Which MBTI type do you butt heads most with?

I butt heads with INTP and INTJ most, but probably get on with INTP and INTJ most too.
EJ are the worst.
I get along well with most types, but I find ESxJs tend to be the most foreign to me.

I actually get along really well with most SP types, especially if they're cheerful. I like lively, cheerful people.

I get into arguments with NTs a lot, but I don't consider that a bad thing. It's kind of refreshing to have a grand battle of wits every once and a while. Given that I have an ENTJ twin (with strong Fi), grand battles of wits happen fairly often.
Pretty much any type that is very introverted and undeveloped.

I'm not the best with typology but I just hate the awkwardness that immature ISTP's bring. They are like the quiet kid with rich parents who wants to seem cool and intelligent and appealing but is insanely awkward to be around one-on-one, have zero depth to their values and personality, completely unreliable, never think about conciquences of their actions, etc. And on top of all that, wear the fancy overprice name brand clothes so they can seem more appealing on a day to day basis. At least, that was my experience with one.

ISP's in general I feel like I get those same vibes from. Almost every one I feel I've ran into was completely concieted in their own little world and never thought about anything beyond what was going on at the exact moment. Coupled with their extreme introversion, they really give off that "uncomfortalbe vibe" to me, because they aren't shy, but always act in the "I'm cool, and quiet" manner which reeks of obvious insincerity. You can't trust them with anything either.

Maybe it's different when they get older though. I'm 21 and the ones around my age have for the most part show an inner personality and value system that is equal to a middle school child. If they are extroverted, atleast it is easy to read them and easy to see what kind of person they are so you can clearly define boundaries and push off flak.

I feellike INFJ's in general are good at dealing with extroversion situations, though obviously tons of extrovertedness can wear me down. But I can read, go with the flow and manipulate the flow of extroversion pretty well. I can't do that with introverts too well, espeically if they are very immature or undeveloped introverts and therefore either are too shy to talk to at all or too "selfish" to work in a social situation.
INTP personality wise. INFPs concept wise. With that being said, I have best friends of both types and I wouldn't give them up for the world.
Pretty much any type that is very introverted and undeveloped.

I'm not the best with typology but I just hate the awkwardness that immature ISTP's bring. They are like the quiet kid with rich parents who wants to seem cool and intelligent and appealing but is insanely awkward to be around one-on-one, have zero depth to their values and personality, completely unreliable, never think about conciquences of their actions, etc. And on top of all that, wear the fancy overprice name brand clothes so they can seem more appealing on a day to day basis. At least, that was my experience with one.

You've yet to meet [MENTION=528]slant[/MENTION].
I've never gotten to know someone that I didn't like enough to be able to type them, but I have a feeling they were probably ESTP. I can't be really sure, however. I am best friends with an ISFJ and a ISTJ, but I also seem to get along with INTJs.
his name is maxxx....he doesnt wear a helmet....he's only....13?? 13???
Not sure about a particular type, still don't buy the fact that you can divide people into 16 categories or 100, or more, but it's really hard for me to be around very happy energetic extraverts who can't stand occasional silence. Such intense person would drain all my energy and make me feel even more depressed. However, I don't mind happy people at all :P
Hmmm, I would have to say ESTP and ISFP, Though I have a few friends left that are these types

ESXPs can drive me down the Grand Canyon with the things they do/say and it's like, "Did you REALLY just say that? Did you think about what the consequences of saying/doing that would be?"

I can get along with ISFPs on the surface, but I find it difficult to have a conversation to push them out their comfort zone. I get tired of talking to them really quickly...well Immature ones that is. Mature ISFPs are wonderful and have a soft calm about them.
I don't butt heads with personality types.
I butt heads with stupidity and closed-mindedness.
Not sure about a particular type, still don't buy the fact that you can divide people into 16 categories or 100, or more, but it's really hard for me to be around very happy energetic extraverts who can't stand occasional silence. Such intense person would drain all my energy and make me feel even more depressed. However, I don't mind happy people at all :P

Yeah I am the same way. Insanely happy people who feel compelled to talk all the time are exhausting. Especially if its just mindless chatter.
"Did you see American Idol? OMG I THINK THAT blahblahblah is going to TOTALLY win cause SQUEEE He has a INCREDIBLE VOICE!"
Me: "Uh huh." [fake smile]

I think it has to be ENFPs. I don't know why. ESTJs and other highly incompatible types tend to avoid me and I avoid them. I suppose if I had to work with some, it would be different.

At first we're friendly, but then we conflict, and it does seem like when INFJs and ENFPs conflict that they do the kinds of things that make the other as angry as possible. INFJ critics the ENFP, and ENFP gets a group of people to hate the INFJ (possibly a friend group). Horrible.
I'm much more inclined to believe that butting heads is a result of Enneagram personality type conflict. MBTI personality conflict is a matter of difference in perspective, however if the ego is tied to our inherent perspectives, these differences can result in ego clashes.

