Who were you in another life?


Permanent Fixture
Another thread got me thinking....anyone believe in past lives? Who were you? What do you remember? How did you realize it, a dream, meditation, psychic? How did your past life affect this one? Any issues your still dealing with?

I've got a handful of past lives I've gotten glimpses of, some more complete than others...

The most complete came to me in a meditation that turned into a lucid dream. I was reading a lot/meditating about past life regression and got to the point of meditation where I tapped into the "source." I remember being surrounded by a purple/violet nebula and and then thrust into chaos. I'm frantically running around what looks to be a stone-walled monastery. I'm wearing black robes and understand I'm a monk. Fire is breaking out and it starts to really get out of control. It seems like an attack. I catch up with a good friend and I get an overwhelming flood of relief and we run together. Something hits me on the back or back of the head and I'm suddenly on the ground looking up at his face. He starts to get really blurry and gives me his hand to help me up. As I take his hand, he starts to morph into my father. He pulls me up with so much force that I land right on my feet and "snap" into me as a child in the house that I grew up in. I look around and see my mother, sister, and long gone family dog and I get this strange sense that I'm taking a snapshot of this life because it feels like everything's in fast forward. The thought I wake up with is that my father and I are connected, "kindred spirits" (that's such a lame term, sorry). The allegory of the hand pulling me up/into this life couldn't be any clearer, he was the once who brought me here.

I haven't attempted anything else since, hat was like 4 years ago. It was a little too draining, startling and scary at the time, but that's not to say that I won't ever.

What about you?
i think i was probably anne frank. have you ever thought that a lot of people now living may have equally shared out various bits and pieces of the life of someone previously living?
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Past lives sound interesting, but I've never experienced anything personally to make me believe in them.

I have wondered if all people would have them, or just some, and how that relates to the ever-growing population.
Any theories?
Dr. Brian Weiss
Dr. Michael Newton

Both of these psychiatrists stumbled upon past life memories with their clients while they were attempting to regress them back to the clients' earliest memories of trauma. Apparently the clients were suffering from fear disorders and the somatic symptoms. The psychiatrists tried conventional therapies - then hypnotized them to take them back to childhood. They hoped to find "something" to help with the disorders. What they found surprised the hell out of them. Both psychiatrists were atheists and NOT looking for any evidence of past lives or reincarnation or karma - but they found it in thousands of patients.
I just read Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss. It was his first book. I found various youtube files of both psychiatrists in which they were interviewed.
Here is one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etse1QxwumM

I have been on a quest for knowledge about how energy influences the human body and my journey led me to these guys. I was impressed with them because they were trained in scientific research and conducted their past life studies with that view. I also like the fact they were atheists/non believers first and were drawn into this. I'm not saying they found God or anything like that - just that they weren't Looking for what they found and they were very careful about gaining understanding and believing what they heard from their clients.

I am now of the opinion we have many lives - sometimes simultaneous lives. Reincarnation and karma are explained in a way I can understand - although I've not fully accepted this knowledge into myself yet. I am ever the doubter with my analytical mind. :suspicious:

But....if I allow myself to believe it a tiny bit my whole being floods with joy. Then I stop. [shug] It's a process I guess.

As for my own past lives - I've never had full blown visuals - only extreme reactions to external stimulus that makes no sense in my everyday life. I'm fairly certain I was a holocaust victim for example. Some of my dreams have been so vivid and logical - except I've never been to those places - they made me think I was having an out of body experience when they happened years ago. Now I think I those were me as another person in another place and time.

Your experience with the monk friend turning into your father is explained very well by both of the psychiatrists experiences with their clients. We apparently have groups we reincarnate with again and again until we learn our lessons. One person may be your brother in one life - and your lover in the next. We change genders back and forth to expand our knowledge and continue learning. That individual could very well be the same energy or spirit or soul - reincarnating into different people whom you would recognize by their eyes.
I once read a fictional book called "The Years of Rice and Salt" by Kim Stanley Robinson that describes this phenomenon in a way that made sense to me. Good book too.

According to the client's experiences there are many other places(planets) where souls/spirits/energy entities come from. They do not all come from this dimension/plane/galaxy/etc. I'm not interested in knowing the details of that information - so don't have much more to say on it. If that is true - then there must be aliens - "somewhere" - and I'm not venturing into a quest to discover that. lol

The messages from the Masters essentially came down to two things:
Get over the fear of dying. There is no hell - only forgiveness and a chance to learn the lesson(s) again.
There is only Love.
have you ever thought that a lot of people now living may have equally shared out various bits and pieces of the life of someone previously living?
That's a really interesting question and I've never thought about it! I'd tend not to think so, but who knows for sure.
I have wondered if all people would have them, or just some, and how that relates to the ever-growing population.

