Interesting though, how it's a familiar point that recurs from time to time.
The whole "illogical hive mind feelings-based" argument. Seems to be the central obsession of those who dislike INFJs.
We only attack arseholes.
View attachment 76838
Lol^INFJs are just commie bees.
I think it's a similar perception that is due to online engagement.
Tendencies are magnified online. It's like the perception of INTPs being trolls or INTJs being INTJs.
I wanted to name my little boy Marcus Aurelius or some other Greek god of thunder type name. I got vetoed.. \○/
I likey. But our last name, translated loosely, means tailbone. Then he would have been Frost Tailbone..Shouldda gone with Frost
I likey. But our last name, translated loosely, means tailbone. Then he would have been Frost Tailbone..
Underrated phraseemotional pollution
I didn't have the heart to clarify at the time that I was just talking about INTPs.Underrated phrase
But did it really deserve a 1 star review, noise? Lol24 pages of replies to a thread with the worst premise ever
24 pages of replies to a thread with the worst premise ever
But did it really deserve a 1 star review, noise? Lol
That thread wasn't started way back in 2013 though, so you have time to catch up.
well I'm transtype
btw my preferred pronoun is "his excellency"
are you really back?
INFJs are just commie bees.