Galactic Explorer
- Enneagram
- 549
I'm just thinking about type in terms of the actual neurology. This article explains one side of it pretty well.
So the theory goes that there are only really IN types and ES types, and that extroverted 'Ns' have just learned to cope with stimulus particularly well, while introverted 'Ss' hare extroverts with social anxiety.
See, if you seek more dopamine than acetylcholine, you're likely to be ES rather than IN, and you can figure this out based upon your preferred lifestyle.

If our minds were metaphorical computers
- Then psychology describes our behavior, the software
- Our biochemistry (dopimaine signals etc.-) describes our signal processing, the firmware
- And neurology would describe the functionality of our brains, eg. the hardware
Imagine describing the software purely from biochemical (neurotransmitter) processes. It may describe the signals used during our cognitive processes, but it won't really describe how our software runs.
I don't know much about acetylcholine, but from a first glance, its purpose seems to be mainly focused on primary functions of our body (muscles, blood, metabolism, ...) so I'm a bit confused there what the purpose of it would be
towards cognitive functionalities.
A preference towards dopamine for ES types, that I could imagine as plausible (eg. getting your fix through a rewarding). Still...it's a bit far fetched.
Having said that, could you drop in some links to the sources/papers? I'll take a look at it as well. Got me curious.