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Change, but start slowly,
because the direction is more important
that speed.

Sit in another chair,
on the other side of the table.
Later, change tables.

When go out,
try to walk across the street.
Then change your path,
walk on other streets,
watching carefully
the places where
you pass.

Take other buses.
Change your clothing style for a while.
Give away your old shoes.
Try to walk barefoot for a few days.

take a whole afternoon
to walk freely on the beach,
or in the park,
and hear the birdsong.

See the world from other perspectives.
open and close the drawers
and doors with the left hand.

Sleep on the other side of the bed…
Then try sleeping in other beds.

Watch other tv shows,
buy other newspapers…
read other books,
Live other romances.

Do not make habit a lifestyle.
Love the novelty.
Sleep later.
Sleep early.

Learn a new word a day
in another language.
Correct posture.
eat a little less,
choose different foods,
new spices, new colors,
new delights.

Try something new every day.
the new side,
the new method,
the new flavor,
the new way,
the new pleasure,
the new love.
the new life.

Try it.
Search for new friends.
Try new loves.
Make new relationships.

Have lunch in other places,
go to other restaurants,
have another type of drink
buy bread at another bakery.
have lunch earlier,
dine later or vice versa.

Choose another market...
another brand of soap,
another toothpaste…
shower at new times.

Use pens of other colors.
Go and visit other places.

love a lot,
more and more,
in different ways.

change bags,
of wallet,
of suitcases,
change car,
buy new glasses,
write other poetry.

throw the old clocks,
break gently
those awful alarm clocks.

Go to other cinemas,
other hairdressers,
other theaters,
visit new museums.

If you can't find reasons to be free,
invent them.
Be creative.

And take the opportunity to take a trip
long, if possible without destination.

Try new things.
Change again.
Change again.
Try it again.

You will surely know better things
and worse things than those already known,
But that's not what matters.

The most important thing is the change,
the movement,
the dynamism,
the energy.
Only what is dead does not change !

I repeat for the sheer joy of living:
salvation is by risk, without which life cannot
worth it!!!!
(Clarice Lispector)
It has really cleaned up nicely since the property was last on YT anyway I find that 90s aesthetic to be nice despite being an office building with bed rooms. The lack of a beach hurts it though.

One of my favorite video directors: Andrew Thomas Huang

His description:
Solipsist is meant to be a purely visual film built around the idea of convergence and unison between living things. The title comes from the philosophical theory of solipsism in which the self is the only thing that one can know or prove to exist. The isolation of this theory inspired me to imagine a counter-hypothesis – a world in which living beings are not constrained by a singular experience. Rather, the characters in this film are constantly merging into one another, forming a collective consciousness through unison of their minds and bodies."
One of my favorite video directors: Andrew Thomas Huang

His description:
Solipsist is meant to be a purely visual film built around the idea of convergence and unison between living things. The title comes from the philosophical theory of solipsism in which the self is the only thing that one can know or prove to exist. The isolation of this theory inspired me to imagine a counter-hypothesis – a world in which living beings are not constrained by a singular experience. Rather, the characters in this film are constantly merging into one another, forming a collective consciousness through unison of their minds and bodies."

That's a lot of sea glitter :thonking:
Chuck Norris delivering those cold hard truths with a punch.
'Walker, Texas Ranger' was something I used to watch growing up. When you're from Texas, it's a sort of right of passage. haha.