What would you do if you had $35K?

Pay off bills and student debt. Any remainder would go into home renovation, car repairs, travel, family obligations, not necessarily in that order. Wholly unexciting commitments, sadly.
Pay the fees for a few captured mustangs to go to sanctuaries and save the rest.
Help the families I know here who are without power and/or a connection to the world, not considered a necessity by our state (exception to a few), but without it you cannot get a leg up. $35K would not go far, but it might help buy them a little more time.

Ultimately I'd love to assemble a proper site/guidance group for all things helpful, not to question motives as that's up to the organizations providing relief to determine. There's a giant information valley between people who need the help and how to get the help that is out there. Idea is to be the bridge.
Put it somewhere safe and think about it awhile.