What is the opposite of logic?

Noam Chomsky devised the nonsensical statement "Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously."

Why? To illustrate that a sentence can be grammatically correct but semantically nonsensical.

Yea well... Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Or something. Suck it Chodesky.
Yea well... Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Or something. Suck it Chodesky.
He's personally a nice man. I just don't think he's ever really worked a real job being an academic.

He avoided retail his entire life.
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Noam Chomsky devised the nonsensical statement "Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously."

Why? To illustrate that a sentence can be grammatically correct but semantically nonsensical.

Absolutely! I agree with Chomsky. I actually came up with some examples in my own writings about nonsense, which were:

“Diamonds made peace with the brother of my birthday party."
“The wheelbarrow wrote a crane about itself”.

However, notice that you can immediately grasp those sentences as nonsense. And it is logic that allows you to do so. Nonsense is the opposite of sense rather than the opposite of logic since as it were both "sense" and "nonsense" are logical concepts.

However, in practice I think that we can agree.
Absolutely! I agree with Chomsky. I actually came up with some examples in my own writings about nonsense, which were:

“Diamonds made peace with the brother of my birthday party."
“The wheelbarrow wrote a crane about itself”.

However, notice that you can immediately grasp those sentences as nonsense. And it is logic that allows you to do so. Nonsense is the opposite of sense rather than the opposite of logic since as it were both "sense" and "nonsense" are logical concepts.

However, in practice I think that we can agree.
I will accept that the notion of sense falls under the umbrella of logic (i.e logical sense). We agree theoretically and in practice.

An example of a logically sensible statement:
"If Alexander Hamilton was right then Thomas Jefferson was wrong."
I will accept that the notion of sense falls under the umbrella of logic (i.e logical sense). We agree theoretically and in practice.

An example of a logically sensible statement:
"If Alexander Hamilton was right then Thomas Jefferson was wrong."

Indeed - very sensible. But you didn't quite finish it:

1) If Hamilton was right then Jefferson was wrong.
2) If Hamilton was wrong then Jefferson was right.
3) Hamilton was always wrong.
4) Therefore by 2) and 3) Jefferson was always right.
The opposite of anything is fakery