This thread is fascinating and it has been fun to read and get to know you better
@slant as well as read some really good posting about type by our community.
I do not have an answer,
From reading other posts/threads of your recently, you are in a transitional period now, growing (as stating in this thread, too) and overcoming some unhealthy habits. In that case, how you are now may not reflect your true type. You could be a bit shadowy.
I recommend sitting down and really thinking of who you are at your core and embracing who you are, including flaws, when you take MBTI tests. How we present ourselves, how we want to be, etc, will give faulty results, too. Think of the core way you are in life as a whole, not just "right now".
You seem like a social introvert to me. A need to socialize in the way you do (with like-minded friends, avoiding big parties, feeling uncomfortable with strangers) is natural for introverts.
I sympathize with your aversion to ENFPs, but I've had different experienes with them.
My point of view: ENFPs are the most in between type for extroversion and introversion. I have an ENFP friend who is a charismatic, interesting, and witty writer who worked for a well-known political comedy show for many years. He is quite successful and goal-oriented. He is also sympathetic to introverts needs because he feels a bit that way, too, even if he can work a room when he wants to. I would never call him flakey, unreliable, etc.
If you're really stuck and really want to know, take the official test (the one you pay for) but I recommend waiting. You're in a period of growth and the shifting could be giving you mixed results.