What Does Your Writing Style Show About Your MBTI Type

Introversion words:

Me, I, reflect, pause, consider

Extraversion words:

Us, we, them, group

Intuition words:

Knowing, theory, abstract

Sensing words:

Doing, going, seeing

Feeling words:

Feel, love, kind, care

Thinking words:

Smart, genius, clever, beastiality

true post. I completely agree with you.
I find this interesting to use on your diary or journal entries. You can pick an old entry and a recent one, and see what your MBTI mood was like in each entry.
haha this is cool. i got definite introvert, definite thinker, but 40-60 ish on intuiting/sensing and judging/perceiving. based on a single forum post though, so might not be accurate.

edit: on a journal post i got ESFJ :P
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Poetry: ENFP (P was only 51%)
Blog: ISFJ
Essay: INTP
Introversion (54.1 %) vs. Extraversion (45.9 %)
Sensing (85.6 %) vs. iNtuition (14.4 %)
Feeling (90.4 %) vs. Thinking (9.6 %)
Judging (66.4 %) vs. Perceiving (33.6 %)

According to that analysis of my writing style, I'm an ISFJ.
1. Introversion (82.4 %) 2. Extraversion (17.6 %)
1. Sensing (75.6 %) 2. iNtuition (24.4 %)
1. Feeling (53.2 %) 2. Thinking (46.8 %)
1. Judging (56.5 %) 2. Perceiving (43.5 %)

fun stuff. ISFJ or ISTJ
With a story I'm writing it came up INFJ, but it was extremely close with S/N and J/P.

*Runs off to find posts and plays with system until it explodes*
ESFP apparently XD

From my story:

I am very clearly an INTP, but the first example of my writing I could find definitely is not. It came up 75.4% E, 96.0% S, 97.1% F, and 54.9% J. I'm pretty sure that this not normal for me though, as it was a partial email I wrote when I very stressed and wanting relationship advice. (I never got it to the point where I'd be comfortable sending it, and started feeling a bit better since then so I'm not sure I will.) I'm guessing my relief and aspirational functions came out a lot more than my dominant and axillary.

The next random piece of my writting I choose was a rough draft of a paper I had to write last year. (Actually I don't think I ever got the thing done to turn in the final version.) It came out 79.4% I, 75.7% N, 77.8% T, and 52.6% P.

This clearly doesn't work.

It told me I was an INTP

If it gets any right it's probably due to chance
From one of my blog posts.

1. Extraversion (81.2 %)
2. Introversion (18.8 %)

1. Sensing (88.8 %)
2. iNtuition (11.2 %)

1. Feeling (97.9 %)
2. Thinking (2.1 %)

1. Judging (55.4 %)
2. Perceiving (44.6 %)

And from a random lengthy post in the forums.

1. Extraversion (90.2 %)
2. Introversion (9.8 %)

1. Sensing (63.1 %)
2. iNtuition (36.9 %)

1. Feeling (89.7 %)
2. Thinking (10.3 %)

1. Judging (58.2 %)
2. Perceiving (41.8 %)

Something is afoot at the Circle K.
These tests are interesting but not very accurate. I tried 4 articles I wrote on my blog and they all came up with different results - INFP, INTP, INTJ, ENFP. The only thing that is consistent is my N though.

Introversion (80.0 %)
iNtuition (88.7 %)
Feeling (93.7 %)
Perceiving (78.2 %)

Introversion (99.3 %)
iNtuition (94.2 %)
Thinking (50.5 %)
Perceiving (73.1 %)

Introversion (93.2 %)
iNtuition (61.4 %)
Thinking (64.0 %)
Judging (73.0 %)

Extraversion (55.6 %)
iNtuition (74.0 %)
Feeling (57.8 %)
Perceiving (66.8 %)

Five different samples:

Writing Sample #1 - INTJ

Introversion (72.8 %)
Extraversion (27.2 %)

iNtuition (81.1 %)
Sensing (18.9 %)

Thinking (88.9 %)
Feeling (11.1 %)

Judging (74.1 %)
Perceiving (25.9 %)

Writing Sample #2 - ISFP

Introversion (99.5 %)
Extraversion (0.5 %)

Sensing (63.2 %)
iNtuition (36.8 %)

Feeling (88.6 %)
Thinking (11.4 %)

Perceiving (52.8 %)
Judging (47.2 %)

Writing Sample #3 - ESFP

Extraversion (83.8 %)
Introversion (16.2 %)

Sensing (95.3 %)
iNtuition (4.7 %)

Feeling (61.6 %)
Thinking (38.4 %)

Perceiving (97.2 %)
Judging (2.8 %)

Writing Sample #4 - INTP

Introversion (98.0 %)
Extraversion (2.0 %)

iNtuition (97.9 %)
Sensing (2.1 %)

Thinking (72.5 %)
Feeling (27.5 %)

Perceiving (85.3 %)
Judging (14.7 %)

Writing Sample #5 - INTP

Introversion (99.1 %)
Extraversion (0.9 %)

iNtuition (95.5 %)
Sensing (4.5 %)

Thinking (92.8 %)
Feeling (7.2 %)

Perceiving (70.2 %)
Judging (29.8 %)

If I average the sample scores, I am:


Introversion (77.12%)
Extraversion (22.88 %)

iNtuition (63.2%)
Sensing (36.8%)

Thinking (60.8 %)
Feeling (39.2 %)

Perceiving (66.28%)
Judging (33.72%)

Solid on the IN, but it appears I may tend to be more T than F, and P than J in my writing. I don't know, I'm pretty consistently viewed as irrational on my Nohari window, so I think the T/F assessment may need some tweaking. :m075:

I wonder if types other than INFJ have more consistent scores in this exercise. INFJs tend to be sensitive to audience. We likely have a variety of styles for interacting with different audiences and so, I think, that variability would show in our samples of writing.
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Without typing out the percentages (because I'm too lazy today), I found a couple of interesting things. The three poems I typed in all came up INFJ, with a weak J--which is what I normally test. The two forum posts I typed in both came up ISFJ, which is a result I never get when taking the MBTI test. I will get INFP or INTJ at times, but never ISFJ. Hmm.....
If we look at all the times it gets it wrong, it's not surprising it occasionally gets near the mark.

Personally I think it is broken
When writing of my own experience, values, and poetry: INFP

When writing about audio engineering and synth programming: INTJ


1. Introversion (99.6 %)
2. Extraversion (0.4 %)

1. iNtuition (89.1 %)
2. Sensing (10.9 %)

1. Feeling (95.5 %)
2. Thinking (4.5 %)

1. Judging (51.5 %)
2. Perceiving (48.5 %)

I used a poem I wrote a long time ago. I'll have to try this later with a paper I've written for school just to see.
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