What's your views on the ice water challenge thing?


Rothchildian Agent
The viral spread of the ice bucket challenge? What do you think about it?

Is it a challenge or is it a cause?

Great way to fundraise or a stupid peer pressure driven trend?
If it raises money no matter how stupid. .. then its good.

I do like to see how some celebritys forgoe the ice. Like Justin Beiberberier or ..how ever you spell the ladies name. Its actually humorous sad and scary all at the same time.
There's been a mad amount of injuries attributed to this you know, although some of them I'd be honest are people being eejits, totally, running into things, hitting each other with blocks of ice, buckets or things like that getting broken on them.

I wonder is it more social trend than it is charitable effort and also about the role of celebrity endorsements in it all too. Its interesting to see social media evolving.
I get annoyed with people who do it for the sake of doing it without actually attempting to raise money. It's not any different than that stupid challenge that went around recently where people actually died. Something about doing something retarded in the snow. It's also on par with girls changing their facebook status to some colour which would be the colour of their bra to get people "curious." It doesn't raise shit. It gets people participating in something cute to feel good without actually doing anything to help.
There's tons of people doing stupid things and trying to get attention for no other reason than their own egos...at least this has raised awareness and lots of money so I think it's good in the end. I was challenged and didn't do it. I will give a donation. ALS is a really terrible disease so if this helps in some way then all the annoying stuff is worth it.
  • I don't donate or participate.
  • Don't care if others do.
  • Will repost all funny image macros on the subject.
  • I don't donate or participate.
  • Don't care if others do.
  • Will repost all funny image macros on the subject.
i was holding my breath waiting for this from the
I get annoyed with people who do it for the sake of doing it without actually attempting to raise money. It's not any different than that stupid challenge that went around recently where people actually died. Something about doing something retarded in the snow. It's also on par with girls changing their facebook status to some colour which would be the colour of their bra to get people "curious." It doesn't raise shit. It gets people participating in something cute to feel good without actually doing anything to help.

Apparently someone has died after doing the ice bucket challenge as well:

It's dumb, but people do dumb things without the intention of raising money for charity..

A friend of mine (well an internet friend) did it. I don't know if he raised much money, but it made me laugh. And that's what's really important.

Just saw this:
My honest opinion is that the whole thing is a little silly and amounts to little more than the self-centeredness that we've grown accustom to. I will not participate or donate simply because there is a social pressure to do so. I've heard of people being harassed over not participating, which is wrong. Everyone has a right to donate to charities they believe will make a difference, and I do hope that the money raised will actually go to good use. Ultimately though, I have to use discretion with the money I do have and have to say no to many charities regardless.
What's new? People having been doing things that are risky/scary/unenjoyable in order to raise money for ages.

That said, this is fucking hilarious and I'm glad this went viral purely because this clip was made:


There won't be another one as funny as this so we can go back to bungees and bathtubs of beans now.
Does anyone else get annoyed that these people dont put near enough ice in the bucket?
People keep calling this "risky" am I missing something here?
yes, you forgot to factor in the general moronic quality of some people

Hmmmm perhaps risky for their career then?