Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

I'm transtype

It must be hard for you all, right now.

I am not sure why you are being so combative? I do not see this as an attack on INTPs, since as far as I can tell, most INFJs have so far seemed to indicate that they get along with INTPs. I think all of this is falling into the trap of generalising a whole group when you may have not gotten along with just one person, that goes for the main question as well. Also, since I have not actually met another INFJ my whole life (in my personal life), I am not sure how you could have met so many that you could generalise about an entire group of people like this.
INFJs arguing is like a swarm of metaphorical killer martyr bees who kamikaze ad hominem logic error the enemy, by banning the user. They avoid the argument, maybe they can't fully grasp logical structure, they form a unit of attacking the persons character posing the argument (such as immaturity), they then make the person giving the argument get banned. Due to their hive mind mentality. All the while, the argument has not even been considered, because it hurts their feelings. Seriously INFJs. Do you all argue this way? I know that there is a great possibility of me getting banned, and you completely proving my point. And you will not even notice, that you proved my point, because you are incapable of logical analysis.

idk how I missed all this years ago. I think it's interesting how somebody can come to this sort of conclusion lol.
I kind of get it, but also I think your own perceptions have been painted by your own shortcomings.
idk how I missed all this years ago. I think it's interesting how somebody can come to this sort of conclusion lol.
I kind of get it, but also I think your own perceptions have been painted by your own shortcomings.

Interesting though, how it's a familiar point that recurs from time to time.

The whole "illogical hive mind feelings-based" argument. Seems to be the central obsession of those who dislike INFJs.