What is your REAL age?

I got 17 years old.. :D
If only, a little more freedom would be nice. But I shall continue to try and live in the moment.
Yah, just turning. I have to start looking into road rules so I can get behind the wheel, blah! Shouldn't be too difficult though.
My RealAge? 19.2 (-1.5 from my calendar age)

I've been on that site for a while now. It's really quite helpful!
"You are 42 years old!!"
okay, fine. I'm really 38.

Slant, I was expecting it to say 70 or so... I envision your need to chase the kids off the front lawn, but your youthful, devious mind comes up with an elaborate plot involving explosives and a diabolical grin.
It would probably be more of blank expression watching the children's flesh burn.
It would probably be more of blank expression watching the children's flesh burn.

Yeah, I thought so too, but I wanted to at least give you that ounce of humanity... just in case :)
Red dog leader this is red dog one
I got more time for one last run
Target acquired right over the ridge
It's a little Iraqi orphanage

Napalm sticks to the kids, it sticks to the kids like burning glue
Napalm sticks to the kids, it sticks to the women and children too

Target in range bombs ready to go
I pull down the trigger and drop my load
I watch the napalm fall out of the sky
and hear the little kiddies scream and cry

Napalm sticks to the kids, it sticks to the kids like burning glue
Napalm sticks to the kids, it sticks to their fingers and their little eye lids

Gotta love millitary cadances! God bless the Infantry....

spellchecked by shaigar.
I have one about hanging principals and punching teachers.