt you would read it.

Your “I told you so.” statement is childish.

Show me your solutions Sir?
There are solutions that I alone do not have the ability to implement. Impeachment and then removal seems like the easiest and most likely. Unfortunately it looks like we will have to wait the last two years for removal at this point for some reason. But I dont see the fact he has not been impeached yet as the main problem. The main problem lies in the 42% approval rating. Its like people are asking to have their lives ruined. It makes no sense to me. But I have never been proficient at irrational thinking anyway so I suppose its not a surprise.
There are solutions that I alone do not have the ability to implement. Impeachment and then removal seems like the easiest and most likely. Unfortunately it looks like we will have to wait the last two years for removal at this point for some reason. But I dont see the fact he has not been impeached yet as the main problem. The main problem lies in the 42% approval rating. Its like people are asking to have their lives ruined. It makes no sense to me. But I have never been proficient at irrational thinking anyway so I suppose its not a surprise.

Dude…good ol GW Bush had a 19% approval rating at one time…your bias once again shows.
He will not be impeached that is silly.

I’m talking long term solutions man.????
Dude…good ol GW Bush had a 19% approval rating at one time…your bias once again shows.
He will not be impeached that is silly.

I’m talking long term solutions man.????
Bush is no longer President. Why is it that when people talk of how crappie Obama is as a President Bush is brought up. This has to do with the here and now. Id like to say we as a society learn from past mistakes but thats not even close to true.
This is so on topic. Copy and paste, argue, and argue some more. The more I think about it: people can't get along. War is going to happen. Some countries are more prone to war than others. Islam will cause the next world war, because those of them that support peace can't justify stopping those that want to kill everyone else. The people the radicals are fighting will eventually get tired of them. Islam is who needs to be sitting down at a peace conference with Islam. There: I said it. Obama is helping them to do it.
I can't believe people even talk about 'presidents' anymore as if they haven't all just been puppets of wallstreet since kennedy was shot

Sorry, but I can't comment on that...???

