Weird cognitive functions results


I am.

The COOL thing about this guy is that his job he's away for 8 days straight with no phone service and back for 6 days no work. I'm hoping it works out for that reason. Otherwise I'm going to have to date tech phobic long haul drivers or something.
That doesn't seem to be the consensus on the old interwebs, with most people believing that INFPs are fairly extroverted as introverts go. E.g.:

That example puts them squarely in the middle.
Though I feel like they'd be at least below ISTPs if not also ISTJs.
I might agree with them being above INTJ though, that's about it.

Also I find it odd that ISFPs are placed above INFJs here, as INFJs are largely considered the most extroverted introverts.

Still, there are complications with all of this, since behavior online manifests differently than it does offline
and also type is not an indicator of behavior in a direct sense.

@slant sits somewhere on the fence of xNFP so if her dominant function is broadly more Fi than Ne then she must be INFP
and just highly comfortable engaging online, thus presenting more in an ENFP way.
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I have a hard time dealing with ENFPs. I find them unreliable, unable to follow through, unfocused and in general very self absorbed. Also extremely codependent and concerned about what other people think about them that they'll change themselves in order to be better accepted. I've been good friends with a few ENFPs and much of the time the friendship ends because they were constantly unreliable and emotionally taxing.

You clearly have familiarity with only a certain segment of the ENFP population. And though I agree with you that it does exist, it does not cover the full spectrum of ENFP subtypes.

I also know some ENFPs who are reliable, forward-thinking, hyper responsible and altruistic. In fact one of them is the head of my team at work so I'm lucky :)

That doesn't seem to be the consensus on the old interwebs, with most people believing that INFPs are fairly extroverted as introverts go. E.g.:

View attachment 62127

The ranking of extroverts seems pretty good. For introverts I would suggest: INFJ, ISFP, ISFJ/INFP, ISTJ/INTP, ISTP, INTJ.
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I know I'm being argumentative. I just resent being called an extrovert. Even if I am one I'm just not going to identify that way. *Shrug*

It's ok to be argumentative :)

At the same time, it worries me a bit that something like 'being called an extrovert' should upset you that much. It could mean that you're still at a stage of self-exploration where it's 'too soon' to be trying to settle down on a specific type. Right now it just feels like you secretly (and perhaps unconsciously) would like the others to say you seem INTJ, INFJ or at a push INFP. And this not being open to other possibilities sounds to me like you're almost pre-emptively boxing yourself in through a reflex of self-defense. I guess I just want to say be careful this open typing process doesn't end up hurting you if some wounds happen to be still too fresh.
It's ok to be argumentative :)

At the same time, it worries me a bit that something like 'being called an extrovert' should upset you that much. It could mean that you're still at a stage of self-exploration where it's 'too soon' to be trying to settle down on a specific type. Right now it just feels like you secretly (and perhaps unconsciously) would like the others to say you seem INTJ, INFJ or at a push INFP. And this not being open to other possibilities sounds to me like you're almost pre-emptively boxing yourself in through a reflex of self-defense. I guess I just want to say be careful this open typing process doesn't end up hurting you if some wounds happen to be still too fresh.
I'm a mess what can I say

I mean I lost 100lbs this year, stopped doing everything I ever used to do, lost friends, it's a lot to cope with at once. And then being told I come across as ways that I don't feel inside it's just the last straw really. But it wasn't upset about being an extrovert-

Like I said,

I'm upset at the idea that I could be in such deep denial about who I am that I don't even recognize traits in myself. I pride myself in my introspection and knowing/understanding who I am. My whole life my mother told me narratives of who I am and taught me my own inner voice was false and that I could only trust other people to tell me how I am.

So it's a bit traumatic to have my inner voice doubted and get sucked into this thinking pattern of:

Woah! I'm completely delusional!

Because what that means is that it would have to be repaired and I don't know how to start.

I don't know how to make myself feel extroverted and identify with that. It doesn't feel right. That's all I can say.
Then you're not an extrovert. Generally it's the easiest "letter" to determine and people usually don't get it wrong.

You seem an IN (I came to realize after reading a bit more from you), but I think an INF is more likely than INT.
I'm upset at the idea that I could be in such deep denial about who I am that I don't even recognize traits in myself. I pride myself in my introspection and knowing/understanding who I am.

The thing is, it doesn't have to be yourself that you don't understand well, but the ENFP type, which is easily the most introspective extrovert type on average as far as I can tell.

That said, let me just specify that I don't think you're ENFP necessarily. You could well be a social/expressive INFP :)
My whole life my mother told me narratives of who I am and taught me my own inner voice was false and that I could only trust other people to tell me how I am.

So it's a bit traumatic to have my inner voice doubted and get sucked into this thinking pattern
Yeah no wonder you're so upset by people typing you differently than how you see yourself!

Slant, you can and should listen to your inner voice. Other people only see parts of you, in certain situations, you're the only one who *is* you, day in, day out, in all situations. Other people can tell you what they see, but you have the final say.

Your don't have to make yourself feel like an extrovert. You're okay as you are. We like you as you are.
I don't know how to make myself feel extroverted and identify with that. It doesn't feel right. That's all I can say.

