I was a lot like this when I was a teenager. I thought I had aspergers. Heck maybe I still do. Daydreamed all day, romanticised, wasnt good with women at all, didnt understand the point of my life and was constantly in a state of existential despair.
But now I am fuckin happy and at peace with life and have goals and am able bodied to accomplish them. I can walk into a room of new random people, friends, coworkers, or someome judging me. I can confront them. I can confront reality and embrace it.
I refuse to be an "INFJ letdown," an "acid casualty," a "drone worker," all these things. I will not be classified and labelled. (Label-led)
I learned a new thing about Brian Wilson today though. Gotta say, I spent two weeks in bed and I thought that was bad. I got sick of it. But a matter of years? Such time wasted! But possible, I know the ugly face of depression. And that stint in bedridden, suicidal dread actually reallly refreshed my mind after I got up and started doing stuff again. Good times.....not. but looking back, I understand it better. And since then I really became a whole different person. And it was my self improvement motive that got me through it. I have learned and am learning all about love, how to be a man, how to live right, and what to do.
As long as I keep on this upward spiral, I will not ever go back to the idiocy of those freaking INFJ males.

Just wanted to let you know that yeah, we're fucked up, but can get fixed.
And if anyone is really curious how I cured my depression in my own way, feel free to hit me up. I can be a psuedo-anonymous ear for you if nothing else. Just start a dialogue with me, or someone. You never know what will happen when you take a chance on a conversation with a stranger.
Whatever yall choose, go in good health.