[h=2]Obama's Wall Street cabinet[/h] [h=5]By Tom Eley and Barry Grey
6 April 2009[/h] A series of articles published over the weekend, based on financial disclosure reports released by the Obama administration last Friday concerning top White House officials, documents the extent to which the administration, in both its personnel and policies, is a political instrument of Wall Street.
Policies that are extraordinarily favorable to the financial elite that were put in place over the past month by the Obama administration have fed a surge in share values on Wall Street. These include the scheme to use hundreds of billions of dollars in public funds to pay hedge funds to buy up the banks’ toxic assets at inflated prices, the Auto Task Force’s rejection of the recovery plans of Chrysler and General Motors and its demand for even more brutal layoffs, wage cuts and attacks on workers’ health benefits and pensions, and the decision by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to weaken “mark-to-market” accounting rules and permit banks to inflate the value of their toxic assets.
At the same time, Obama has campaigned against restrictions on bonuses paid to executives at insurance giant American International Group (AIG) and other bailed-out firms, and repeatedly assured Wall Street that he will slash social spending, including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
The new financial disclosures reveal that top Obama advisors directly involved in setting these policies have received millions from Wall Street firms, including those that have received huge taxpayer bailouts.
The case of Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council and Obama’s top economic adviser, highlights the politically incestuous character of relations between the Obama administration and the American financial elite.
Last year, Summers pocketed $5 million as a managing director of D.E. Shaw, one of the biggest hedge funds in the world, and another $2.7 million for speeches delivered to Wall Street firms that have received government bailout money. This includes $45,000 from Citigroup and $67,500 each from JPMorgan Chase and the now-liquidated Lehman Brothers.
For a speech to Goldman Sachs executives, Summers walked away with $135,000. This is substantially more than double the earnings for an entire year of high-seniority auto workers, who have been pilloried by the Obama administration and the media for their supposedly exorbitant and “unsustainable” wages.
Alluding diplomatically to the flagrant conflict of interest revealed by these disclosures, the New York Times noted on Saturday: “Mr. Summers, the director of the National Economic Council, wields important influence over Mr. Obama’s policy decisions for the troubled financial industry, including firms from which he recently received payments.”
Summers was a leading advocate of banking deregulation. As treasury secretary in the second Clinton administration, he oversaw the lifting of basic financial regulations dating from the 1930s. The Times article notes that among his current responsibilities is deciding “whether—and how—to tighten regulation of hedge funds.”
Summers is not an exception. He is rather typical of the Wall Street insiders who comprise a cabinet and White House team that is filled with multi-millionaires, presided over by a president who parlayed his own political career into a multi-million-dollar fortune.
Michael Froman, deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs, worked for Citigroup and received more than $7.4 million from the bank from January of 2008 until he entered the Obama administration this year. This included a $2.25 million year-end bonus handed him this past January, within weeks of his joining the Obama administration.
Citigroup has thus far been the beneficiary of $45 billion in cash and over $300 billion in government guarantees of its bad debts.
David Axelrod, the Obama campaign’s top strategist and now senior adviser to the president, was paid $1.55 million last year from two consulting firms he controls. He has agreed to buyouts that will garner him another $3 million over the next five years. His disclosure claims personal assets of between $7 and $10 million.
Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Thomas E. Donilon, was paid $3.9 million by a Washington law firm whose major clients include Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and the private equity firm Apollo Management.
Louis Caldera, director of the White House Military Office, made $227,155 last year from IndyMac Bancorp, the California bank that heavily promoted subprime mortgages. It collapsed last summer and was placed under federal receivership.
The presence of multi-millionaire Wall Street insiders extends to second- and third-tier positions in the Obama administration as well. David Stevens, who has been tapped by Obama to head the Federal Housing Administration, is the president and chief operating officer of Long and Foster Cos., a real estate brokerage firm. From 1999 to 2005, Stevens served as a top executive for Freddie Mac, the federally-backed mortgage lending giant that was bailed out and seized by federal regulators in September.
Neal Wolin, Obama’s selection for deputy counsel to the president for economic policy, is a top executive at the insurance giant Hartford Financial Services, where his salary was $4.5 million.
Obama’s Auto Task Force has as its top advisers two investment bankers with a long resume in corporate downsizing and asset-stripping.
It is not new for leading figures from finance to be named to high posts in a US administration. However, there has traditionally been an effort to demonstrate a degree of independence from Wall Street in the selection of cabinet officials and high-ranking presidential aides, often through the appointment of figures from academia or the public sector. In previous decades, moreover, representatives of the corporate elite were more likely to come from industry than from finance.
In the Obama administration such considerations have largely been abandoned.
This will not come as a surprise to those who critically followed Obama’s election campaign. While he postured before the electorate as a critic of the war in Iraq and a quasi-populist force for “change,” he was from the first heavily dependent on the financial and political backing of powerful financiers in Chicago. Banks, hedge funds and other financial firms lavishly backed his presidential bid, giving him considerably more than they gave to his Republican opponent, Senator John McCain.
Alongside Wall Street, the Obama cabinet is dominated by the military, including three recently retired four-star military officers: former Marine General James Jones as national security adviser; Admiral Dennis Blair as director of national intelligence, and former Army Chief of Staff Erik Shinseki as secretary of veterans’ affairs.
These are the deeply reactionary political and class interests that are represented by the Obama administration.
Friday’s financial disclosures further expose the bankruptcy of American democracy. Elections have no real effect on government policy, which is determined by the interests of the financial aristocracy that dominates both political parties. The working class can fight for its own interests—for jobs, decent living standards, health care, education, housing and an end to war—only through a break with the two parties of American capitalism and the development of a mass, independent socialist movement.
Tom Eley and Barry Grey

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Corpocracy Uncovered [/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bush family supported Third Reich