You can't make yourself extroverted. . you know that. You know who you are, be that
Honestly if I'm an extrovert I'm probably an ENFJ. Case in point:

There was this whole situation at the open mic I go to where this conservative comedian was banned basically because they disagree with his politics. I was the only person who stood up against it on principle. I have a very good social standing so I was able to get away with it. I had a few friends who messaged me privately to agree with me, but only *one* other person stood up. And guess who it was?

My ENFJ friend. We think very similarly on most things. I feel very comfortable with him. He's more like me- into plans and makes sure things are all outlined. Whereas my ENFP friend has no direction and wanders around. I wander with her sometimes but I couldn't live my life that way.

I'm very J. so if infj or intj doesn't fit I'd likely have to be ENFJ or entj. And entjs are kinda cold so maybe ENFJ.

But not p. I just have adhd. I prefer to plan and am not very flexible.
Okay yeah, I get why I'd be more enfp in the situation I provided since I didn't care about the harmony of the group but that free speech was being suppressed.

I guess, my confusion is, why the ENFPs I've met have been so spotaneous and dislike schedules, etc. I'm not like that. I feel more J in that way. I've never been spontaneous or disliking plans. I just don't get that part.

What is it about ENFP I'm not understanding


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But not p. I just have adhd. I prefer to plan and am not very flexible.

I don't think you're a P because you have adhd. I think you're a P (specifically an FP) because you seem to have quite strong Fi. I don't see you using a lot of Fe to be honest.

Remember the long 'rant' you posted earlier today or yesterday about not understanding why people saw you as an ENFP? That was very Fi imo.

There was this whole situation at the open mic I go to where this conservative comedian was banned basically because they disagree with his politics. I was the only person who stood up against it on principle.

I'd say an NFP is much more likely to do that than an ENFJ.

What would be wrong with INFP?
I don't think you're a P because you have adhd. I think you're a P (specifically an FP) because you seem to have quite strong Fi. I don't see you using a lot of Fe to be honest.

Remember the long 'rant' you posted earlier today or yesterday about not understanding why people saw you as an ENFP? That was very Fi imo.

I'd say an NFP is much more likely to do that than an ENFJ.

What would be wrong with INFP?
I'm fine with infp that seems to fit bit I'm still really hung up on the fact that I'm coming across as an enfp
I wouldn't focus too much on this 'coming across' thing.... heck, INFJs can come across as ENFPs in certain situations :wink:
Yeah. Admittedly, I hadn't eaten all day or exercised when I got all emotional yesterday. Plus I took a I really high dose of medication that I don't normally take. I feel a lot better today. I gotta take better care of myself.
This thread is fascinating and it has been fun to read and get to know you better @slant as well as read some really good posting about type by our community.
I do not have an answer, @slant.

From reading other posts/threads of your recently, you are in a transitional period now, growing (as stating in this thread, too) and overcoming some unhealthy habits. In that case, how you are now may not reflect your true type. You could be a bit shadowy.

I recommend sitting down and really thinking of who you are at your core and embracing who you are, including flaws, when you take MBTI tests. How we present ourselves, how we want to be, etc, will give faulty results, too. Think of the core way you are in life as a whole, not just "right now".

You seem like a social introvert to me. A need to socialize in the way you do (with like-minded friends, avoiding big parties, feeling uncomfortable with strangers) is natural for introverts.

I sympathize with your aversion to ENFPs, but I've had different experienes with them.
My point of view: ENFPs are the most in between type for extroversion and introversion. I have an ENFP friend who is a charismatic, interesting, and witty writer who worked for a well-known political comedy show for many years. He is quite successful and goal-oriented. He is also sympathetic to introverts needs because he feels a bit that way, too, even if he can work a room when he wants to. I would never call him flakey, unreliable, etc.

If you're really stuck and really want to know, take the official test (the one you pay for) but I recommend waiting. You're in a period of growth and the shifting could be giving you mixed results.
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This thread is fascinating and it has been fun to read and get to know you better @slant as well as read some really good posting about type by our community.
I do not have an answer, @slant.

From reading other posts/threads of your recently, you are in a transitional period now, growing (as stating in this thread, too) and overcoming some unhealthy habits. In that case, how you are now may not reflect your true type. You could be a bit shadowy.

I recommend sitting down and really thinking of who you are at your core and embracing who you are, including flaws, when you take MBTI tests. How we present ourselves, how we want to be, etc, will give faulty results, too. Think of the core way you are in life as a whole, not just "right now".

You seem like a social introvert to me. A need to socialize in the way you do (with like-minded friends, avoiding big parties, feeling uncomfortable with strangers) is natural for introverts.

I sympathize with your aversion to ENFPs, but I've had different experienes with them.
My point of view: ENFPs are the most in between type for extroversion and introversion. I have an ENFP friend who is a charismatic, interesting, and witty writer who worked for a well-known political comedy show for many years. He is quite successful and goal-oriented. He is also sympathetic to introverts needs because he feels a bit that way, too, even if he can work a room when he wants to. I would never call him flakey, unreliable, etc.

If you're really stuck and really want to know, take the official test (the one you pay for) but I recommend waiting. You're in a period of growth and the shifting could be giving you mixed results.
That's an interesting angle. If I take the test only thinking about past me this is what I get:

Also posting collage comparison


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