What YouTube Videos Are You Watching Right Now

Probably one of my fav matrix docs on youtube.
I understand pretty well when I'm tapping into the zeitgeist and when I'm not.
Yesterday I was in it :sunglasses: today not so much ✨
I’m dying... 🤣

Dere’s somefin’ in da fookin’ whoa-aa!

Solid Gen-Z cast, lol. Not one of these babes of the woods has yet reached 30.

Remember when trailers were thirty seconds long, didn’t show you jack, and you were still psyched?

Now it’s “how can we fit the entire fucking narrative in this brown paper bag?”

Still, looks like it could be good times. I will make sure to go to a theatre in proper spec, which is to say, when it is loud, it should be properly loud.

As in, feel it in your chest. 🤣

Best to You,