Any theories?
I'm sure there are some new souls out there, but I think the majority of people have past lives. They aren't easy to experience, it takes a lot of work for most. The best way is through meditation, which takes time to learn how to do. If you think back to when you were a child, you can get hints too. When I was a kid I had a reoccurring nightmare of running through catacombs away from some person. I had no idea what catacombs were at the time or about the groups of people who were locked away in catacombs throughout history. Also certain innate fears can be validated i.e. fear of drowning. I've seen a few psychics who have tapped into more information, but I'd like to try hypnotherapy one day.

They say that your soul comes back if you have issues that haven't been resolved in a previous life, or wrongs you have to right. I don't know about you, but I'm sure as hell not coming back here!!! When I leave, I'll take floating around the universe for eternity, thank you! That's partly my motivation to try to be the best person I can and tackle my pink elephants head on so I don't create bad karma that brings me back to this place.

[MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] thanks for the info, I'm going to check out that reading. I've heard this dimension is the hardest of them all and we come here to experience suffering and pain. Super, sign me up! As for aliens, don't get me started :mcunni: My theory is that aliens are humans in the distant future who have evolved and expanded our "sixth sense" and have found a way to travel back in time. But I digress...
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while I dont know details of my life. . I do know how I died in my last life. . it was WWII. . an an Island in the South Pacific. .there were rolling hills of grassy sand. . as I came the the top of one of these hills I was shot and died on the spot. . I have had that vision ever since I was a small child. . long before I understood what it was. . long before I knew what war even was. . it is one of my earliest memories of life. . .

I find that interesting... my husband has related to me a similar experience;
recurring dreams he has had since he was a very young child about dying in a war.
I don't remember the details of it, but he seems certain it was a past life dream.
I don't know if there are past lives or not, but I've had recurring dreams

In one I am a young man, standing in very tall grass of the plains, with all my buddies. From how they are dressed I would say it is some Plains Native American tribe. I'm stroking my horse, and it occurs to me that I love my horse more than my wife.

In one, I have no idea what gender I am, but the house is very old, and all the furniture and stuff looks like its out of a Romantic Era movie. On the dresser is a music box and a pearl necklace. I hear a swish of long skirts, but I don't know if theyre mine or someone else behind me. But every time I watch "Beauty and the Beast", the sound of her swishing skirts gives me this aching de ja vu. Similarly, hearing a music box in a movie, like Somewhere in Time or like in Anastasia, makes me feel like I can almost remember something but not quite.

In another one, I'm a very young black girl, hiding in some kind of wheat field, and my feet hurt like I've been running over bad ground. My heart is pounding because I can hear voices.

The scariest one is where I'm in the upper room of a home. On the desk are pair of glasses and a book all in hebrew. The first thing I hear is the bark of dogs, then angry voices, and I start to become afraid. Then I hear this terrible shattering of the windows down below on the street. I know they are coming, and I know that I'm probably going to die, and that it won't be an easy death. Sometimes this is when I wake up. Sometimes I wake up when I hear the footsteps on their stairs, or when they pound on the door. Occasionally the dream runs its course where I'm being attacked, and all I can think is that the only way to get away is to simply close my eyes and be somewhere else... at which point I always wake up, like my reality is the somewhere else I need to escape to.

The loveliest one I call the Cornfield dream. I'm a grown woman and have a husband and many children and a dog. Behind our adobe brick home (which is really just one room) are very small graves. It's very hot, and the dust gets on everything. Mostly in this dream I just do hard work, washing clothes on a stone, pounding out the corn into flour. But I'm very happy in this dream because I love my husband and he loves me. I've often felt compelled to stitch all the dreams of the Cornfield together into a novel where a woman has everything she could ever want, except Love; the Cornfield becomes her fantasy alternate reality.

There is the Chinese dream. I spend most of my time in this dream copying manuscripts. The place is built like a box with an empty outdoor garden in the middle of it, and the rooms more or less wrap around this garden, with a shaded wooden walkway. Something hangs there, I think it is made of metal because it make pleasant clinking noises in the breeze. Sometimes I take paths outside the building, and I reach a gate. On the gate are five chinese characters. Once in real life, I drew these five characters for one of my Chinese friends, and she was astonished and said "Those are the five elements." It was a real twilight zone moment. LOL

And finally there is a dream where I am a smoking man, dressed mostly in black, sitting outdoors in a cafe, and writing, with a drink near at hand. This dream has been so compelling, that several times in real life I have dressed just like that and spent the afternoon in an outdoor cafe working on my writing. However, I never smoke. Nasty stuff!

So.... I've never dreamed I was anyone famous. Sorry, I know, very boring.
I don't think I have had a past life. I think that if past lives exist, then this is my first time around. I have had recurring dreams of tornadoes but I know that comes from a video I saw in geography in the 7th grade of a trailer park being flattened by one. Other than that, I don't get a "past life" feel from any of my thoughts, dreams, etc. I just think I'm new.
I wasn't on this exact planet in a previous life. It was much bigger but had the same feel to it as this place does. I could do much more there.

