when someone doesnt understand you

If someone doesn't understand me...

fuck it, it's trolling time.
Kinda disappointing, but then again, if someone do want to know, they will ask. :|
If they’re asking me a question because they don’t understand something and after I explain it, they're still unclear, I would take my time to explain again. If I’ve to write or draw out what I’m saying for them, if that would help them, I would do that. I'm quite patient when it comes to explaining things. If I’m just explaining my thoughts to someone and the other party has no idea what I’m talking about, I would still take my time to explain again. I'm often misunderstood though and sometimes lose my train of thought when talking, so when someone doesn't understand me/can't follow what I'm saying, I would only have myself to blame for not being able to explain myself well.
i hate when people don't understand me then ask me to explain what i'm talking about why can't they just get it the first time or forget about it
i also hate when ppl don't try to understand at all and just push their beliefs onto you without listening to your perspective
that's why i only get along with open minded people. you have to pick them i guess
I just get sad... but I don't blame the person for it. I understand that they just can't understand, it's not in their capacity so why flare out the anger on someone who can't help it? It gets frustrating, but my patience is always there. If you know the other person well, you know them quite well so you're able to try and explain in a way you know they might understand.

Well--- nevermind, lol this relates to people who "kinda" get me. People who try and act like they know it all and "rephrase it" without getting it at all, just exasperate me. They might be sweet people, but I feel like I'm draining all my energy trying to explain it and in the most dynamic, inclusive ways. I get a little snappy at the end, I have to admit lol...
I used to get upset, now i'm reduced to being somewhat annoyed. :D I think i realized that i couldn't expect people to follow my every train of thought or understand me completely because i can be pretty confusing when i explain myself. I speak in a round a bout manner. And i also had to realize that people have a lot going on inside their minds as well. If they don't understand, although i get a bit peeved, I try perspective taking - consciously encouraging myself to see their side; try to understand where they are coming from and how to adjust myself to their understanding. It doesn't always work, but it helps. It makes me realize that we each have differing perspectives and no one will see things the same.
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I hate it when people say I mumble and speak too softly. (Although it's true.) When they can hear me and make out the words I'm saying but don't understand, I just keep talking till they do. If they walk away, I follow them around until they tell me to be quiet. I'm nothing if not persistent :D.
I used to get quite frustrated so I stopped trying. If someone wants to know me, they will just ask.