Why did God create stupid people?

also mildly amusing:


I actually have no problem with the idea of God; just in the way people handle it
I can answer in several ways to your question:

1. God owes SO MUCH to stupid people! If it wasn't for them nobody would pay for sustaining the church system. Sensitive people are feeling empathy for stupid people, stupid people make sins and priests have so much work to do.
Stupid people are the employers of God.

2. A man can make a watch but there is no man inside that watch. In the same way, God made the universe but there is no god inside every stupid mechanism.

3. God knows. We don't and there's no point to try, we are so stupid anyway.

4. At the end, have you ever thought that it is no God that made stupid people, but it is stupid people that made God?

There is an old saying that encourages us to, "...not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." I have often noticed that the reaction to a thing people dislike can easily be just as harmful (and frequently worse) than the initial infraction itself! In the case of this particular discussion (there are many others), in one's response to a perceived "stupidity", one can behave just as, or even more, stupidly themselves if one is not careful. If we really want the world to be a more enlightened or intelligent place, we'd best to start out with ourselves. You know...."light one candle" and all that stuff. :)
Unverifiable assertions are what I'm good at!

Leave the fact checking to the NT's and SJ's :m091:

Progression relies on change. Progress cannot be achieved without difference in the environment. What animal wins in evolution? The one that has a slight advantage. What idea spreads through the scientific communities and is accepted? The one that's believed to have the most merit and hopefully proved to be correct. Without difference, there would be nothing but stagnation throughout the universe. Stupidity is the result of difference at play.

My IQ is probably above 120, but when I went to an engineering college, I sat in some classes with true geniuses and felt utterly stupid in their presence. If all the people dumber than me where to not be here, I'd be the dumb one.
Because that's how they can best fulfill their divine purpose.

(Removing the "God" from the question: Because the modern world for the most part really limits natural selection, causing the stupid, which would die before reproducing in a less developed world, to be able to pass on their "stupid genes.")
We are all pretty stupid. There are many tests which demonstrate our tendencies to make simple, fundamental errors. Stupidity gives us opportunities to cooperate, be patient and be tolerant.
"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them." (Dalai Lama)
I think it's about goodness.
=> thought about this quote again: in the beginning I assumed that it supports only altruistic behavior, now, I think it also implies egoistic behavior, as long as it's not "harmful" to others (however, the right of self-defensiveness isn't considered).
I am sure that human nature is ambivalent: egoistic& altruistic motivations usually both influence our behavior in society.

coming back to thread theme:
everyone has its shortcomings and strengths (practical intelligence, tactical intelligence, diplomatic/ social intelligence, strategic intelligence, verbal intelligence, logic intelligence, mathematical intelligence, logistic intelligence, emotional intelligence...
as long as an individual contributes to the well being of a society there is no need to ask such a disparaging leading question.
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Speaking as 'don't know about god at all'-ostic. One cannot have one side of the coin without the other. Thus, if you wish to have polymaths and savants one must accept that retards will be returned on approximately 50% of the flips of the coin. Naturally most people are about average.

When referring to intelligence or stupidity, these terms are always relative to the reference point of experience of others and the individuals 'reference' intellect. God is only looking for 'relatively' intelligent people to observe.

One can quite easily guess that god plays dice, but that the dice are loaded. He can stipulate that he requires polymaths thus maximising the distribution curve of intelligence or he can have a very narrow distribution of intellect, either/or not both. To have a system which works to create the polymaths relevant to his interests he loads the dice to create them, however, all things being in balance this creates those who are simpler.
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I thought every village was supposed to have an idiot, and everyone has a different view on who is the idiot.
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I thought every village was supposed to have an idiot, and everyone has a different view on who is the idiot.

Yup. And this is exactly why I find people bitching and moaning about morons really annoying. At some point, everyone has been a moron. Big deal. The less people let bother them the better off they'll be.
Assuming there is a God, why did he or she create stupid people? Was that a mistake? I mean even with free will, some men are clearly dumber than others. Some so dumb that they need others to do their thinking for them and they forgo all the free will that God supposedly gave them to be told how they should live their lives. Others are so dumb they think they can control how other people live their lives either by force, coercion, or shame. The dumbest by far are those who think their personal perspective is the universal truth, that they are infallible because of their personal interpretation of what God allegedly has said.

I like the idea of believing in God, I'm just disappointed in God for making stupid people. It is not God's best work.

Idk, it's hard to say. I asked God why He made you born this way too, but He never answers back.

I guess He's too busy creating sexy people like me to worry about the small fries.
Because he needed someone to pray to him after he killed their parents, crippled their brother, "blessed" their child with Autism and flooded their home... and blamed it all on that other guy he also created called "The Devil".
Because he needed someone to pray to him after he killed their parents, crippled their brother, "blessed" their child with Autism and flooded their home... and blamed it all on that other guy he also created called "The Devil".

God's morality is certainly in doubt. Maybe that is why he needed Jesus. So he could truly understand the fucked up world he created.
God's "best" work is going to be relative to his "worst" work is it not? So thank the idiots, they're the one's whose existence you depend on to differentiate yourself.
it seem some of us get offended by stupid people, i dont, i make use of their strength that they seem unware of, they have a tendecy to be easily lead and their effortlessly maintained, they also will follow instructions without questions, consequently they make the perfect assistant to personal needs, but take advice from them or acknowlege it, the result would be an emmence dissapointment, as well as reienforment of their stupidity. so a definite "negative" for partenership.

So how do you maintain a stupid peson and keep them under your spell, you would have to demonstrate qualities they feel missing in them self, and appeal to "fairness" in an forceful authoterian stand, from then on you would begin to establish a functional rapport, once you've gained enough acceptance, repetition is a factor but appealing to their fantacies is key, at this point let your supreme creativity roam free. Now you have a lovable(at least from your perpective) assistant ready to take on projects.
You're right about the process, but something seems wrong about this. You have to consider their best interests as well. If they'd be happier doing something else than working with you, then you shouldn't ensnare them. And try to be realistic. I know we all definitely think everyone would be better off with us rather than on their own (mostly) but you have to try and look at it objectively. I'm not perfect, and neither are you - but even if we were, some people get miserable when they feel like they can't reach the level of someone around them.

Food for thought.
Because hell is supposed to have torment tailored to each of our unique personalities.

"This IS the other place ROFLOLOLOL!"
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