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The GW Bush Gang, IG Farben 2001 [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]by Robert Lederman [/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] "What my cabinet shows is that I am not afraid to surround myself with strong and competent people...a good executive is one that understands how to recruit people and how to delegate authority and responsibility." GW Bush 1/2/2001 [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] As promised GW Bush has recruited competent and experienced advisors. Despite their seeming diversity however they have a common denominator. The America they reflect is the oil, pharmaceutical, armament, Wall Street and eugenics interests long associated with the Bush family. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Seventy years ago a similar configuration of oil, pharmaceutical, chemical, military supply and eugenics interests were organized by Wall Street into IG Farben/Standard Oil-Hitler's industrial powerhouse. To grasp the real significance of what GW Bush's cabinet has been brought together to accomplish it is essential to understand the history of IG Farben, its relationship with American corporations and how together they applied modern technology to the task of eugenics or scientific racism. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] According to former US Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes prosecutor John Loftus -who is today the director of the Florida Holocaust Museum- "The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich,"
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.newscoast.com/headlinesstory2.cfm?ID=35115 [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Along with the Rockefellers (Standard Oil, Chase Manhattan Bank), Mellons (Gulf Oil, Alcoa Aluminum), DuPonts (DuPont Chemicals), General Motors and Henry Ford, banks and shipping companies operated by the Bush family were crucial players in setting up the industrial power behind the Third Reich. These companies poured hundreds of millions of dollars into IG Farben and provided it with technology for tactically-essential synthetic materials while withholding the same materials and patents from the US government.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] The Rockefeller family, long aligned with the Bushes, owned Standard Oil. Through a stock transfer they became half owners of Germany's IG Farben with Farben likewise owning almost half of Standard Oil. According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, IG Farben built and operated more than 40 concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Europe, including Auschwitz. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] At their slave labor/factory/death camps chemicals, weapons, drugs, synthetic fuels and other materials vital to the Nazi war effort were manufactured. In addition, eugenicists like Dr. Josef Mengele used the human subjects in the camps for experiments the data from which are today the basis for many drugs marketed by the pharmaceutical industry-not too surprising in light of the fact that more Americans die from prescription drugs than from any other single cause. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] At the end of WWII the allies split up IG Farben into companies that are now the top pharmaceutical concerns on earth among them Bayer, Hoescht, BASF, the Agfa-Gevaert Group and Cassella AG. Many of Wall Streets favorite pharmaceutical/chemical companies behind the proliferation of genetically-altered foods, transgenic animals, human cloning, dangerous psychiatric drugs, deadly vaccines and pesticides-such as Aventis-are subsidiaries of these same companies. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] War provides the necessary medium in which this witches brew of oil, eugenics, pharmaceuticals, munitions and Wall Street investing can reach maximum growth. Likewise, war is also the essential frame of reference for the newly formed GW Bush administration. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] The high-profile minorities who are working as Bush advisors have been hand-picked, funded and carefully cultivated by right wing think tanks and conservative foundations with a white supremacist philosophy in order to provide cover for their anti-poor, anti-minority eugenics agenda. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] For those who scoff at the validity of comparing the Bush administration to the Nazis and IG Farben please note the following. I'm not suggesting that GW Bush is a literal Nazi nor am I implying that everyone who is an oil or pharmaceutical company executive automatically deserves to be linked to IG Farben. That the Bush wealth and prominence in American politics is derived from Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker's support of Hitler is a historical fact. If the connection ended in 1945 with the destruction of Nazi Germany that might have been the end of it-it didn't end there however. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Not only has the eugenics agenda continued but many of the top Nazis who were advancing it during WWII were brought to the US after the war and installed in academia, the media, government research institutions and the CIA-by the same American officials who worked with the Bush family to build up Nazi Germany in the first place. Their ideas formed the basis for much of the agenda promoted by this nation's most influential right-wing think tanks-the same think tanks that are the sponsors of GW Bush and virtually every one of his appointees. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Why is it significant that many of Bush's staff and cabinet appointees are former pharmaceutical company executives as was GW's father, former President George Bush? These corporations are voraciously patenting the earth's life forms-its plants, bacteria, viruses, animals and even human genetic lineages. Reproduction of plants, animals and humans may eventually be totally controlled by these corporations, genetically-altered, recombined into chimeric life forms and exploited for profit. