Shai Gar
It could be said that it was a cold, lonely, dark and stormy night when the final palpitations of his heart came and went. That his soul moved on to a better place where he could read and rest forevermore. While poetic and charmingly cliche as this may be, it has no basis in fact, nor even in metaphor. The truth is that for all his eccentrically egocentric mannerisms, undeniable charm, intelligence, and lack of principle fortitude, he truly was a cunt. When he walked into that esteemed throne room from where his many edicts have been proclaimed and made into law, to deliver his latest proclamation he keeled over and died. A cheer haltingly rose gaining strength and endurance to continue for months worldwide. Even this critically depreciating prose bares little relation to the truth.
Shai Gar was a great man, a lover of scathingly witty satire directed at himself, and of inebriation. Very little of anything he said could be called Truth, and he'd be contemptuous of you if you thought it so. Our "Emperor"
Shai Gar was a great man, a lover of scathingly witty satire directed at himself, and of inebriation. Very little of anything he said could be called Truth, and he'd be contemptuous of you if you thought it so. Our "Emperor"