But. After much deliberation a few years ago I am seeing in more ways than one so then comes along my friend doubt and a whole new stream of ideas. I can't say with 100% clarity I had a previous life elsewhere. But to me at least. A possibility remains until further notice.
I get glimpses from time to time of being in a desert. There's a woman and a younger person (male or female, I am unsure...) with me, and we're all covered with dust. I get the impression we're all very close. I doubt for some reason, though, that the woman is my wife and the child is mine. I think they're relatives, but in a different way.

There's also an image of an old man laughing, wearing a white shirt, underneath a metal roof.

I'm pretty sure all of this happened in southern north america/south america.

But who was I? I don't know.
I was probably a bastard in a past life. Explains why I'm such a nice guy today....
There is an issue I have with past lives that I can't seem to reconcile in my mind and perhaps some of you who believe in them can help me with this:

There are over 6 billion people on this planet. This has not always been the case. Is it that there are new souls being constantly born into human beings, or is it that there were a set number of souls to begin with which have been broken down, dispersed, reformed and spread into each new life that comes to Earth? Or, does one soul continue to be reborn eternally? Are there "new souls" that have yet to come to Earth?

If the original souls are being broken down after the physical death and are reforming into new ones, does that explain why so many people are disjointed and disconnected because they only have fragments of previous souls stitched together?

I am curious.
There is an issue I have with past lives that I can't seem to reconcile in my mind and perhaps some of you who believe in them can help me with this:

There are over 6 billion people on this planet. This has not always been the case. Is it that there are new souls being constantly born into human beings, or is it that there were a set number of souls to begin with which have been broken down, dispersed, reformed and spread into each new life that comes to Earth? Or, does one soul continue to be reborn eternally? Are there "new souls" that have yet to come to Earth?

If the original souls are being broken down after the physical death and are reforming into new ones, does that explain why so many people are disjointed and disconnected because they only have fragments of previous souls stitched together?

I am curious.

Well one view could be that some reincarnating entities are absorbed back into an underlying spiritual reality some call god, some dao, ein sof and stop incarnating and new ones appear.

I have never had a waking vivid past life experience...well except coming into barcelona I saw a bunch of houses I'd seen in a dream...but I am not sure if that was a past life experience per se. Maybe just the usual strangeness. ;)

That said I have had an unusual and very strong interest in all things late 19th century from a very early age, where I feel I have been put into the wrong time and I should have been in that era instead. It's very hard to explain.
I have always also had a feeling I may have been tortured and killed for being a heretic and that's why I've had an unexplained fear of very religious people in the exoteric sense since early childhood.
I believe many of the people I've come to contact with I've met before. Seeing it in the eyes rings true to me. I remember looking into my husband's eyes and literally seeing into his being, which I knew I had loved dearly for a long long time. With my husband the feeling we had been married in a previous life was so strong we discussed it right away on our first or second date and we felt like an "old couple" from the start. I also actually saw him in a childhood dream...so I'd seen him before.
I have been going through a life change and have been reacquainting with myself after a long exile (and subsequent burnout) in the "sensory world". I have been reconnecting with my own authentic self and have had some vivid dreams and subconscious things come to light and I was thinking about past lives one night before bedtime and concentrated on the idea intently. I was suprised to find myself in what I believe is ancient china where I was a handsome young male scholar. There was some unrest in the kingdom and there was an impending attack. The king asked me to use magical means I had knowledge of to defend him and influence the events about to unfold in his favor. This included words painted on a parchment and I remember knowing that it was all for vain and we were bound to loose but did what the king asked anyway.
It was more vivid than the usual dream so who knows.
whoa, quite a strong experience! ive always felt that im in the wrong age :S. i will love to be an ancient warrior...
i have no recollection of any life other than this one.
like [MENTION=1834]sandra_b[/MENTION], i have trouble with the math of it all.
There is an issue I have with past lives that I can't seem to reconcile in my mind and perhaps some of you who believe in them can help me with this:

There are over 6 billion people on this planet. This has not always been the case. Is it that there are new souls being constantly born into human beings, or is it that there were a set number of souls to begin with which have been broken down, dispersed, reformed and spread into each new life that comes to Earth? Or, does one soul continue to be reborn eternally? Are there "new souls" that have yet to come to Earth?

If the original souls are being broken down after the physical death and are reforming into new ones, does that explain why so many people are disjointed and disconnected because they only have fragments of previous souls stitched together?

I am curious.

I'm also curious!
Maybe souls also occupy other places other than Earth, maybe there are other Earths (either quite literally or conceptually-speaking, but I don't mean parallel dimensions where we have mirror-selves. Rather, similar places with unique inhabitants). Perhaps some souls have had experiences in other galaxies or planets, and are now coming to Earth in great numbers because this is intended for some reason unknown to us. Perhaps this is their first time on Earth, but perhaps not... And perhaps some souls have remained in soul-form for quite some time. Or perhaps new souls are continually being born/established, fragmented, or something along those lines.

Maybe it is a combination of things! :)
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Turns out I was Inigo Montoya.

No one ever claims to be someone who is boring or not famous. That is why I cant believe in this stuff.