As a pragmatist I would say the meaning of single word depends of the context its used and is refering to. In this context I was refering to obviousness nature of assuming something being obvious and self explanatory as faith. Same aplies to any word that has polysemic meaning. If we dont accept poeple can use word with specific meaning depending on context, then we have contradicted the value that it has meaning at all. Same like I accept causality can be understood differently, but when it comes to my ideas it is same as change, measure, direction, quantity itself and in mind its has knowledge, ignorance relation that changes the mind states as well as the moods. When I said logic has causality itself, I meant that "Mind can change" it can be affected with knowledge and situations, so as rational thinkers when we ask "Why this person has changed?" We ask what caused it. I think its self explanatory at this point. When it comes to logic itself, its more property of mind that has ability to change, and see the change, as well as being able to be affected by inward or outward toughts and things. That is something causality is when I mean that it is causal.