That said, ESTJs can annoy and frustrate me like no other type due to the extreme lack of seeing eye to eye rapidly turning into a clash of wills (and I am not one to abide a challenge of wills). When they offend me, it's a combination of unempathic insisting upon complience to their demands and being unreasonably closed minded about any other options. I know some well adjusted ESTJs, and have never had any conflicts with them. Very good people, and very intelligent. As long as the ESTJs don't get pushy with me, or inherently dismissive of the fact that I don't think like them, we actually do quite well together in professional settings.

ENFPs are the close runner up, and I can't count the number of times I've wanted to strangle an ENFP (not the same ENFP, but many of them). Oddly, for nearly the same reasons as with ESTJs, except that they add to the plate a whole new level of emotional indignance and insistence, flying off the handle at percieved offenses which only degenerate when any manner of defense of their accusations is offered. Once they've decided how they feel, they will make up reasons to validate their feelings. It's like having to deal with extremely intelligent 3 year olds when they're having a tantrum. However, well adjusted ENFPs, especially ENFP Enneagram 9s, are amazing people and I adore them. We spring board off of one another extremely well, and compliment each others weaknesses with our strengths.

ISTJs and I often don't have a similar perspective, but for some reason this rarely turns into a clash of wills so much as a stand off. More often than not, I'm the one who offends them (unintnetionally), but we tend to admire each others' differences. If they offend me it's because they're being unreasonably closed minded. They seldom explain to me what it is that I've done to annoy them other than "You annoyed me".

INFPs are a special case. I love them. In fact, I adore them. But, I've also had some really intense clashes with them. These usually get resolved, but they can be frequent. It's a lot of up and down. Rollercoaster really. I often wonder if they are the rollercoaster all by themselves, or if it's a result of our interaction.

I think those that have posted have explained it better than I ever could. I've had two close ISFP friends, one of which I fell in love with. It was hard to have meaningful conversation with them as they hid their emotions and insecurities behind their introversion and a blatantly false sense of contentment. They existed in an imaginary world in which nothing could faze them, ignoring their problems and refusing to talk about anything but interests of their fantasy existence and everything superficial. I eventually found it hard to hold conversation with them without seeming bored and fake and broke both relationships off.

But those are only two individuals and I'm aware it could just be them.
It all depends on how well developed their types are. The ones with less developed types or that have "issues" can become irritating. Assuming we're talking about an emotional or psychological imbalance like this, my answer would be ENTJ - they have the ability to be the most narcissistic of all the types I've come in contact with.

On the other hand, a well-developed ENTJ can be a really good friend; good sense of humor, orderly, take advice well, etc. But I find, in a professional setting, where friendship isn't the #1 goal, this is the type I clash with all the time. It's that Ni and Ne that I find causes most of the conflict - I consider them (the less developed ones that is) my "evil" counterpart. Instead of using their intuition to promote some good and harmony, they use it to control and manipulate.

A lot of the ES types are just so incompatible that we ignore each other, or nothing one of us does really fazes the other. They do their thing, I do mine and our ideals never cross unless we need to. Of course, my wife's an ESTJ... but our relationship is pretty much like I just mentioned. We have so much not in common that it works out really well.
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I think it has to be ENFPs. I don't know why. ESTJs and other highly incompatible types tend to avoid me and I avoid them. I suppose if I had to work with some, it would be different.

At first we're friendly, but then we conflict, and it does seem like when INFJs and ENFPs conflict that they do the kinds of things that make the other as angry as possible. INFJ critics the ENFP, and ENFP gets a group of people to hate the INFJ (possibly a friend group). Horrible.

I've had the same experience with the immature, undeveloped type of ENFPs. I can think of a few I've hated with a passion. And it takes a lot for me to hate someone.
I've had the same experience with the immature, undeveloped type of ENFPs. I can think of a few I've hated with a passion. And it takes a lot for me to hate someone.

I try really hard not to hate anyone, but there is one ENFP who has gone out of her way to push me in that direction. (Note: this one is profoundly unhealthy and doesn't represent all ENFPs by any stretch.) Every chance she got, she was pulling some manner of backstabbery, and to this day the only logical conclusion that I can come up with is that she was offended by something I did at some point (my Fe or Ni touched a nerve) and she decided that I was a villain. She then went on to pull passive aggressive manipulation tactics on everyone we both knew. All the while, I was utterly amazed that almost no one saw what she was up to, and in most cases completely fell for it. And while she was doing all of this stuff, she was accusing me of doing to her whatever the latest tactic was she was doing to me. For instance, she tried to break me and my wife up by telling everyone she could that I was trying to break her and her husband up, so that they would then pressure my wife to think I was a bad person. She wasn't just making stuff up, she was making stuff up, acting on it, and then accusing me of it. It was like being insane.

The most ironic part is that I have yet to do a single thing against her. Of course, I haven't had to. As is the case with imbalanced and unhealthy people, she's managed to screw up her life far worse than I ever could have, and everything she intended for me has happened to her.

Though I have my suspicions that she has Borderline Personality Disorder, but hides it much better because she's so intelligent.