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] The Human Genome Project, as it admits on the very first page of its website - http://vector.cshl.org/eugenics.html, is derived from the eugenics movement in the US and Nazi Germany during the first half of the 20th century. The Eugenics Records Office at Cold Springs Harbor NY-where American eugenics started-was built by the Harriman family-the Bushes' Wall Street business partners in funding Hitler. This is the new frontier of colonialism in the 21st century-the total domination and exploitation of the earth and everything on it-the New World Order both former President Bush and Adolf Hitler so frequently called for. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] While my writings focus on the Republican aspect of this agenda there is no question that many Democrats are participants and that none of these things could be accomplished without the full "bipartisan support" we hear about each and every day. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Some of the men and women who do the thinking for GW Bush: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Vice President, Dick Cheney, arguably the real President-elect, was one of papa Bush's top advisors. His company, Haliburton, is one of the nation's largest recipients of government contracts, supplying military equipment, oil services and infrastructure. Cheney epitomizes corporate-welfare and like most of Bush's appointees is a multi-millionaire who will receive huge financial benefits from the administrations' policies and any wars it manages to get the US into. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Secretary of Labor Linda Chavez (NOTE: she was forced a couple days ago to withdraw her nomination) -who is outspokenly anti-union-was a research fellow at the CIA's Manhattan Institute during 1993 and 1994 and has received almost $200,000 in grants from the John M. Olin Foundation, a notorious right-wing fund derived from a family business in munitions and chemicals with roots in white supremacy. Despite her Hispanic surname she is an outspoken advocate for the English First Movement. Chavez is president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, based in Washington, D.C. an organization dedicated to eliminating affirmative action. On their website Chavez quotes Charles Murray, author of The Bell Curve, a classic of modern racial eugenics which has become the "bible" for the anti-welfare anti-affirmative action movement. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Secretary of Health and Human Services, Wisconsin Gov. Tommy G. Thompson, is known for his controversial welfare reforms-based in large part on two books by Charles Murray, Losing Ground and The Bell Curve. Murray was a consultant for the Wisconsin welfare reform program. Thompson's protege, Jason Turner, was later brought to NYC where he has run Mayor Giuliani's characteristically brutal welfare elimination program. Turner became notorious for quoting the motto on the gates over Auschwitz- "Arbeit Macht Frei-work shall make you free". He is frequently a guest with Charles Murray in panel discussions at the CIA's Manhattan Institute and other Bush-connected think tanks. Murray wrote the Bell Curve while a fellow at the Manhattan Institute where his pseudo-scientific research on the genetic inferiority of African Americans was primarily financed by the Pioneer Fund. Since 1937 the Pioneer Fund has promoted eugenics and the ideology of white racial superiority. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Secretary of Energy, Spencer Abraham, who served as Vice President Dan Quale's chief of staff, spent years trying to abolish the very agency he will now head. His legislative positions include being against higher fuel efficiency standards for cars, being against government regulations for industry and support for opening up national parklands to oil drilling. He is a recipient of oil company contributions totaling more than $221,000 according to the NY Times. The American Petroleum Institute has said it looks forward to working with Abraham. Abraham helped found the conservative law group the Federalist Society which specializes in eliminating social programs, affirmative action, welfare and bilingual education. The society is funded by the John M. Olin Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Bradley Foundation, and the Lilly Endowment-America's leading far right think tanks. Among its most prominent members are Supreme Court Justices Scalia and Thomas whose questionable election ruling gave Bush his illegitimate Presidency. Spokespersons for the Federalist Society include Bell Curve author Charles Murray, Manhattan Institute fellow Abigail Thernstrom, and Dinesh d'Souza of the American Enterprise Institute. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Secretary of Education, Rod Paige, the latest African American Bush appointee, is a conservative public schools administrator in Texas and decades-long crony of the Bush family who supports vouchers, tying teacher pay directly to test scores and school privatization-all of which will negatively impact African American students by destroying public education. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense under President Ford. Rumsfeld like Powell, Cheney, Rice and numerous other Bush administration officials is a salesman for the Star Wars Missile Defense Shield. He served four terms in the US Congress where he voted against Medicare, anti-poverty programs like Headstart, food stamps and various healthcare proposals. Rumsfeld, who formerly headed Searle Pharmaceuticals, is part of the drug company axis within the Bush administration. Former President Bush was director of Eli Lilly, OMB head Mitchell E. Daniels was also senior executive of Eli Lilly and AG John Ashcroft is known as a lobbyist for pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Gail R. Wilensky-one of numerous John M. Olin grant recipients attached to Bush-is the principal author of GW's Medicare plan. Wilensky serves on the boards of eight health care companies in which she owns more than $12 million in stock. