Vict mechanical and habitual agent Donor MBTI ISTP Enneagram 9 Feb 28, 2021 #122 My brain's on buildings right now.
Roses In The Vineyard Well-known member MBTI INFJ Mar 24, 2021 #129 That time in history when man made Mordor.
MoonFlier Well-known member MBTI INFJ Enneagram 5w4 Mar 25, 2021 #130 Even if it bores you (the music started to put me to sleep) hang in there for the ending. It will make you smile, I promise (or you're not human).
Even if it bores you (the music started to put me to sleep) hang in there for the ending. It will make you smile, I promise (or you're not human).
yokai and lo, she haunts MBTI INFJ Enneagram 2w1 so/sx Mar 27, 2021 #133 I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing at this video. I rewatch it when I need a giggle.
biwaly Banned MBTI INFJ-A Enneagram 5w4 So Apr 23, 2021 #136 When you are an INFJ who just mastered their Se so having fun with it :