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Another episode of This Fuckin’ Guy! 😌

Thank you for this video. Great insight, explanations, and introductions put together in an honest and straightforward way.
If you are not listening closely, very excellent items that could be missed:
- The experiences within altered states of consciousness are not just all "in your head". Receptors in the brain are like keys to locked doors of perception. What happens when the chemical reactions from drugs unlock those keys in the brain, it opens the brain's processing of information to being able to perceive what's already there. A "hallucination" is not purely the imagination, but is an actual reality being processed that once, prior to the novel chemical reaction, couldn't be "naturally" perceived.

- Meaning, both the pursuit of meaning and the desire for significance of meanings, is a product of the ego.

(My own thoughts on this) - I think a lot of people easily confuse the experiences of dissociative chemicals with psychedelics. Dissociative compounds, especially natural/traditional ones like cannaboids and Salvia Divinorum, can cause profound "hallucinations". But those are most certainly only coming from the processes already in your own mind and imagination. Same, imo, goes for deleriants, such as Datura. You are actually experiencing more of a "distortion" of reality with those rather than an albeit "sharper" or "fuller" perception of reality. Drugs that work on the 5HT2a and other serotonin receptors, like psychedelics and even some stimulants, have the effect of almost "lifting a veil" over your perception.

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Song starts at about 3:45