@Ren @Puzzlenuzzle - Sorry about the off-day the other day, I am fine and actually over this. While I do have high regard for astrology I don't want to preach in the thread and believe it's fine whatever people think of it even when they disagree because it simply means they understand the world differently and astrology is not part of that world view.
@Ren -
That’s a pretty good one actually. Though to me, it is more easily opposed to reason/rationality than to logic. Another possibility - related to intuition - would be: instinct.
@Ginny -
The way that associations are made aren't necessarily comprehensible through logic, but it may still be logically conceivable to the individual making these associations, and therefore, if logic can be applied to it, it isn't outside if its realm.
However I may inadvertently include a couple of astro associations here
Starting with Ren's point, there is actually a correlation between logic (T) and instinct (F+S) being opposed because T and N belong to the Yang dimension of the cross while F and S are both portions of the Yin axis - what this means in practice is that intuition finds a friend more easily in thinking (fire and air) while feeling does with sensing (water and earth) and these do not combine so readily where they don't have a natural association. When they don't combine readily as in our very own INFJ personality type we end up being called contradictory by others since the two poles are readily visible to them if not to us when we happen to own both.
And I agree with Ginny's point as this is a foundational belief for me (associations are made in accordance with a particular set of preferred patterns which may or may not obey the rules of logic but could instead be based on instinct or feeling - however logic can still be used to reflect on these patterns to better understand their nature.)
With apologies for again including this image -
what it really shows is the pattern of association although it would need some example data to actually represent something rather than just an abstract idea as it is at the moment. If the connecting operators are primed with certain preferred weights they will tend to simultaneously fire when these patterns are presented in the data being analyzed producing some personalized insight-results based on this data. And because they are primed in this particular way one will always see the programmed patterns in the data to a greater or lesser degree.
There do seem to be several types of intuition as well, mainly ones which again pair better with thinking vs others which do so with feeling - regardless of whether they are oriented toward introversion or extroversion the former favors analyzing patterns intellectually while the latter responds with feeling and is interested in the feelings evoked by situations, people, works of art, or even the change in the weather outside. This particular distinction is not reflected in the MBTI as far as I can tell although it is very clearly delineated in astrology (where Uranus represents the thinking intuition-style while for example Pluto represents the feeling one.)
So how does this connect to logic? Well, so far only by telling us which types of logic we find delicious personally and would find appealing, because although logic may be able to explain everything in a context-independent manner (credit to Ren here) we cannot because we are simultaneously evaluating data based on other metrics whether we are aware of doing so or not.
*typo corrected