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Secretary of State, Colin Powell is a lifelong operative of the CIA/military-industrial complex. While working for the Pentagon he earned his present stature by helping cover up the Mai Lai massacre, the contra/arms-cocaine deal and Gulf War Syndrome. Powell's reputation as a hero derives from presiding over a war in which US troops were used as guinea pigs for drug companies' experimental vaccines so that they could "safely" fight George Bush's friend Sadamn Hussein-who had been supplied with chemical and biological weapons by the Bush administration. Unlike most of GW's appointees of color, Powell proudly admits he owes his career to affirmative action yet willingly joins an administration that considers ending affirmative action a top priority. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Secretary of the Treasury, Paul H. O'Neill is the chairman of Alcoa Aluminum, one of the world's worst polluters and a leading corporate supporter of Nazi Germany and eugenics. O'Neill owns 1.6 million shares of Alcoa, worth more than $50 million. During WWII Alcoa negotiated a deal with the Nazis and IG Farben to supply Germany's war machine rather than the US military with aluminum. "If America loses this war," said then Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes on June 26, 1941, "it can thank the Aluminum Corporation of America [ALCOA]." Alcoa produces hundreds of millions of tons of fluoride. This highly toxic waste byproduct of aluminum has been linked in thousands of medical studies to cancer and other degenerative diseases. In the 1950's Alcoa arranged to have it added to our nation's drinking water rather than disposed of as toxic waste. During WWII in IG Farben's slave labor camps Nazis scientists discovered that by adding fluoride to the drinking water they could make prisoners more submissive to authority. O'Neill is a fellow at the RAND Corporation and American Enterprise Institute, two more extreme right-wing think tanks. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Attorney General John Ashcroft (NOTE: His nomination is strongly opposed - see the Confirmation Hearings process at http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/US/Bush_Administration/ ) is a self-styled moral crusader as strongly anti-abortion as he is enthusiastic about the death penalty. Last year, Ashcroft received an honorary degree from Bob Jones University. He is closely aligned with the Christian Coalition, Pat Robertson and Southern heritage groups which admire the Confederacy and defend the institution of slavery as practiced in the South. He is known among lobbyists as an advocate for drug companies and the automotive industry and for preventing consumers from suing HMO's. The furor over Ashcroft's anti-abortion views is being played out exactly as planned by Team Bush. Not only will the Bush administration never make abortions illegal, if anything the eugenics agenda that underlies the Bush family history guarantees that abortion, sterilization and other technologies intended to limit population-including war, chemical exposure, pesticide use in urban areas, genetically-altered foods and vaccines-will proceed at an unprecedented level. The Bush gang are delighted to see Democrats, women's rights advocates and the left focusing on Ashcroft while virtually ignoring the other Bush appointees. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Secretary of Commerce Donald L. Evans is an insider in the Texas "oil mafia" and is GW's closest friend and confidant. He's also friend, confidant and contributor to one of America's biggest recipients of government contacts, Halliburton's Dick Cheney. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] - Office of Management and Budget Director Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., was senior executive of the Eli Lilly drug company and was previously the president of the arch-conservative Hudson Institute. Daniels, who advocates strict enforcement of laws against casual drug users, was busted for drugs in 1970. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Bush and Eugenics links
http://www.geocities.com/alanjpakula/triplecrown.html http://www.shorejournal.com/elkhorn/


Prescott Sheldon Bush (May 15, 1895 – October 8, 1972) was an American banker and politician. He was a Wall Street executive banker and a United States Senator,

He was the father of George H. W. Bush (41st President of the United States) and the grandfather of George W. Bush (43rd President of the United States) and Jeb Bush (43rd Governor of Florida).

Prescott Bush was admitted to the Zeta Psi fraternity and Skull and Bones secret society. George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush are also members of that society. According to Skull and Bones lore, Prescott Bush was among a group of Bonesmen who dug up and removed the skull of Geronimo from his grave at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1918

Bush was one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders.[SUP][8][/SUP] A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II.

According to Theodore H. White's book about the 1964 election, Bush and Rockefeller were longtime friends

Bush's articles include:

  • "Timely Monetary Policy," Banking, June 1955 and July 1955
  • "To Preserve Peace Let's Show the Russians How Strong We Are!" Reader's Digest, July 1959
  • "Politics Is Your Business," Chamber of Commerce, State of New York, Bulletin, May 1960
Wall street puppets all of them

Democrat..republican...doesn't matter...they're all owned by wallstreet