I broke down a few years ago and finally bought a Blu-Ray burner, mainly for two reasons, first they apparently have longer data duration, and B, you can store a LOT more data for a lot lower price. So I bought 25GB BRDs by the cannister, and started backing up all of my data, which came to about 50 disks. Each one was stuffed to the gills, so we can say about 1250GB, or around 1.25TB. I finally bought a 5TB external HDD some years ago, and now that one is starting to fill up.
Then again, I began storing up data back in the 1990s, so I have a lot of it. It really started getting crazy when I started making youtube videos, where each video is around 1 - 2 GB. I don't delete stuff, so some of these videos will have original video content up to 25GB or more, which has to edited down - an incredibly tedious and time-consuming process. If you make one video per week, your data storage needs can get downright dicey.
I finally created a folder on my HDD called, "Deletable" and backed-up all of my early youtube videos to BluRay. When I started running out of disk space (with two or three multi-TB drives per computer), I would delete old youtube video files, hoping that the Blu-Ray copies were still good.
I only use jump drives to transfer data between computers, since I don't allow any of my Windows computers on the internet, because they're easy to hack and very vulnerable. I only go online with my linux-based computers.