Actualized type: ISFJ
(who you are)
Introverted (I) 86.67% Extroverted (E) 13.33%
Sensing (S) 51.43% Intuitive (N) 48.57%
Feeling (F) 58.82% Thinking (T) 41.18%
Judging (J) 80% Perceiving (P) 20%
ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
*The current algorithm breaks the tie randomly so refresh the page to see alternate results
Preferred type: ISFJ
(who you prefer to be)
Introverted (I) 88% Extroverted (E) 12%
Sensing (S) 55.26% Intuitive (N) 44.74%
Feeling (F) 62.16% Thinking (T) 37.84%
Judging (J) 81.48% Perceiving (P) 18.52%
ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
*The current algorithm breaks the tie randomly so refresh the page to see alternate results
Attraction type: INFP
(who you are attracted to)
Introverted (I) 63.33% Extroverted (E) 36.67%
Intuitive (N) 62.96% Sensing (S) 37.04%
Feeling (F) 70.27% Thinking (T) 29.73%
Perceiving (P) 50% Judging (J) 50%
INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
I'd say it came out pretty accurate overall. I always score high on I and J, with mostly even N and S (slight N preference, I have nearly as much Si as Ni--both are very high--as I try to use both sides when considering things, though ultimately Ni does take the cake. As an example, I can think of ways to do things better/more efficiently than what has been previously established by others [with both real-world systems and systems of thinking], but once I figure out that new way, I stick with it as I have proven its usefulness in the past, unless I can come up with an even better method, in which case I readily switch to that one.), and not quite as even F and T (mild F preference; I'm on the INTJ forum as well and from everything I see it is enough of a preference for me to be easily noticeably different from the INTJ's there. I think a lot of how I'm noticeably different is also because I'm enneagram type 9 and most of them are 5's). Seems like it thinks it's a tie between INFJ and ISFJ.
The attraction type is definitely spot-on, and the cognitive preferences it shows are what I think compliments my personality the best, like not INFJ in general but I mean myself personally (less of an introvert and sensor, more of a feeler and perceptor; I need a girl like that to balance out how I am and provide a different but very relatable perspective, as well as a lot of emotional intimacy); in my experience I've always been
very attracted to INFP's. Also when I refresh it it says INFJ instead, with the same exact percentages. I don't think I've ever known any INFJ girls, especially of the sort my test came out as, but I think that would also work very well in a relationship for me, as long as they have considerably more F and less J of the same magnitude than what I have.

Either way, for enneagram type, I find 4's the most attractive.
This pretty much describes what I have always wanted to have in a relationship (except for reading papers cause I don't do that lol), even before I got into personality typing. Basically, all this personality typing stuff just confirms what I have always known and observed prior to learning about it.
Enneagram Type Four (the Individualist)
Enneagram Type Nine (the Peacemaker)
What Each Type Brings to the Relationship
This can be, paradoxically, both a very comfortable—and yet exciting—relationship pair. Enneagram Fours and Nines are both withdrawn and private, sensitive to the feelings and needs of the other, and empathetic to the suffering of others. Both can be tender-hearted and highly sympathetic to the suffering that they find in the world and in each other. Both want to find a deep connection with the other, and yet, both also want a certain degree of autonomy and insist on a very real degree of privacy. Both Fours and Nines can be highly creative, and as a pair they enthusiastically support the other's creativity and give the other a good deal of space in which to develop their talents. Both are idealistic and want to connect deeply with someone, feeling that they are on a search for their soul mate, the one person in the world with whom they can completely connect and be themselves.
Both Fours and Nines also bring a sensuality and love of comfort that is noteworthy; this may express itself in their lifestyle, traveling habits, and in their sexual and other intimate activities. This is a couple that likes to stay in bed all Sunday morning, reading the papers and talking. Each brings passion and an appreciation of the other coupled with a desire to be comfortable and build a life with the other. Fours can make Nines become more intense and expressive about how they feel, while Nines can allow Fours to feel understood and accepted for who they are. Fours are good at naming feelings and pinpointing emotional states; Nines are good at creating an atmosphere of nonjudgmental acceptance, Nines may even enjoy the emotional storms and dramas that Fours occasionally get into, feeling that it adds spice to their life together. A lot of the pleasure and passion of this couple is nonverbal in the depth of the understanding that each has for the other.