What do you like best/least about being an INFJ?

Eric86 said:
I also rarely ever give myself enough credit for being awesome.

Damn straight.
"I can also be very naive sometimes."

Me too!!

but I read someone describe someone somewhere as "Sweet and tough, wise and naive."and think its important to remember that you can indeed be both and that there is great blessings in being able to operate between both polarities.
This quote also sayes the same;“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in midst of wolves; be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves!” Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves!"

Some great things have happened to me when I have my wise head on but THE GREATEST THINGS have also happened to me through my naivety.From that place we are not limited.Anything is possible.Respect both.
+1 That was an excellent post.
I always come last....
The inability to stop thinking about everything!
worrying about everything regardless if I can change it or not!
I like how I see things in ways that other people don't, and I love the feeling of constantly romanticizing/idealizing situations.

A lot of the things INFJ's tend to have problems with, I actually like. It's true that it's a bit of an emotional roller-coaster ride for me at times, and there're huge emotional burdens that are simply a part of my life. Those things aren't easy to live with, but I wouldn't have things any other way. It all comes with that an INFJ-feeling of purpose.

The only real problem that I have with being an INFJ is how inconsistent my energy level is. Some days I wake up and I feel like laying in bed all day. I can't stand that.
SuperFob said:
I like how I see things in ways that other people don't, and I love the feeling of constantly romanticizing/idealizing situations.

A lot of the things INFJ's tend to have problems with, I actually like. It's true that it's a bit of an emotional roller-coaster ride for me at times, and there're huge emotional burdens that are simply a part of my life. Those things aren't easy to live with, but I wouldn't have things any other way. It all comes with that an INFJ-feeling of purpose.

The only real problem that I have with being an INFJ is how inconsistent my energy level is. Some days I wake up and I feel like laying in bed all day. I can't stand that.

I completely relate to this :)

I only experienced the really hard side of it recently (ouch) but otherwise it has often been a great source of happiness.